As the audio title "Landscape of Science Fiction 2" begins, an immersive atmosphere envelops listeners, swiftly pulling them into a different realm. The ambience is palpable, reminiscent of a vast, alien landscape that stretches out as far as the eye can see. The backdrop is almost cinematic, painting a picture of a world where science fiction and reality meet. The soundscape is underscored by a steady rhythm of synth chords, creating a futuristic feel. These electronic notes ebb and flow like a cosmic tide, intertwining with the ambient sounds to form a complex, layered composition. The sci-fi element is ever-present, interweaving through the soundscape like a silver thread. It transports listeners to a place where starships zoom across the sky, and distant planets glimmer on the horizon. The audio title doesn't just tell a story, it invites listeners to lose themselves in it, to wander through a landscape that is at once familiar and utterly alien. The chords rise