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Caravan to Midnight - End Times, Your Questions Answered

Caravan to Midnight - End Times, Your Questions Answered

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



This will be an exciting night with me, John B., and Pastor Fred Coulter. We now represent Pastor Fred Coulter. End times, your questions are answered. For people new to the program, Fred Coulter has a ministry spanning 60 years now. He is on a God-inspired mission to preserve the truth of God for the next. of faithful Christians, as forces of godless evil are subtly working behind the scenes in religion, government, education, and economics, secular, liberal, new age, satanic forces are fast a

Podcastend time bible prophecyJ. B. WellsFred R. CoulterChristian Biblical Church of Godcaravan to midnighttruth of god

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Pastor Fred Coulter is back on the program to discuss the End Times. He has been working for 60 years to preserve the truth of God and combat the forces of evil. Christianity is in decline due to doctrinal confusion and compromise with popular culture. The Bible and its teachings are being violated. Pastor Coulter has produced numerous books, sermons, and videos to safeguard the true doctrines of Jesus Christ. He answers questions about the moral decline in society, the connection between the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, the role of the ten kings, the signs of the end times, and the mark of the beast. He also touches on the role of Israel and the vision of the statue in Daniel. The program offers resources to help Christians prepare spiritually and physically for the events described in Revelation. Tonight, we are very pleased to welcome back to the program, Pastor Fred Coulter. Tonight's episode is entitled, End Times. Your questions answered for episode 2,341 for this 12th of August, 2024. All right, settle in. This is going to be a very, very interesting night with me, John B., and Pastor Fred Coulter. Stand by. We present Pastor Fred Coulter, End Times, Your Questions Answered. For people new to the program, Fred Coulter has a ministry spanning 60 years now. He is on a God-inspired mission to preserve the truth of God to the next generation of faithful Christians. As forces of godless evil are subtly working behind the scenes in religion, government, education, and economics, secular, liberal, New Age, satanic forces are fast at work corrupting the fundamental truths of the Bible and destroying godly morality. Prominent atheists, especially in America and the United Kingdom, have mounted bitter assaults against God and the Bible. Even the scriptures themselves are no longer held as sacred, but have been thoroughly violated in the rush to produce so-called modern gender-neutral translations. In fact, Christianity itself is in moral retreat. The result of widespread doctrinal confusion and a growing willingness to compromise biblical principle with popular culture. It is against this backdrop that Pastor Fred Coulter has worked as a minister, author, and publisher to produce 15 books, an abundance of booklets and papers, thousands of audio and video sermons, hundreds of half-hour video segments for church and home, covering basic Bible topics and questions, and over 60 in-depth sermon transcript compilations, all designed to safeguard the true doctrines of Jesus Christ as well as the scriptures themselves. For this episode, End Times, your questions answered, we present Pastor Fred Coulter, and we have a lightning round coming up from various people who have submitted their questions. Welcome back, Pastor. Good to have you on the program. Thank you. I'm glad to be back, and I worked out the problem where we got cut off last time. Oh, excellent. Well, let's get going with Sarah from Illinois. Her question is, how do the events in the book of Daniel reflect on the moral decline we see in society today? Yes, absolutely, and it's more brought out in the book of Isaiah, chapter 5, where it says, Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight. Then it says down here in verse 24, which highlights what was mentioned in Daniel, but just gives a little more detail, and then this verse 24 says, Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble and the flame burns up the chaff, their roots shall be like rottenness, and their blossoms shall go up like the dust, because, now here's the whole thing, because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Now, you can find many, many other scriptures to back that up. All right. Rick from Tennessee wants to know, What is the connection between the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel and the timeline of end times events in Revelation? Very good question. We'll just touch on it right here, because we'll expand it more in the segment after the top of the hour. But here we have in Daniel, the ninth chapter, or the 11th chapter, rather, and it talks about the time of the end, verse 40. At the time of the end, the king of the south shall push at him who is the king of the north, and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots, horsemen, and many ships, and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and sweep through. He shall enter into the glorious land, that's the area of Israel today, called Israel, should be Judea, and many countries, so forth, will he also conquer. So we will bring that out in the next segment, because we'll put all of the flow of prophecy together. All right. We're setting the stage here, folks. John from Florida writes, Pastor, in what ways do the visions of Daniel relate to the current geopolitical tensions we're witnessing? Do you think these are signs of the end times? Yes, they are. And since we're in Daniel, let's come over to Daniel, the 12th chapter. All right. Verse 12. But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Now, we are living in the time of the end, and here's a clue right here. And I want you to think about how accurate this is and how absolutely overwhelmingly it has been fulfilled. