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cover of 020142_FOLEY Women's Briefcase Being Placed on a Table
020142_FOLEY Women's Briefcase Being Placed on a Table

020142_FOLEY Women's Briefcase Being Placed on a Table


In this audio titled "020142_FOLEY Women's Briefcase Being Placed on a Table", you can hear the distinctive sound effects of a woman's briefcase being positioned on a table. The briefcase makes a characteristic noise that reflects its texture and material, perhaps leather or a similar substance. The foley effect is vivid, creating realistic auditory imagery of the act. The sound also gives an indication of the weight of the briefcase, suggesting it may contain various items. As the briefcase comes into contact with the surface of the table, there's a discernible thud, followed by a slight sliding sound as it settles into place. The whole scene makes one visualize an office or a professional setting where a woman has just arrived and placed her briefcase on the table.

Sound Effectsfoleybriefcassfx

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