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cover of "Obtaining a Shopping Cart on December 4, 2013 - Recorded with Zoom H2nXY"
"Obtaining a Shopping Cart on December 4, 2013 - Recorded with Zoom H2nXY"

"Obtaining a Shopping Cart on December 4, 2013 - Recorded with Zoom H2nXY"


The audio recording titled "Obtaining a Shopping Cart on December 4, 2013 - Recorded with Zoom H2nXY" starts with the sound of footsteps echoing on a tiled floor, characteristic of a supermarket scene. The ambience is filled with the distant hum of conversations, rustling of shopping bags, and occasional beeping of cash registers, painting a vivid picture of a bustling supermarket. The main action begins when the sound of a metal trolley being pulled out from a stacked row of shopping carts can be heard. The distinct clanking of metal against metal resonates as the trolley is disentangled. The squeaky wheels of the shopping cart start rolling, creating a rhythm with the protagonist's footsteps. Throughout the recording, the audio captures various other incidental sounds such as the rustling of items being placed into the cart, the soft pings of barcode scanners from the checkout lanes, and the occasional chatter of shoppers and supermarket staff. The field recording concludes with th

Sound Effectstrolleyshoppingcartrecordingfieldsupermarket

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