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Now, look at how people travel everywhere, go everywhere, on every sort of convenience. Look at the knowledge that we have accumulated. And now with their developing of AI, they are saying that they're ready to double the knowledge every month. So, yes. Every month. Every month. Now, we'll play other things in with that. All right. Mary from California. She wants to know, how should Christians prepare spiritually and physically for the events described in Revelation? I will say this. We have a special at truthofgod.org. Special at truthofgod.org. And if you don't have a computer, the phone number for the office is 1-831-637-1875. We'll send you the information. And that is, Lord, what should I do? Now, we'll tell you how to prepare spiritually. Physically, it's good to have some food, some water, some extra things. And some of the things that I'm sure are advertised on Caravan to Midnight, you can order some of them through them. Excellent. All right. I've written that number down. I'll repeat it. 1-831-637-1875. Right. And I'll bring it up two or three more times, because you dropped your pencil and just busted the lead off of it. Now, let's see. Now, Tom from New York wanted to ask if you could shed some light on the role of the ten kings mentioned in Daniel and Revelation. Do they represent nations, individuals, or something else? They do represent nations. And there are two forms of the ten kings. In Daniel, the seventh chapter, those are successive kingdoms all the way down to the end time. In the book of Revelation, it picks up the end time in Revelation 13 and Revelation 17. And so I'll cover that in the second segment in detail. We'll carry on here. I just saw this thing, but I'll bring your attention here a little bit, but not right now. Dave from beautiful North Carolina asks, Is there a specific event or series of events that you believe will signal the beginning of the end times according to Revelation? Yes. Right here in Daniel 11 that we read it, the king of the north shall come against the king of the south. And that expands into quite a few things in Matthew and in Revelation. Now, the key to understanding prophecy is, number one, that the framework of prophecy is based on the holy days of God, which people are not taught in Orthodox Christianity. So we'll cover some of that as we go forward here. But that's a good question. And we'll get to the things in Revelation. All right. I will. I'm just going to make a little mark there that only I will understand. It's intended that way. All right. Now, Karen from Georgia. Pastor Coulter, what do you think about the growing interest in digital currencies? Could this be related to the mark of the beast? That's a good question. And the answer is yes, it is definitely related to it. And if you look up what they do in Sweden, they already have the chip in their right hand. And, yes. And then Estonia is the most digitally set up nation in the world. Everything is done by digitally. And this will be not just to buy and sell. That's part of it. But it will be for absolute control. Just like we saw happen today, just before this program, the interview of Trump by Elon Musk. They attacked the site so it wouldn't go out live. And that just shows you what they want to do with every single individual. They want to control you. They want to control your mind. They want to indoctrinate you into the coming one world government. We'll talk about that, which is the beast. Now, Mike from Arizona says, Pastor Coulter, in your view, what is the role of Israel in the end times as described in the books of Daniel and Revelation? No, he does not. You mentioned a minute ago it should be called Judea, but we call it the State of Israel now. Yes. Yeah. That's Mike. Yeah. Well, if you send in for the special, you will also receive in it a book, America and Britain, their biblical origin of prophetic destiny. And you will see that the ten tribes that were taken in captivity 100 years before the Jews were, never disappeared. They never died out. They never blended in with the Gentiles. They moved northwest. And so it's the UK, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and you have Canada as well. And then you have the smaller countries in northwestern Europe, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Belgium, and part of Germany and Saxony. Those are the modern end times. And the role of the Jews will be that they will build a temple. We'll talk about that later after the top of the hour. All right. Now, George out of Texas asks, how does the vision of the statue in Daniel 2 connect with the rise and fall of world powers today? Best answer I can give you, that is rather detailed. But if you have the Holy Bible in its original order that we send out with the special at truthofgod.org, you will find on page 1366 a complete laid out chart. Now, what we're going to do here, John, is we work up another special for those who want it, and this is really a tremendous thing that they will receive. It will be a complete series of Daniel and Revelation and all of these things that is in a transcript book with CD messages and all printed out and ready to go, plus charts. And the charts follow the calculated Hebrew calendar, the