As the audio titled "Approaching the Lake" begins, you can hear the distant chattering of birds, their songs interspersed with the soft rustling of leaves underfoot. You're seemingly on a journey, moving steadily towards an unseen destination. This is not just any city, but it carries the distinctive ambiance of Porto, a city known for its rich history and vibrant culture. The rhythmic sound of footsteps on cobblestones echoes through the air, resonating with the city's charm. Slowly, the urban soundscape begins to blend with the more serene melodies of nature. You're now entering the Boavista district, a place where the city meets the tranquility of the park. The footsteps become softer, the atmosphere calmer. Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of water comes into play, gentle and soothing. You're nearing the lake, a centrepiece of the park. The chirping of the birds is now accompanied by the soft quacking of