The audio begins with the sound of water being poured into a glass, setting the stage for the process of mouth rinsing. The listener can then hear the distinct sound of a person sipping the water, followed by a period of silence, indicating the water being swished around in the mouth. This is interspersed with the unmistakable sound of gargling, a common part of mouth rinsing. The gargling sound is made multiple times, the liquid being agitated in the back of the throat, clearly signifying the person is thoroughly rinsing their mouth. The sound of swallowing occurs next, denoting the person has finished gargling and is now swallowing the water. This sequence repeats a couple of times, indicating the person is rinsing their mouth thoroughly with water. The audio concludes with the sound of a satisfied sigh, followed by the clink of the glass being set down, symbolizing the end of the mouth rinsing process.