This audio unfolds with a mixture of synthetic and natural sound effects, creating an immersive atmosphere. It begins with a low hum of synthesizers, setting a mysterious yet awe-inspiring tone. The audio masterfully captures the essence of Secretariat, the legendary racehorse, reflecting on his divine construction. The ethereal chords of the synthesizer further intensify, symbolizing the power and majesty of Secretariat. The audio is interjected with the resonating sound of a horse's gallop, bringing to life the agile speed and powerful stride of Secretariat. As the audio progresses, the synth notes heighten, adding a sense of intensity and anticipation. The galloping sound effect becomes more prominent, perfectly illustrating Secretariat's unmatched racing prowess. This audio piece masterfully combines synth music with sound effects to create a vivid aural representation of the legendary Secretariat, emphasizing his divine construction and unparalleled racing talents.