The audio titled "Mouse Cursor Malfunction" opens with a short, rhythmic percussive sound, reminiscent of a DIY project in the works. The listener is greeted by the distinct, hollow tapping of plastic buttons being pressed. The audio then transitions into a slightly glitchy, electronic sound, like a computer mouse cursor misbehaving. A switch is flipped, and a new layer of percussive elements is introduced. It's a homemade rhythm, seemingly crafted from common household items, evoking the image of a deck of cards being shuffled. The glitchy mouse cursor sound continues throughout, adding a digital edge to the otherwise organic soundscape. The audio ends on a similar note to its beginning, with the same short, percussive rhythm, bringing the listener full circle. Despite the digital disruption of the mouse cursor malfunction, there's a comforting familiarity in the homemade percussive sounds, like a DIY project coming together despite minor setbacks.