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Babylon's Doom A Call to Action

Babylon's Doom A Call to Action


Fred Coulter, a minister, discusses the challenges faced by society due to secular and satanic forces. He emphasizes the importance of preserving biblical truth and protecting the integrity of the scriptures. Coulter explains how the decline of teaching the Bible and prayer in schools has contributed to the moral degradation of society. He identifies the world system as Babylon the Great, encompassing religion, commerce, and education. Coulter highlights the deception of Satan and the benefits t

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Fred Coulter, a minister, discusses the challenges faced by society due to secular and satanic forces. He emphasizes the importance of preserving biblical truth and protecting the integrity of the scriptures. Coulter explains how the decline of teaching the Bible and prayer in schools has contributed to the moral degradation of society. He identifies the world system as Babylon the Great, encompassing religion, commerce, and education. Coulter highlights the deception of Satan and the benefits that come with following the world system. He discusses the role of governments and religions controlled by Satan in perpetuating sin. Fred urges listeners to spiritually detach themselves from the world system by following the way of God and devoting their lives to Him. He emphasizes the importance of escaping the world system and avoiding its sins and plagues. Mr. Coulter also touches on a one-world government, the financial system, and Halloween as a celebration of sin. Fred Coulter is on the bridge of the ark. He'll prosecute the remaining episode, Babylon's Doom, a call to action. Returns to us from episode 2356, September 3rd. Minister Fred Coulter has dedicated 60 years preserving biblical truth for future generations as secular and satanic forces challenge godly principles in religion, government, and society. Fred's worked tirelessly as a minister, author, and publisher. He's the translator of the faithful version Bible and has produced 15 books, numerous articles, and thousands of sermons and videos all aimed at safeguarding the true doctrines of Jesus Christ and protecting the integrity of the scriptures. And it was such an amazing experience to receive from him a leather-bound and engraved copy of his faithful version Bible. And you can get one too at a faithfulversion.org, truthofgod.org, churchathome.org. I recommend it if you can't, you don't have a church, you'd like to go to church but you can't, or you don't have one within range or would like to have it in the privacy of your own home. Nobody says it has to be a specific building. You can have church at home. Just go to churchathome.org. Without further ado, here's the minister himself, Fred Coulter. Welcome back, Fred. Thank you for coming on again tonight. Yeah, thanks, John. I appreciated the segment before me because that's a perfect introduction to what I'm going to cover here and to answer your question. Today we're living in extreme times, and especially when you go through everything that he described, what is happening with the gangs, with the cartels, with the sexualization of children, with the sex trafficking of children, with the drugs, and everything like that. Now, let's go back and look at something, and then we will see how all of this develops. You look back in recent American history. When they quit teaching the Bible or reading the Bible in school, they dropped that out. Prayer in school, they dropped that out. And so this plants the seed for the coming generation to delve itself into sin a step at a time, not knowing that down through a period of time, it becomes worse and worse and worse. So then we come to where we have the great slaughter, which is Roe versus Wade. And now, here we are with all of these troubles, and you look back and see how all of those developed along the line and the way that it is today. And these things have come about because of the world system, which is called Babylon the Great. Now, in the book of Revelation, it tells us quite a few things about Babylon the Great. It is the religious system, the commercial system, the educational system, every aspect of human endeavor. All right? Not just religion. Religion has a part in it. But all of the things that come are because of Satan the devil. It says here in Revelation 12 in verse 9. And so let's read that to start with, because that's where it all comes from. And it says, And a great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who is deceiving. Now, that's present tense participle, meaning down through all phases of human history, he has been deceiving the whole world. All right? Now, that deception comes along with benefits. And the benefits are, like Satan told Christ when he tempted him, if you won't bow down and worship me, I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world. And he showed them to him at a moment of time, moment of time. And he said, I'll give them to you if you will worship me, for it has been delivered to me. And he's the power behind all of it. All, all, all the problems relate to human endeavor anywhere in the world relates to are you following the way of the system of the world? Or do you know the way of God? Hold it right there. Minister right there and pick up right where you leave off. This is such a short break. You won't believe it. We'll be right back with Fred Coulter. The whole earth. That is my hope. No, really. All right, let's carry on with Minister Fred Coulter. Fred, if you can pick it up right where you left off, that'd be just fine. Now let's go to Revelation 17 and we will see a description of this whole world system. And by the way, it's developing into the final phase of it with a one world government and a one world religion. Now, I just did a message on the Pope who declared that all religions are a pathway to God, which is not true. That is the Babylonian system of the religions of this world. In Revelation 17, an angel came and told John, come, I'll show you the judgment of the great whore who sits upon many waters. But many waters are nations and peoples and languages and tongues with whom the kings, or that is the