sacred calendar of God, because that's how God figures time. All right. Wow, this is amazing. Nancy from South Carolina writes, Pastor, what is your interpretation of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3? Are these messages still relevant to churches today? Yes, they're absolutely relevant. What they are, these are special messages to the churches of God. And there are seven churches. And those messages were pertaining to the particular churches that are named in Revelation 2-3, which is Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Now then, that was also a prophetic projection of the flow of the churches of God down through history. And of course, they were always persecuted by the Catholics. Now, we have online the history of the churches of God during the time of the Waldensians. Now, if you want more on the history of the church of God, that is not contained in any of the theological books, because they only want to have the Establishment Doctrine preached. You go to friendsofthesabbath.org. Friendsofthesabbath.org, and you'll find a lot of history about the ten tribes of Israel, etc. All right. Now, Mark from Oregon, how do you reconcile the differences between the pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, and post-tribulation views with the book of Revelation? Now, that's an interesting question. It's something that doesn't break it down exactly that way, but it does break it down in several categories. One of those that we covered was right there with the seven churches. And then, when you get into Revelation 5 and 6, which we'll do a little later, that everything that's going to happen at the end time is directed from the throne of God. We'll see that a little later. But the tribulation period is building up, building up, building up, building up, so you can say we're probably in the pre-tribulation beginnings. But when it gets into the middle of the tribulation, there will be the martyrdom of the saints, and there will be the persecution of people who believe the truth. This is Anna from Minnesota. Pastor Coulter, do you believe that the Antichrist is already active in the world today, and how would we recognize him? That's a very good question. The spirit of Antichrist is already working in the formulation of the world government. But the single man who comes out as the Antichrist and who goes into the temple which the Jews will build will be called the son of perdition. So that will come, that will set off the tribulation. But the Antichrist is going to come out of Europe. And we have that all in that chart that we have there. Remember, Bismarck was born in Austria. Hitler was born in Austria. And we're going to be looking for Europe to come together now. And could it be that Donald Trump is going to kick the U.N. out of America and tell Europe to take care of their own? Maybe a very interesting thing in prophecy. James from Alabama asks, What is the significance of the new Jerusalem in Revelation 21, and how should we understand its place in the end times? All right. That's a good question indeed, because Revelation 21 talks about many, many different things that have to happen before it gets to it. First of all, there's got to be the return of Christ. Then you have to have the thousand-year reign of the Millennium. Then you have to have the rest of the dead resurrected after the Millennium. And you have to have Satan put away at the end of the Millennium. And then we have chapter 21 of Revelation, and then the Jerusalem. If you wanted a more detailed study on that, go to truthofgod.org and look up any Feast of Tabernacles, day number 8. All right. Cindy from Utah asks, Pastor Coulter, how should we approach the study of the seven trumpets in Revelation? Are these literal events, or are they symbolic events? They are a vision of literal events. And that's really quite something, because some of them are saying right now that the sixth trump has already sounded, but they don't know what they're talking about, because when the sixth trump sounds, there is going to be the armies of 200 million from the East coming to attack and fight against Christ and the saints returning. It will be a time before that takes place. But it will be real. Those visions are talking about real things, not symbolic. Eric from Oklahoma wants to know what you think is the most misunderstood aspect of the book of Revelation and how we can gain a clearer understanding. That's interesting indeed. To start out with, from chapter 1 through chapter 11 are the plurality of events from John when he was writing this message. Now, it's very interesting that in Revelation, John was only the scribe. Now, there are theologians who look at Revelation and say, well, John couldn't have written this because that's not his style when compared to the gospel and the three epistles. Well, the reason is, is because if you read the first verse, which we'll do a little later, it's from God the Father Himself personally to Christ, to the angel, to John, to write. So all John was was the scribe. So it's something. And then other parts of Revelation put together the things we need to know. Understood. How can we apply the lessons from Daniel's unwavering faith in our own lives, especially in these uncertain times? All right. Let's come to the book of Daniel. Here's how you do with Daniel. Daniel started out, and this is what we need to do in our approach to God. We don't come to God because we're great and strong and all of that. He says here that he set his face to seek God, prayer and supplication, and then confess the sins of the children of Judah and ask God's forgiveness. So you read all the first part of Daniel 9, and