"Mermaid 3" is an engaging audio track that opens with the rhythmic sound of a steady, pulsating beat. This beat, symbolizing the sonido, or sound, keeps a constant pace throughout, driving the narrative forward. The narrative is one of pursuit, indicative of the tag 'chase'. The audio captures the tension of this chase, the rhythm quickening with each passing moment, paralleling the increasing speed of the pursuit. Suddenly, there's the unmistakable sound of a golpe, or a hit. The beat is disrupted, creating a moment of suspense. Following this, there's the sound of something being handed over, or entrega. This moment of exchange is brief but significant, encapsulating the hard work, or trabajo, that has led up to this point. The audio track then returns to its steady beat, the chase resuming once more. The narrative created by the audio conveys a sense of ongoing struggle, of an unending chase.