rulers of the earth, committed fornication. In other words, instead of teaching people the way of God, instead of understanding what they need to do, they follow so that they can benefit themselves. And that drags everything into sin. And those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Nothing is right on the earth, wherever you go. Look at what's happening in America because we've rejected God. So then the vision goes on and says, and it carried me away in the spirit into a wilderness and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet colored beast that had seven heads and ten horns full of names of blasphemy. All right? So you have the governments of men, the religion of men, all controlled by Satan, the devil. That's where we have all of this. And your previous guest spoke out of what's going on here in California and various places in America and in the world. And I can cover on that a little bit. And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet. She was adorned with golden pearls and precious stones and a golden cup was in her hand filled with the abominations of the filthiness of her fornication. All the things that are wrong, all the things that are against God, all the things that are against truth. Everything is compromised. And across her forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon, the great, the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth. So it's the whole world. Now we're stuck in this world and what does God want us to do? So to answer your question, we find in Revelation 18, something else we need to do. Now we can't remove ourselves from the planet, but we can spiritually take ourselves out of the system of this world while we still live in the world by following the way of God and the truth of God. And that we devote our lives to God. Now to devote our lives to God entails quite a bit more, which will be a complete other subject that I may touch on a little bit more a little later. But here it says, verse two, an angel cried with a loud voice saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and it's going to fall. The return of Christ is going to happen. And the resurrection of all of those who are the faithful saints down through time will be resurrected. And Christ is going to bring the government and the truth and the right way to worship God on this earth to all people. But first, there has to be those who are called out of it. So let's read it here. And notice verse three, and all nations, that's why at the end time, all nations, everywhere you go, problems, troubles, drugs, sex problems, all kinds of things, wars, look at the wars going on, look at the attempted assassination. And that was attempted, no doubt, by the deep state. Okay, don't get me started on that. I'll get off the track here. All nations were made drunk with the wine of her fornication and the kings, that is the rulers. Now look at the thing with the United Nations, they've got a plan in place to finish bringing a one world government. And the only one standing in the way politically is Donald Trump. And God has spared his life twice. And he is dedicated to making America great again. But he is going to be dedicated to stopping as many wars possible as he can. Now, there are some other things that go along with that with the coming temple in Jerusalem and so forth. So we can get into that at another time. But we need to understand the kings of the earth and the merchants. Okay, the merchants of the earth have become rich through the power of her luxury. Now, that includes the whole financial system. That includes everything that they make on all the holidays of this world. And the one that's coming up here pretty quick is Halloween. And what is Halloween? Halloween is a celebration of death, witches, Satanism, and always brought on really nice for the kiddies, so that they can have some fun, give them some candy, indoctrinate them with it. And we'll bring more sin later on to corrupt their lives even more. So God says right here, verse four, here's what we are commanded to do. And that's the whole process of coming out of this world. Let's read it. And I heard another angel from heaven saying, come out of her, my people. You need to get our book on America and Britain in their biblical origin and their prophetic destiny to know who it's talking about. But it's also talking about those who are supposed to be the ones who are converted. Come out of her, my people, so that you do not take part in her sins, and that you do not receive her plagues, for her sins have reached as far as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. So it's going to have the judgment come on them when Christ returns. Now, that's the final judgment. We are leading up to it right now. And right in America, we're experiencing a lot of crime and difficult things coming upon us. And we need to understand about that, see. And the way you begin to come out of this whole system is, number one, you believe God. Not what the theologians tell you, because they've been corrupted. All of the Sunday keepers have been corrupted. There are a lot of people out there who think that they're good Catholics. I'm sure they're good and decent people. That's true. But you need to examine, what is it that they really teach? Is it from the Bible? Or is it from philosophy? Is it from pagan religions? What is it? And you need to check that out, because that's all what it is. And because when people leave God, and they follow Satan, the devil, they get into terrible and difficult times. And that has happened over and over again, in the history of the world and all nations. Now, America started out good. They prayed to develop the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, they believed in God. And all of the writers of the Constitution understood that this Constitution will only work if there is a religious, godly people. All right? Now, there are two things in understanding about God, which is this. Number one, how does he deal with the people in the world who are not called to salvation? And then number two, how does he deal with those who answer the call for salvation? But here, in Isaiah, the first chapter, let's look and see a perfect description of what we have in America