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cover of message from heaven missing last min plus
message from heaven missing last min plus

message from heaven missing last min plus




message from heaven, work in progress

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Malik, the speaker is in heaven and describes how wonderful it is. There is no night in heaven and the speaker is no longer afraid or tired. They can run and dance for hours and butterflies follow them. The speaker can hear puppies and kittens talk to them and they feel God's love through these animals. The speaker also meets the king lion, who is gentle and loving. In heaven, there is constant joy and celebration. The speaker feels overwhelming happiness and feels God's love more than ever before. Malik, please come dance with me. I so want you to meet all the wonderful forever friends. Heaven's so different, better than I ever imagined. It's true, there's no night here. So I'll never be afraid of the dark again. I'll never be scared. I'm pain again. And more than that, I don't have to go to bed because I never get tired. I was very tired when you said goodbye. But now I run and dance for hours and hours. Butterflies follow and tickle my finger tips as we all sing and dance together. Heard you crying as I let us close my eyes. But don't you worry. It's a long, long time they're here, really. And the only thing I miss is you and my family. Please tell them to do everything they can to come here. Always, but oh, they must really turn here soon. Forever ago, when I was just a little kid, I thought I was going to be afraid in heaven. But being afraid doesn't make sense anymore. The moment I closed my eyes with you, I could hear puppies and kittens running to me with joyful squeals and yelling. They were waiting special just for me. I could even hear them talk to me. I can't explain how. They told me that God had kept them just for me to meet me and show me around. It helped me understand how very much God loves me. But here in heaven are down there and older. Puppies and kittens were made to remind us what God's love is like. They were so very glad to see me that right away I forgot about everything said. The brown one and the white one licked me on both sides of my face. The yellow one waited and tried to be patient, but he couldn't stand still until I picked him up too. He was big, but my arms were strong. Mommy, I used to be so weak, but now I'm even strong as Teddy. Animal Fred said to me in my hearing, do you think she's ready to meet her big friend? Oh, yes, I'm quite sure now, said the other. Behind me was a very gentle tap, already laughing, he said. May I play too? Then I turned to see. Oh, my. All the books in all the libraries of the world don't have enough words to describe the wonder of him. I saw the king lion. He's feared by his enemies, yet he seemed to me like a gentle kitten, only way, way bigger. He was much more than just an ordinary lion. At the same time, I saw that he was the king lion, the lamb, and the one named Jesus. He was all Jesus. I could feel, now I understood. This place is not like old earth at all. I wasn't scared of the giant king lion, not even a tiny bit, Mommy. You won't be either. He loves us all. Heavenly as to play with us. We squealed in perfect unison. Yes, own, please, yes. We hadn't been rolled in the softest of grass, laughing and crying for joy. You should know that here, one only cries for joy. It was all brand new and so wonderful. We laughed and played for hours, but suddenly, as if we'd practiced this a thousand times before, we all jumped up in unison, like dancers circling around and around, paws and hands waving and singing. We're alive, we're alive, finally alive. It was the greatest song ever. Can you hear it? Alive, alive, finally alive. Great flax birds gathered to sing along. There were robins and roosters, starlings and sparrows. There were fancy ones in playing. Alive, alive, finally alive. The elephants trumpeted, donkeys brayed. There were dolphins that cackled a special sort of celebration. Creatures of all kinds, and there were other kinds that I'd never seen before. The new puppy friends whispered, and even though there was a great, wonderful music and dancing about all the crowds and flocks, I could hear the puppies and the king lying quite clearly. There's much different here. Like a soft, rolling thunder, I could hear this most certainly. This celebration is all for you, my precious child. They all spoke together, but I knew I was hearing the very voice of God. I understood his love so perfect and true, more than I ever known before. I felt like I would burst with happiness. My first thought was Gibson answered what I said in disbelief. But it's only me.

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