On July 26, 2020, a lively scene unfolds in the heart of summer, set on a ship traveling on a river. The audio captures the immersive stereo field-recording of the outdoors, making listeners feel as though they're part of the voyage. The gentle, yet persistent, stream of the river can be heard in the recording, its bubbling rhythm providing a soothing backdrop to the sounds of the ship's diesel engine. The engine's steady hum and occasional chugging, an indicator of its power and the vessel's progress through the water, fills the background. Peoples' voices can be heard amidst the sounds of the journey, their excited chatter and occasional laughter resonating with the joy and anticipation of travel. The variation in tones and pitches adds to the rich tapestry of sounds, painting a vivid audio picture of the journey. The soft rustling of clothing, the occasional thud of footsteps, and the distant laughter all become part of this audio journey, making