today. Isaiah, the first chapter. So God says this, Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth. So this is a big deal. This is not just some little prophet, some little corner of the world. This is the whole world. For the Lord has spoken, I have read and brought up children, but they have rebelled against me. Now, rebellion means going against the Ten Commandments of God. And the first place that people need to begin to come out of Babylon is believe God. Number two, obey God. And number three, love God. See? So it's more than just stop there and try and be good, because if you don't follow what God says, then it's all going to end up in difficulties. Then he goes on to say here, the people have rebelled, they don't understand. Now verse four, a sinful nation, people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children who deal corruptly. And that's what we have. And that ties in with the prophecy of Deuteronomy 28 about the stranger rising up high above you. And now we are seeing that they're organizing in gangs, in cities, and they're going to take over. And the federal government, because of the sins of the people and the sins of the leaders, are paying for all of this out of taxpayer funds. Let's read on. We'll see how it describes it. A seed of evildoers, children who deal corruptly, they have forsaken the Lord. Now we'll talk about how to come back to God here a little later. But we have to understand, you cannot expect things to work out well if you go contrary to God. Doesn't matter if you're converted, doesn't matter if you believe in God or not, because the laws of God work all the time. So he says, now, verse five, why would you be stricken anymore? Will you revolt more and more? The whole head is sick, the whole heart is faint, from the sole of the foot even to the top of the head there is no soundness, only wounds and bruises and putrefying sores. They have not been closed, nor bound up, nor soothed with ointment. And that describes perfectly all the problems in America today. And we have rejected God. And we'll see it starts out with the religious leaders. See? Now, I heard the music there, so I guess we're going to a break. We are, but you got a half a minute if you want to use it. Let me tell you this, we have three caravan specials. The first one, you'll get a paperback Bible, only Bible in its original order. Lord, what should I do? That's important, what you need to do. And why were you born? Because if you don't know why you were born, what do you know? Okay, then a cold holidays, God's holy days, which and America and Britain said without cost. Now you go to JosephGod.org, which is also CBCG, Christian Biblical Church of God. And or you can call the office 831-637-1875. Perfect. Perfect. We'll be back in just a few minutes. Thanks. This is Caravan. Now the John B. Welch show on WHIR. And I've seen sorrow through His face. I am a man of conscience. I've seen trouble on my face. You know, that kind of thing happens when you distance yourself from the Lord. I want to point this out very quickly as we visit with Mr. Fred Coulter. Thirteen months and two days ago, Yasser Ali at the reset published this. Iran's president orders the killings of Americans on U.S. soil. In September, American taxpayers will pay to protect him on U.S. soil. Then there's this one from eight hours ago out of the BBC. Trump warned by U.S. intelligence of Iran assassination threats campaign. So there it is. I just want you to know about it. It's up there on the IAX table. All right. Thank you very much. Okay. Let's carry on here. Mr. Fred. We'll come back to what you said there because I have something that touches on that as well. All right. Here in not Revelation, but Isaiah 5. Now think about this when you look at what's going on in the world, in your life, in where you live, regardless of what country you are in, regardless of what you may be, you think about this because it is a frightful thing to reject God because when all the laws of God work automatically and stop and think about this. Is there anything in the world that doesn't operate according to some law? And whenever you break that law or you break that rule, difficult things happen, right? Don't we even in sports have rules and penalties, right? The word of God and human living is far more important than any of that. But yet people want to go out on their own way, but they don't know where to go. People want to devise their own religions, but that's not what God wants. And Satan, as we have seen, is ruling and controlling the whole world. So as we read there, you have to come out of Babylon. Well, let's see what you have to come out of. Revelation 5 and verse 20. What are those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter? That's exactly what has happened. And Satan comes as an angel of light saying, I'll do this for you. But it's evil. So then it says, whoa, to those who are wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight. Well, they say, we don't need God. We can work it out ourself. Well, how has that ever worked? Not very good. What are those who are mighty to drink wine and to man of strength to mingle strong drink, and you add in all the drugs and everything there, who justify the wicked for a bribe, all the political system that we see going on, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him? Therefore, here's what happens. Difficulties come, and you look at the cities, you look at the countries, you look at whatever it is. We are in a desperate situation in America, and it will get down to this. Therefore, the fire devours the stubble as it does, and the flame burns up the chaff. Their roots shall be rottenness, and their blossoms shall go up like dust because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts and have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Now, that's exactly what has happened. You look at it. Even the religious, they say, well, we're under grace. Let me tell you something. Here's a fact. We can get into this in greater detail, but here's a fact. Everyone, it says in Romans 7 and verse 1. Now, we need to get there and look at that. Romans 7 and verse 1. Paul writes this, Are you ignorant, brethren? For I am speaking to those who know the law, or