The audio titled "Mouse Wedding" begins with a series of playful beeps, similar to those of a vintage video game. This seemingly marks the commencement of the cheerful event, the mouse wedding. Soon, the soft, skittering sounds of tiny paws can be heard, suggestive of the arrival of the rat guests. There is an undertone of tiny squeaks and rustles, likely the chatter among the mouse and rat attendees. Next, a series of grunts can be heard, which might be associated with the bigger guests at the wedding, possibly the rat relatives. The grunts are deep and resonant, bringing a contrast to the light-hearted atmosphere with their seriousness. As the audio progresses, the beeps and squeaks harmoniously merge with the grunts, creating a symphony of sounds that perfectly encapsulate the unique and joyous occasion of a mouse wedding. The overall audio is a charming blend of playful beeps, soft squeaks, and serious grunts,