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cover of Daytime City Traffic
Daytime City Traffic

Daytime City Traffic


The audio begins with the unmistakable hum of a bustling city during daytime. The continuous ebb and flow of traffic creates a rhythmic symphony of urban life. Cars noise steadily flows through the soundscape, punctuated by the occasional revving of engines as they dart in and out of lanes. Amidst this, the distinct grumble of bus engines can be heard. The buses lumber along, adding a deep, resonant bass to the rhythm of the city. Their doors open and close with a whoosh, intermittently interrupting the steady hum of the traffic. The city's soundscape is also textured with the sounds of life on the streets. There's the faint echo of pedestrians chatting, the clatter of footsteps on the pavement, the occasional ring of a bicycle bell, and the distant hoot of a far-off car horn. The audio paints a vivid picture of a city in motion. It's a characteristic day in the city, filled with the typical sounds and rhythms

Sound Effectscityfield-recordingbusstreettrafficcarsday

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