then that will answer that question for you. This is pretty amazing. I'll just mention this. There was the most. Well, it says right here, it's Lucifer appears in Olympics ritual 2024. You won't believe this mega ritual that took place at the closing ceremony of the Olympics 2024 in Paris. The satanic ritual showed the arrival of the Antichrist descending from the sky to a destroyed world. He then calls up armies of the underworld to rebuild a new age. There are also some interesting parallels to Revelation 9, 1 through 12. So I'll tell you what. We'll take our break quickly and get right back with Pastor Fred Coulter. All right. Thank you very much for being here. Spread the word. This is Caravan to Midnight. We shall return. Ladies and gentlemen, 11 hour to Caravan to Midnight episode 2341. End times. Your questions answered with Pastor Fred Coulter. Pastor, would you remind everybody of the specials that you have going on now? Because some people are very interested, and they missed what you were saying. Well, first of all, we have several. We have a special which will include a high-quality paperback Bible, the Holy Bible in its original order, the only Bible in English that has all of the books in their manuscript order the way that they should be. And we have commentaries, and we have appendices, which help you through a lot of studies in the Bible. Then we also have, with that pack, we have Lord, What Should I Do? Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days, Which? You have there Why Were You Born? And the thing is very important, if a person doesn't even know why he's born, what does he really know? And God's plan is so magnificent, it's absolutely incredible. So you need all of these things. And then we have the book America and Britain. And then we have the one before tonight, Prophecy, at truthofgod.org. Or you can phone into the office, 1-831-637-1878. It will be absolutely startling for those of you who are, what you would say, conventional Christians, that how much has been missed and how many different things that you believe are not really grounded in Scripture. So these things will help you out a lot. Very good, very good. And if I'm saying the number correctly then, it's 1-831-637-1875. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. All right, perfect. Now Bob out of Arizona is asking, Pastor Coulter, could you explain how the prophecies in the book of Daniel tie into the events described in Revelation? Are we seeing those prophecies unfold today? Yes, we are. And we'll get into those and all of these other questions. The one from Sally, Mark of the Beast, we'll cover that. All right. That's the one from Linda. Just go ahead and read them out. All right. Sally from Texas, how do you interpret the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13? Is it something we should be concerned about in the near future? Yes, we'll cover that. And then Jim from Nevada wants to know, could you explain the significance of the abomination of desolation mentioned in Daniel? Yes, we'll be very specific tonight. All right. Jim from Pennsylvania, Pastor of Revelation 12, the woman clothed with the sun is a powerful image. What does she represent? How does this tie into current events? That's an interesting chapter because it starts out before the ages of time, because the woman pictures the plan of God, and then it comes down to the time of the rebellion of Satan and taking a third of the angels with him. And then it comes down to Satan's attempt to kill Christ, and then it comes all the way down to his second coming and the martyrdom of the saints. So that's quite a very interesting and detailed chapter. Pastor, I don't want to get you off the track here, but I want to order something off the menu, as I like to say. Have you come across anything in Scripture, and I know you know the Scriptures backwards and forwards. Have you heard any reference to an additional sun or a fake sun, an artificial sun? Is there any of that in Scripture? Yes, there is, and I'll bring that out. It's not a fake sun. It will be a startling revelation. All right, because, you know. Hang on, we'll get to it. I'm telling you, it's really extraordinary, all of the information that's out there. I went back to my Marshall McLuhan to refresh myself on his insights as to what media does to us. And one of my favorites is Gutenberg made everybody a reader. I modified it slightly to say the Internet made everybody a publisher and or a broadcaster. There's just so much information out there. I wonder if people really have time or the capacity to process very much of it, but rather just its presence affects them in a way that they can't even sense until, well, it's already affected them. And once it's affected them, then they really can't sense it. I don't know if that makes any sense. The way that they can do it is this. You get the Holy Bible in its original order and the things that we send, and remember this. The way that you find your senses, the way that you stay with what you need to do is remember this. You must believe God and Christ, and then you must obey God. And that's basically starting with the Ten Commandments. We may do a whole show sometime in the future about the law of God. And then the third point is to love God with all your heart and mind and soul and being. Now, you see, Christianity out there, they want to have the unconditional love of God, but God's love is not unconditional. It is very conditional. It's understood. Hang on just one second. It's very conditional. No free pass. I get it. Steve from Colorado, how do you interpret the Great Tribulation described in Matthew 24 and its relationship to the Book of