Bible (TCNT) NT 01-27: The New Testament
The Twentieth Century New Testament, published in 1904, is a significant translation of the Bible into modern English. It was the first of its kind and aimed to make the scriptures accessible to the common people. This translation was a collaborative effort, involving around 20 individuals from various backgrounds like ministers, housewives, school teachers, and businessmen. They worked diligently for 15 years to create an accurate rendition of the New Testament. The translators sought guidance from renowned scholars such as J. Rendel Harris and Richard Weymouth, ensuring the reliability of their work. They also made notable changes by reorganizing the order of the New Testament books to align with the chronological sequence in which scholars believe they were written. For instance, the Gospel of Mark precedes the Gospel of Matthew. Moreover, each book is accompanied by a brief introduction, aiding readers in understanding the context and background. While The Twentieth Century New T