In the audio titled "Fellow Residents," the ambience of a rural setting is captured in a lo-fi, raw style using a microcassette. The recording begins with the subtle, soothing sounds of a field, evoking a sense of open space and tranquility. The chirping of birds, rustle of leaves, and distant, indistinct sounds of nature provide a vivid and immersive soundscape. As the field recording progresses, the listener is introduced to the voices of a family, specifically that of a young girl. Her innocent, lively chatter and occasional cuss words are interspersed throughout the audio, adding a layer of human warmth and spontaneity to the otherwise serene environment. The girl's voice, combined with the sound of the cassette tape, lends an authentic, nostalgic charm to the recording. The audio is not without its darker undertones, hinted at by the tag 'curse.' There's an underlying sense of some unspecified, ominous presence in the narrative,