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Be Prudent

Be Prudent

Christian Biblical Church of GodChristian Biblical Church of God



GTM - Be Prudent - By Tom Fannin - January 27, 2024

PodcastBe PrudentTom Fannincbcg go to meetingcbcg church of godcbcg gtmtruth of god podcastchristian biblical church of godchristian fellowship

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Speaker Tom Fannin. I this message Tom emphasizes the importance of being prudent and acting with care and thought for the future. Tom discusses how being prudent is required of all members of the Church of God and how it involves foreseeing and avoiding all evil. He also mentions the need to have a vision of God's plan and purpose and to keep His law. Tom encourages listeners to hide themselves in God and His word and to seek Him while He can be found. The speaker assures that God will take care of those who seek Him and hide in Him. Tom discusses that our salvation is near and urges listeners to cast off works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Mr. Fannin concludes by encouraging listeners to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and not give in to the desires of the flesh.

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