As the audio titled "Encounter of Trains on a Bridge" begins, one can hear the distant, ambient sounds of the surrounding environment. The faint rustling of leaves, the whispering of the wind, and the calming chirping of birds provide a serene backdrop. Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere is punctuated by the distant sound of an approaching train. The rhythmic clatter of wheels against iron rails grows progressively louder, echoing through the open fields that surround the scene. Then, the distinct metallic resonance of a bridge comes into play. The sound is amplified, hinting that the train is now crossing an iron bridge, its resounding echo painting a vivid picture of a sturdy, industrial structure spanning a significant expanse. As the first train continues its journey across the bridge, a new sound emerges - another train in the distance. The two sets of noises begin to mingle, creating a symphony of mechanical power and engineering might. The second train draws nearer, its appr