Revelation? We'll cover that in just a bit along with the abomination of desolation. All right. Now, Jessica from Michigan, can you clarify the significance of the seven seals in Revelation? Have any of these been broken already? Yes, the first one has. I'll cover that in a little bit. All right. And then Paul from Virginia. Pastor, what is your perspective on the beast out of the sea in Revelation 13? Is this a person, an empire, or something else entirely? It is both. It's a person. It is an empire. The person is the one who is the son of perdition. We'll cover that in a little bit. All right. And then Brenda from Washington, how do we understand the time, times, and half a time mentioned in Daniel and its relevance to the end times? Now, talking about the last three and a half years, because that's connected with Daniel 9, 27, which then is the last prophecy, it's put in the framework of a week, the 70th week, but that means seven years. And the times, times, and half a time is half of that, and we'll cover part of that when we finish with the questions here. Lisa from Missouri. She writes, with the rapid advancements in technology, do you think we are closer to the fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation? Yes, not only that, but since we have instant communication, I will show you in Revelation 24 that these things right at the end time, we are all going to see, we are all going to know on a worldwide basis just exactly as it was the day that Donald Trump received that bullet in his ear on July 13th. Bang, we knew it right away. That is really something, all right. Sharon out of Massachusetts. Pastor, how do you see the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation influencing modern day events in the Middle East? Right now, it's full blast. Everything is hinging. The whole battle going on right there between Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and the Jews is this. The Jews want to build the temple, but they don't know where to build it. And I'll explain that in just a little bit. All right. Let me make a note there. However, when the war is done, they won't be able to build the temple until the time when it's for building. As a matter of fact, I did a message this last Sabbath, which will be online tomorrow morning, which covers the, where is the Ark of the Covenant? And I cover that in quite detail. What time tomorrow morning? Anytime. It's up tonight. Oh, gotcha. All right. You can look for the latest message. All right. And we get to there at truthofgod.org. Yeah? That's right. All right. Perfect. I got some more here. Tim from Idaho. What role does the false prophet in Revelation play in the end times? And could this figure be somebody already on the world stage? Yes. If he's not already on the world stage, he will appear. And we'll talk about that right away. All right. And then I have one more here. Rachel from Indiana. How can we apply the lessons from Daniel's unwavering faith in our own lives, especially in these very uncertain times? Yes. If you write in for this special, you will receive a book entitled, Lord, What Shall I Do? And that will help you. Because we have to come to God, not on our terms, but on his terms. And we have to believe what he says, not what we think. And we have to love him, not demand his love to us, in spite of what we do with a false grace. All right. Now, would you like to go back through these individually? No. We'll combine them all together in one flow. All right. Very good. Let's go to Revelation 13 first, which has the beast and also the second beast. And we will see what this tells us. Revelation 13, verse 1. And I, that is John, stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns. Now, we're going to see that the coming world government is going to have seven leading nations and ten subordinate leading nations with them. That's what it is. And then it says that they have crowns, and they have the names of blasphemy. Now, what you described there at the closing of the Olympics was actually very blasphemous and satanic, because both of these beasts in Revelation 13 are Satan-inspired and empowered. Then it talks about how the beast that he saw and describes many of the things from the book of Daniel. But notice this part in verse 2. And the dragon, that is Satan the devil, gave him his power and his throne and his great authority. That's quite a thing, so that's coming. So this is what the struggle is going on. We're seeing it right now. And then, I saw a lot of his heads, as it were, wounded to death. Now, this can be applied two ways. Number one, to the system. The deadly wound that was healed has been the healing of the World War II and the destruction of Hitler-Mausoleum, which was the seventh head or the tenth head in Daniel, depending which prophecy you're reading. Then it says, and the wound was healed, and the whole earth was amazed and followed the beast. Now, notice, there's going to be a great movement, religious movement, by Satan. And they worship the dragon who gave his authority to the beast, and they worship the beast saying, Who is like the beast, and who has the power to make war against him? So there's going to come a time of peace, and it's going to look like that he's going to have the power, the great power, and we'll have to see how that works out. Then verse 5, it says, And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemy was given to him, and authority was given him to continue 42 months. That's three and a half years. Now, the three and a half years, the times, times and a half, and the 1260 days are not all overlaid exactly the same. They end at different places. So that means they start