"Warped Universe" is an intriguing auditory journey, transporting the listener into an entirely different dimension. It begins with a distortion, a seemingly misplaced sound that is both strange and captivating, immediately capturing attention. This sound is the cornerstone of the auditory experience, repeating throughout in a hypnotic loop that serves as the sequence of the entire composition. As the listener delves deeper into this distorted universe, synthetic tones intermingle with the electronic beats, weaving an intricate web of sound that is both harsh and hard. This dichotomy of sounds is a testament to the rich, textured nature of the composition, demonstrating its ability to be both strong and delicate simultaneously. In the heart of this journey, there is an element of noise that is anything but ordinary. It's a hard-edged static, similar to the glitch one might experience on a VHS tape, serving as a stark reminder of the imperfections in this warped universe. This noise