The audio begins with the distant yet distinct sounds of New Year's firecrackers popping and sizzling, building up the anticipation for the main event. The crisp and crackling sounds of fireworks exploding in the sky soon take over. Each explosion is a symphony of sound, resonating with a burst of energy that seems to ripple through the night. The fireworks create a spectacular audio show, each with its own unique rhythm and tone, some sharp and sudden, others echoing and resonating across the soundscape. Interspersed with the explosive symphony are the joyful shrieks of people celebrating the arrival of the New Year. Their screams are high-pitched and filled with excitement, a spontaneous outburst of happiness and anticipation for the year ahead. The collective thrill of the crowd adds a human touch to the otherwise explosive soundscape. Amid the man-made noises, there's the unmistakable sound of dogs barking. Their barks are a range of pitches, some high and frantic, others