know law, that the law rules over a man for as long a time as he lives. Every man and woman subject to the laws of God, and the law rules over you. Now, there are two ways. When you are under law, that means that you are under the penalty of law because what you are doing is sin. The fake religionists say that if you keep the commandments of God, you put yourself under law. No, you put yourself within law. Right? If you're within law, you're not breaking the law, and you're not sinning. Right. So, that's the way. Paul said that he was always within law to Christ, and Jesus said that everyone should live by every word of God. When we come back here, now let's come back here to Ezekiel, the 22nd chapter, and let's look at what is happening right here, and we'll talk a little bit about Donald Trump, what he has gone through. No man in recent history has gone through what he has gone through by the vicious evil people in politics and in religion and whatever to try and destroy him because he is not of them. He wants to do what is good and right for the country, and he wants to do what is good and right for the world. All right. So, he's one man against everything, and they've tried to kill him, to get rid of him, to break him, and everything, and his resolve is that he is more determined than ever to do what is right. So, for all those evangelicals out there who don't get out and vote, you better get out and vote or the worst is going to happen. We'll see it right here in Ezekiel 22. But why would I interrupt you? I told you to stop there, but what is it that would incline anybody when they see the state of the country over these last almost four years? They see the state of the country, and yet some people are actually considering having this so-called administration of commie craps in for another four years. They have no concept of what will happen in the future four years between effectively 24 and 28. Yeah, well, because they are deluded by their own lies, by their own greed, by Satan the devil, and those who are in political power, they want that power, and they are inspired by Satan the devil, and they take warfare, they decree unrighteous decrees, which God sends woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, and they take that and make that the law and persecute people for doing good because they're so evil they want to enforce the evil, and that's comrade Kamala Harris there. Now, let's read this in Ezekiel 22. This will be very enlightening. The word of the Lord came to me saying, now everyone needs to understand this, the Bible contains the word of God from the true God whose word is true, whose begotten son, Jesus Christ, was God manifested in the flesh, and Jesus said we are to live by every word of God. So that's where it starts coming out of Babylon. You look at your life, and you look at the laws of God, you look at the way of God, and if you're just a newbie, start in the book of Proverbs. That will help you more than anything else to start, so you begin to understand what's right and wrong, good and evil. So he says, son of man, say to her, that is to the people in Jerusalem and all the children of Israel, which includes us today, which is a prophecy for us today, say to her, you are a land that is not cleansed, not rained upon in the day of indignation. There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst of her like a roaring lion tearing to prey. Okay? That's by those who are the religious leaders that tell people lies, that observe pagan days that are not of God and say they are of God, that come and say you don't have to keep the law, that come and say that it doesn't matter what you do because you're under grace. That is a conspiracy of lies by the religious leaders. Now it says they have devoured souls, they have taken treasure, precious things, and they have made many widows in her midst. Her priests have done violence to my law and have profaned my holy things. See? The religious leaders, that's where it starts from, always. Then the political leaders, they put no difference between the holy and profane. They have not taught the difference between the unclean and clean. They have hidden their eyes from my Sabbath. Oh, they read about the Sabbath, fourth commandment says remember it, but they forget it. They reject that and keep Sunday or keep Friday if you're a Muslim or whatever other day any other religion has, and I am profaned among them. Her rulers, here it is right here. Think of this with Washington, D.C. Think of this with California, New York, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, whatever other state where the satanic Democrats are ruling. Her rulers in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey to shed blood, to destroy souls, to gain unjust gain. And her prophets have covered themselves with whitewash, seeing false visions and divining lies under them, saying, thus says the Lord God, when the Lord has not spoken. That's why you need the Bible. That's why you need to send in for this special caravan offer, number one, if you haven't done it. We have three specials on there. Now you can do that by going to TruthofGod.org, which is also CBCG.org, and you can also call the office 831-637-1875. We'll send them to you, no cost, no charge. We will send them to you. You need this so you can understand what you need to do. Now then, he goes on here saying, and the people of the land have used oppression and committed robbery and have troubled the poor and needy. Yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. Now notice verse 30, because this is important, because we're at a point that God is looking, is there anyone who's going to do something that is right and good? And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall for the land and to stand in the breach before me so that I should not destroy it, but I did not find one. But here we are. There is one man, right now, historically, and if God hadn't spared his life, we would be going down the drain like water falling over Niagara Falls. So that's why you need to understand that God is involved in this, and he wants to know what the people want. He wants to know are you going to do what is right? Are you going to change your life? Are you going to help him