at different places. Then it says down here, verse 7, And he was given power to make war against the saints, that's the coming martyrdom we will see, and overcome them, and was given authority over, listen to this, every tribe, and language, and nation, and all who dwell on the earth will worship him as God. It doesn't say some, it says all. All, see. Whose names have not been written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If you are Christ, you have got to be faithful unto death and even martyrdom in these times. Then he says, If anyone has an ear, let him hear. Then come down here to verse 11, And I saw another beast rising up out of the earth, having two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. Notice both are inspired by Satan the devil. The second one is the false prophet. And the false prophet is going to be centered in Rome. And most people don't know it, but Rome is in contact with the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and all of those congratulating them on their holy days and trying to bring them all together. And you look online about all the religions working together. So it's coming. And he exercises all the power of the first beast. Now, verse 11 says, And he performs great wonders, so that he even causes fire to come down to the earth from heaven in the sight of men. Now when people see that, they'll say, Oh, this is of God. Well, how do you know the difference? The difference is God will not have you commit idolatry. God will not have you reject Jesus Christ. God will not have you believe the lies that they say. And then he says, He deceives those who dwell on the earth by the means of the wonders given to him to perform in the sight of the other beast and that they should make an image to the other beast. And the other beast is the one who is the great ruler of the world. And he was given power to give image to the image of the beast. And the image of the beast could both speak, cause everyone who will not worship him to be killed. Now notice this. Then, here comes the enforcement of the mark of the beast. And it will come. And they will be able to do it. Just like they have right now, those who don't agree with the woke movement, and the woke movement is part of the world movement, by Satan the devil to bring in this world government and world religion. So the mark of the beast will be, you cannot buy, you cannot sell without the mark. And that mark is going to mean that you literally cannot buy and sell. Now, when it first comes on, there may be a time of trading for a while. Now, let's come back here and let's see some things in Matthew 24, and then we'll come to Revelation of the 6th chapter. So let's go back here to Matthew 24, and let's look at something that's really very interesting here, because the way that it is written for us, and what Jesus said. Now, the key thing to know about the temple is this. The temple area that the Jews believe is the temple area is actually where Fort Antonio was. Because here's what Jesus said, when his disciples came to him and asked him, what are these things going to be? And he said, see all these buildings? There will not be one stone left upon another stone that shall not be thrown down. That's the destruction of the second temple in 70 A.D. Wow. Amazing. We'll pick it up there. Okay, very good. Please hold your place. My head is swimming with information right now. How about this? Could we concentrate a little bit on the... Folks, listen. What Pastor Fred Coulter was telling you was that if you'll call this number, these things that he is offering to you, they're free of charge. So here's the number again. You ready? Here it comes. 831-637-1875. And you're West Coast time, right? Yes, West Coast time. And also they can go to our website. We have the special at truthofgod.org, and we have prophecy at truthofgod.org. And the prophecy will be a complete study of Daniel and Revelation with charts and all laid out according to the calculated Hebrew calendar and showing all the events in time sequence that we have covered and much more. Brendy said, even though we are of a Dutch and, in some cases, English extraction, but once the English wanted to stay there after the Boer War and said, I'm not going back to England. I'm going to stay here. I like it here. This is wrong. So let's not leave out South Africa because there are a lot of Israelites down there too. Yeah, that's right. What about the abomination of desolation seems to be a concept that has eluded, the meaning of it has eluded many people. So just roll with all of it and take us where you want to go and fold all these things in together. Let's start in Matthew 24. Now, I mentioned when we went up that the temple in 70 A.D. was destroyed, not one stone upon another, and they just discovered this past week, you can look it up, a giant moat to the south of where the city of David was that is 100 feet across and 30 feet deep. But it was all filled in because that hill where the castle, not the castle, but the palace of David was and Solomon was, was completely leveled down and thrown into that moat. They just discovered it. So look it up online. Now, here's what God promises, Matthew 24 and verse 14. