In episode 026052, titled "Goldie", the story unfolds through a combination of audio effects and skilled foley work, immersing the listener in a rich, auditory experience. It commences with the sound of a soft breeze rustling through leaves, followed by the distant chirping of birds, setting a peaceful, outdoor scene. Suddenly, a distinctive metallic clinking sound breaks the tranquility, hinting at the presence of the protagonist, Goldie. The clinking sound suggests she might be a character with a strong connection to metal – possibly a blacksmith, a miner, or even a gold prospector. The narrative is punctuated with an array of sound effects. There's the soft padding of footsteps on a gravel path, the creaking of a rusty gate, and the murmur of a crowd in the distance. These sounds create a diverse soundscape that paints a vivid picture of Goldie's world. Throughout the episode, the foley adds an extra layer of