The audio titled "Roger Nuri", is a warm and heartfelt reminiscence of a person's school days. The narrative unfolds in the peaceful locale of Bordils, a setting that is intricately woven in the tapestry of the speaker's family life. The audio holds a special emphasis on the role of 'escola' or school, which played a significant part in shaping the speaker's identity. As the audio progresses, listeners are introduced to the Brossart family, who have close ties to the school and the speaker's family. The narrative is filled with fond remembrances of the times spent with them, painting a vivid picture of familial bonds and shared experiences. Overall, the audio is a touching tribute to the speaker's school days, family, and the enduring bonds formed during that time, set against the quaint backdrop of Bordils. It captures the essence of nostalgia, making the listeners reminisce about their own past, and connects them through shared experiences of school days and family