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Matched filtering is a way to determine when a transmitted signal returns. It involves using a template signal, which is a copy of the transmitted signal. The matched filter does a cross-correlation between the received signal and the template signal to find the highest correlation. This indicates that the received signal and the template signal overlapped during the convolution. The correlation output from the matched filter helps us detect the return of the transmitted signal. A YouTube video explains matched filtering in detail. Watch the video for more information. There is one way to know when the transmitted signal returns, called matched filtering. Here, I only tell the general concept. In matched filtering, it has a template signal. The template signal is the copy of the transmitted signal. The matched filter does the cross-correlation between the received signal and the template signal. If the correlation between two signals is highest, it means the received signal and the template signal are overlapped during the convolution. We detect the highest correlation and use it to determine the transmitted signal return back. The right figure shows the received signal and the template signal. The lower part is the correlation between two signals, which is the output of the matched filter. This is a screenshot from a YouTube video. This YouTube video demonstrates the matched filtering in very detail. You can watch the video for detailed information.