Our audio experience titled "Damaged Refrigerator" begins with the familiar low hum of a refrigerator motor. This is not the steady and reassuring sound that most of us are used to, but rather a struggling, inconsistent hum that signifies a faulty appliance. The motor's sound is intermittently interrupted with a disturbing buzz that seems to reverberate around the room, giving an auditory glimpse into the inner workings of the damaged refrigerator. As we delve deeper into the audio, a distinctive rattle becomes noticeable. It's a sound that creates an image of loose parts knocking against each other within the confines of the refrigerator's structure, hinting at mechanical issues that have led to the appliance's breakage. The combination of the hum, buzz, and rattle creates a symphony of sounds that tells the story of a broken refrigerator. The audio paints a vivid picture of an appliance in need of repair, offering a unique insight into the life of a household object that is often