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cover of Dragging Chain
Dragging Chain

Dragging Chain


In the audio titled "Dragging Chain", you are immediately engulfed by the ambient sounds of a park setting. Captured through the lens of a zoom h4n field recording, every detail is amplified, creating an immersive, environmental auditory experience. The focal point of this soundscape is the prominent and consistent noise of a chain being dragged across a concrete surface. The grating, metallic echoes intermingle with the subtle backdrop of chirping birds and soft breezes rustling through leaves. This blend of natural and man-made sounds forms a unique sonic tapestry. The dragging chain's rhythm is almost hypnotic, lending a raw, industrial feel to the otherwise serene park atmosphere. The audio concludes leaving a deep impression, a testament to the power of field recording in transforming everyday sounds into captivating audio experiences.

Sound Effectsfield-recordingchainfieldh4nparkzoomenvironmentconcretedragambient

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