As the audio "Different Types of Twangs" begins, a series of unique and distinctive twang sounds fill the air. There's the high-pitched twang of a tightly wound spring being released, its energy bursting forth in a vibrant echo. The sound is sharp, almost metallic, like the plucking of a guitar string. Next, we hear the softer twang of a spring landing. This twang is lighter, almost playful, with a bounce that adds an element of surprise. It's a sound that makes one imagine a coil spring bouncing from one place to another, a soft thud accompanying each landing. Then, we experience the hard-hitting twang of an impact. This sound is deeper, more resonant. It brings to mind a heavy object striking a large, tautly stretched metal sheet, creating a reverberating twang that seems to shake the very air around it. Each twang is unique, each carrying its own story, its own interpretation.