come into office to try and straighten things out, and at least for whatever period of time that may be, that there can be the truth preached to the world, the gospel can go out, those who need to answer the call can answer the call, and so forth. Now, if he is elected, then verse 31 will be delayed. Therefore, that is if he couldn't find one, I have poured out my fury on them, I have burned them up with the fire of my wrath, I have recompensed their own way upon their heads, says the Lord God. Now, that's what God wants. He wants repentance, and repentance is coming to God. And the first thing, now, I can tell you this, through all the years going through the Bible, and teaching it, and translating, and so forth, and presenting the Holy Bible in its original order, which, by the way, is the only Bible in English that in one volume that has all 66 books of the Bible in their manuscript order. And like I covered last time, that if you love God, you'll keep his commandments. If you want to do what God wants, then he will bless you. Now, even in these difficult times, you need the blessing of protection of his angels. You need the blessing of him helping you physically, mentally, emotionally, and that's where repentance comes in. And one of the first messages after Christ descended into heaven, what we find here in Acts, the second chapter, what happened when on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was sent. And this is what has to happen to everyone. And this is where modern Christianity misses the boat. There must be repentance, and there must be baptism. Because you can't have repentance and coming to God without baptism, and baptism is necessary so that you can receive the Holy Spirit. The little prayer that they have and say, oh Jesus, come into my heart. No, you come to God. You return to him. And Peter proclaimed on that day of Pentecost, when he told all the people that your sins have killed Christ, the Holy One of God, right there at the temple of God in Jerusalem at that time. And after hearing this, they were cut to the heart, and they said to Peter and the other apostles, men and brethren, what shall we do? This is the answer, how you come out of Babylon. And Peter said to them, repent and be baptized, each one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission. That's the forgiveness. That's the pardon of your sins through the blood and sacrifice of Christ. And you yourselves shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. That is the key. Because it talks about those in Revelation 17 that are with Christ, they are the called, because the call goes out all the time. That's why the Bible is so available in so many languages. The chosen, how do you become one of the chosen? You repent and come to God his way. He says, return to me, forsake your thoughts, forsake your ways, come to him. He will help you. He will guide you. He will bring you out of it. But if you don't repent, then it's going to be like we have read with some of these prophecies, because they're all true. They will happen. They will take place, because God is a God of truth and righteousness. And remember this, the world before the flood got so evil, so evil. Every thought of everyone was only evil all the time. And he destroyed them all. Like Christ of the borough. So this is what it's all about. That's what we need to do. Go ahead. I wonder, Mr. Fred, I wonder if people understand where we are right now. Folks, listen, I never thought that I would be led in this direction until, well, a couple of things happened that many of you have already heard about. But look what's happened to us. Look at the things they put on full display, like the clothes of the Olympics. Look at all this prancing around, all this satanic imagery. You think they're doing that for fashion sense? They're not doing it to be stylish. They're doing it because that's what they roll with. That is what they believe. That is what they embrace. I assure you, another four years of what we've experienced for the last almost four years, and we will be under a totalitarian government and organization. And people that you thought were on your side, they will turn on you like they never knew you, and in fact, hate you. Because they'll be under orders because, well, they abandoned their faith a long time ago, too. Let me emphasize what's going to happen. I'll tell you right now. The United Nations has a plan for conquering America, and one of that plan is to create civil unrest and war and fighting in America on a scale so that the President of the United States will order the peacekeepers from the U.N. to come in. And then we will have soldiers from China, we will have soldiers from wherever, but the Chinese are already looking and eyeing to take over the western part of the U.S. United States of America, and they will be invited in. And we will be ruled over by those nations, and that's the plan to take down America. And that's why it's so important that everyone get out there and vote for Trump, but more importantly by that, that everyone starts getting their lives right with God by examining your life, by examining your mind, by examining what are you doing, where are you going. And that's why you need the book, Why Were You Born? You need to understand the great thing that God has for you. But we're living in such evil times that like John has said here, what is it going to be? It is going to be a slaughter beyond understanding. I think we better take all of this to heart. I really do. I'm not afraid. I'm looking forward to the return of Jesus, and he will come back. He's coming back. It doesn't matter what they think or what they say. It is written. Everything that has been written in what we call the Holy Bible is true, and the prophecies are coming true. Final message tonight. Let me have that phone number again real quick for people who want your caravan special. 1-637-1875. That's my office, and you just ask for the caravan special one, two, or three, and we will send all of it. You need this so that you can understand what God is doing. Thank you. God bless you. Come back to us again soon, and God bless you. I didn't say it already. God bless you, folks, very soon.

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