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cover of Rough_LA_2

The audio piece titled "Rough_LA_2" opens with a bohemian vibe, reminiscent of a bustling city's soundscape. The melody starts with the jangle of various metallic objects, creating a symphony of clanks and clangs that set the rhythm. Intermittent, amidst the metallic cacophony, there's the soft tinkle of glass, providing a soothing contrast, as if signifying the occasional glimmers of tranquility in the chaotic city life. Then, the enchanting sound of a flute comes in, weaving its way through the metallic sounds, acting as a reminder of the human element in this industrial soundscape. It's a delicate dance of sounds, a harmony of the rough and the soft. There's a sudden cling, as if a toast is being made, followed by the soulful strains of a violin, adding a layer of melancholy to the otherwise upbeat track. The violin's mournful notes seem to narrate a tale of

Sound Effectsbohemiajangleclankfluteclangtinkleglassclingviolinclink

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