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be proclaimed in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then the end shall come. So it's going to have to be preached. It says in Mark that it's published. Well, that's already done. In 3,000 languages, there are more Bibles printed. There are more Bibles digitally available in every language. All right. Then he says this. So this is the end time, all nations. So then he says, therefore, when you see. Now, this is something that everyone in the world is going to see because of the communications that we have today. The abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, the latter reads, let him understand. Now, if you have a red-letter Bible and those are red letters, that's not what Jesus said because the abomination of desolation did not take place when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. All right. So this is telling us, because in Revelation 11, it shows there's a temple. John is told to measure it. So there has to be a temple. There has to be a holy place. And that's what this war is all about right now, so that they can build their temple. Now, how long that's going to take, we don't know. Then we come down here. Then we come down here. When that abomination of desolation is seen, verse 21, it says, for then, at that time, there shall be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be again. And except those days were limited, which they are, there wouldn't be any flesh saved alive. All right? Now, let's come over here to Revelation 6. Holy place in Deuteronomy. In Matthew 24, we'll be right back. But we have to come here to Revelation, the sixth chapter. Now, we're looking at the six seals. Now, Revelation 4 and 5 tells us that nothing at the end time is going to be done unless it comes on direct orders from God the Father to Christ. And He will open the seals. So let's begin in verse 1, chapter 6. And I look when the Lamb, that's Christ, opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures, like the sound of thunder, and I come and see, and I look, and there was a white horse, and the one who was sitting on him had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. That's going to be the false prophet that we read of in Revelation 13. White horse. Now, notice, a bow with no arrows. So this is showing that it is the religious movement. Then we have the second one here, which then is, this is when the king of the south comes against the king of the north, and the king of the north comes against him, which is the beast of Revelation 13. Okay? And this is when the tribulation begins, right here. Now, let's look at the abomination of desolation, because we saw that when the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place, then the tribulation will begin, and that's right here in verse 4. So let's come back here to 2 Thessalonians, and let's look at the abomination of desolation, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Now, this is what's going to happen. Remember, we saw that the beast, the world is going to worship him as God, and that's going to be led by Satan the devil. Now, that's what all of this conflict is going on right now all over the world, the struggle between people who don't want to be sucked up into this satanic system and those who want to establish it. And I'm appalled at what you told me about the closing ceremony. So here, Paul writes this, and he says, Now we beseech you, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to him. Now, that's the resurrection. There's no carrying off into heaven. Now, he says here, that you be not soon shaken in mind or troubled, neither by spirit nor by word, by epistle or from us, that the day of Christ is present. He said, Don't let anyone deceive you. Now, how many times are we told, Don't let anyone deceive you. So what you do, you check it with the Bible and check it and prove it, but the keys for understanding the Bible are that you believe God, you obey God, and you love God. Because he says, For that day will not come unless the apostasy, that is, the total rebellion against God under Satan, shall come first, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, shall be revealed. Now, that's what we read back in Revelation 13. And that's right after he receives the deadly wound. Here's what he did. Here's what he does. The one who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is an image of worship so that he comes into the temple of God and sits down as God, proclaiming that he himself is God. So he said, Remember that I told you these things. Now, verse 7, For the mystery of lawlessness is already working. These things were tried off and on all the way down through history, but it had to wait to come to the end time. Then he says that this one who is restraining is Christ until it arises out of the midst. Now, that's like we saw there in Revelation 13, that this beast is rising out of the midst of the sea. And then the lawless one will be revealed. Now, notice carefully. Whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and will destroy him with the brightness of his coming. So this is after second coming. This moves clear to Revelation 19. So it says, Whose coming is according to the inner workings of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and all deceivableness of unrighteousness in those who are perishing because... Now, here is another key to not get trapped in it. Because they did not receive the love of the truth so that they might be saved. So people have to love the truth of God, the word of God, live by the word of God. Now, notice what happens when they reject the word of God. Verse 11, For this cause God will send upon them a powerful deception that will cause them to believe the lie. And the lie is that he is God. So that all may be judged who do not believe the truth. There it is again. See? But took pleasure in unrighteousness. Now, this is quite a thing. Let's come back here to Revelation, the sixth chapter, and we'll look at it a little bit more. Because it's going to be something. This will help answer the question, How is every eye going to see him