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cover of Cry of the Frog
Cry of the Frog

Cry of the Frog


The audio track, "Cry of the Frog", unfolds in a serene park, where a tranquil pond serves as the heart of the soundscape. You perceive the heartening harmony of nature, intricately woven around the park's various elements. The signature sound of the track, the distinct call of a frog, reverberates across the pond, cutting through the serene silence with its potent croak. The croak has a unique rhythm - a symphony of life resonating from the tiny throat of the amphibian, evoking images of it sitting on a lily pad or nestled in the reeds. The backdrop is filled with the distant rustling of leaves, the occasional splash of water, and the subtle chatter of other unseen animals. These elements combine to create a rich, natural orchestra, with the frog's cry as the lead instrument. The track is a testament to the tranquility of the park and the vibrancy of the pond's ecosystem. The audio paints a vivid picture

Sound Effectspondparkanimalfrognature

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