The audio opens in a slow, drawn-out manner, mirroring the pace of a challenging video game or a tense, atmospheric scene in cinema. The title, "Issues in English," suggests a grim exploration of problems and stressors related to the language. The audio starts with low, ambient sounds that gradually rise, creating an unpleasant and tense atmosphere. As it progresses, the audio seems to ebb and flow, mimicking the ups and downs of navigating through linguistic problems. Midway, the pace quickens slightly, adding a layer of stress to the overall grim atmosphere. The audio then shifts, presenting a series of complex, intertwining sounds that may represent the intricate nature of English issues. The elevated tension evokes a sense of being in a suspenseful movie or a challenging level in a video game. Towards the end, the audio slows down, perhaps signifying a resolution or a moment of respite from the earlier stress. However, the ambient, grim undertones persist,