coming? Well, we'll show you. And this will be startling. And this will get to your question about the second son. All right? Revelation 6, we covered the first two seals. And then... Yes. Yes, when the second seal is open, then here comes... This is the start of the great tribulation. Verse 4, To take peace from the earth. And then follows quickly. Then follows quickly. The third seal is open. And then that's death and destruction coming upon the earth because of the war. And then there is another... The fourth seal is open. And there is famine and starvation and death. And then the fifth seal is open. And that's the martyrdom of the saints. When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar of the souls of those who were slain for the word of God and for the testimony that they held. All right? Then they were told to rest a little season. Now, the sixth seal is going to be startling. Now, the tribulation is broken down into two parts. The first two years is against Israel, the ten tribes of Israel. And then God gives them relief at the end of two years, and Hosea 6 says they are raised up. That's why in chapter 7, we have from all 12 tribes, the 144,000 who are spared from the rest of the tribulation and a great innumerable multitude. All right? Now then, when the sixth seal is open, verse 12, chapter 6, Behold, there was a great earthquake. The sun became black as the hair of sackcloth, and the moon became as blood, and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree cast its untimely figs when it was shaken by a mighty wind. Then the heavens departed like a scroll. Now, have you ever seen a scroll just rolled up? Well, that's what it's going to be. And everyone's going to see this. Everyone in the world will see this. This will be startling indeed. I'll bring it out a little bit more here. The heavens departed like a scroll being rolled up, and every island moved out of its place, and the kings of the earth and the great men, the rich men, the chief captains, the powerful men, and every bondman, every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath has come. The next year and a half is going to be the wrath of God. But let's look at this, where the sky is rolled back, and every eye will see it. Let's come back to Matthew 24. Verse 27. He says, For as the light of day which comes forth from the east and shines as far as the west, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be. Every eye will see him. We have that in several places. What shines from the east to the west? A sun. Now then, it says this, continuing on, verse 29, But immediately after the tribulation of those days, that's the first two years of the tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, the moon shall not give its light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, just like we read there in Revelation 6, when the sixth seal was opened, and it rolled back like a scroll, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. Everyone will see it. What will they see? It says here, It shines like the light of day. Then it says, And they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. All right? Now let's come back to the prophet Malachi, chapter 4, and we will see that it tells us it's going to look like a second sun. So this is going to be startling. Malachi 4 and verse 1, For behold, the day is coming, burning like a consuming oven, and all the proud and every doer of wickedness shall be stumbled, and the day shall come, and it shall burn them up, says the Lord of Hosts, and will leave them neither root nor branch. But to you who fear my name, the Son, S-U-N. Now we're not to worship the Son, so this has to be the sign of the Son of Man. The Son of Righteousness shall arise, and healing will be within his wings. And what happens right after the heavens roll back and this other sun shows up? The 144,000 greater numerable multitude are then sealed, protected from the rest of the tribulation. So that's going to be quite a thing indeed. So with Christ coming, it's going to be every eye shall see him. No one's going to miss it. It is going to be so powerful, the heavens and the earth are going to be shaken, the islands are going to move, the mountains are going to collapse. At first they will believe that it's the coming of Christ, but after that happens, there will be a space of about four and a half months from Pentecost down to the Feast of Trumpets. And that four and a half months will give the world a chance to get things lined up, and then the rest of the book of Revelation will unfold from there. What an amazing... It's going to be something. What an amazing teaching tonight. This is spectacular. Folks, I want to make sure you get this number. You need this. 831-637-1875 And I want you to check out his website, and I mean thoroughly, truthofgod.org There's also churchathome.org You can get all of these from the Master's site. There's also a faithfulversion.org The un, shall we say, excessively edited Holy Bible. But go with this first, truthofgod.org Alright? And the number once again is 831-637-1875 Pastor Fred Coulter, we're going to have to do this again because there's so much more to talk about, but I suspect people have a lot to digest now, so anyway, I say, God bless you for being with us. Okay, thank you. God bless you and what you're doing. Thanks for the time. I appreciate it very much. Anytime. Thank you. We'll talk again soon. Pastor Fred Coulter, everybody. You have your Holy Bible, and there is no running away. You have an idea. You can't run away. Run to the Lord and do it sooner than later. May He bless you, everyone. And good night.

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