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In this conversation, Dr. Robert X and Beverly discuss the topic of "friendly fascism" and the current court cases involving Orange Man. They express their disbelief at the lack of evidence and questionable behavior of the prosecution. They also mention the raid on Mar-a-Lago and how it may be related to Joe Biden's connections with China. They discuss the tampering of evidence and the potential implications of the case. The conversation highlights their skepticism towards the government and their belief that Orange Man has been targeted unfairly. My IHOTEP, Grand Rising and Better Love, you are the best! You are listening to Dr. Robert X Forum by way of Truth to Power and I'm Beverly. And how are you doing today, this evening, tonight, Dr. Robert X? HOTEP, this is Bev HOTEP, family. Can you hear me all right tonight, Bev? Yep, we can hear you good. Excellent. Let's hope it stays that way for a change. Okay. So what were we talking about? Friendly fascism. All right. Got to. You know the piece I played last night, Bev, you asked me who it was. It was the white woman. Okay. It was very difficult to hear that because I had problems hearing it, too, because she was on the phone. Okay. So, man, everywhere I went today almost, all I was hearing about was these people trying to assassinate Orange Man all over the place. And what that does is that basically neutralizes their ability to try to kill him because they've been exposed. And it's just, Bev, there's an eerie feeling over all of this. I don't know if anybody else is feeling it, but it's like everybody waiting for something to drop. All the court cases, as we keep reiterating, all of the court cases are fake and phony. And it's like if you just pay a little bit of attention to each one of them, the stuff that's going on is just unimaginable that you would be seeing this kind of stuff going on in courtrooms. And I'm not just talking about this one. I'm talking about the one with Leticia James and the one with that crazy white woman that said that he raped her in the clothing store, in a dressing room, in a clothing store. All of this stuff is crazy, all of it. But it's exposing the system because us and other people, the regular people have been dealing with this for eons. Now you're seeing it. Yes. And if they do that to this dude, you know what they're doing to ordinary, everyday people, particularly us. Exactly. Why do you think the prisons are so filled with mostly us? Yes. No doubt about it. So, yes, you can look at it from that perspective, and that's all good. But you just don't think that these people have the gall with as fake as all the cases are, Bev. They don't have anything on this dude. They just say he did this, and it doesn't matter what kind of evidence comes out to show otherwise. This man is a multi-billionaire. You know what I mean? You just don't figure that these people would have the kind of nerve that they have to even deal with this, unless there are underlying reasons that account for their behavior. Personally, I think that those underlying reasons are because they're fascists, and that's why they're so quick to label everybody else as fascists. All you have to do is disagree with them. They call you two things, a racist and a fascist, and it don't matter if you're black, white, purple, green. All you have to do is disagree with them. So it's just I've been following this stuff for a long time, Bev's family. I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen anything like it. So it's new for me. Well, this has been going on behind the scenes, so it's just out now. Yeah. Oh, I get it. I don't know how anybody could see anything otherwise, because, again, if you're going to accuse somebody of doing something, you should at least have a little proof that it took place. But when you don't have any proof... But now I'm just saying, look how many of us have, some of us had proof, and we're still locked up. Yeah, that's true. No doubt about it. They just do what they want to do when you get in their court system, and it's just being shown. Yeah. Again, that's all true. But I still think you've got to have something. You can't just go into a courtroom and have a trial with no crime. You've got to be charged with something. In this particular trial right now, do you know that they've been ready to do jury deliberations, and they haven't charged this man with anything? There's no charge. Have you ever heard anything like that before? I haven't. Well... Well, this is an education moment. Yeah. Those that understand. We hope to lend you an effort. Deb, I don't know if it's my phone that's down low or... It could be mine. You can't hear me? We hear you real good. I just turned the phone the other way, so the speaker is, of course, in the back of the phone. But we got lucky in that the little white girl came back on the program again today. I don't know, again, I don't know if people realize what this whole Mar-a-Lago thing... They was looking to kill this dude, the FBI. And I've got to make a correction. I said they was giving shoot-to-kill orders. That's not the term. That's not the right term to use. They were authorized to use deadly force. Same thing. Pretty much. But, you know, again, you want to be straight. At least I do. So they authorized to use deadly force to get documents that half of the documents they brought there, they sent to Mar-a-Lago. This dude has been having, and his attorney, have been having conversations with the National Archives all the time. The FBI had already been to Mar-a-Lago and told him to put a lock on the door where the files were, right? So why would you then send the FBI there when you were in negotiations all the time with orders from the Justice Department and the FBI? To use deadly force. I don't know what anybody else sees, but I'm monitoring all this stuff. And I've never seen anything like it. It is literally insane. I keep using that word. The reason I keep using it is because I want people to understand what we're really dealing with here. So if you're dealing with insane people and you're begging them for reparations, right, do you think you're going to get it? Have they gave it so far? How many years it's been? As long as they've been here. But you're dealing with a bunch of psychopaths. And you expect reasonable responses from a psychopath. Our luck was so good that Julie Kelly, the white girl that I was talking about earlier, went back on Steve Bannon's program today, and I think the audio is much better. And this little white girl has been reading all of the court documents. Let me tell you something. Later on this month, not this month, next month, in late June, around the 25th, 26th, she's going to have an evidentiary hearing in Florida. All of this stuff is coming out of her courtroom where she's exposing the criminal behavior of the prosecution. So these are documents that come from the government. And she saw that none of this stuff really fit that they were saying, so she decides to read the evidence. And what she saw, I know it scared the hell out of her. So she decides that she ain't going to let the case go forward until she redraws some parameters for the case. She may throw the whole damn thing out because the prosecution has admitted tampering with the evidence. The document that they have is pointing out that they brought 20-something boxes to Amar-a-Lago way before they decided to raid it. That's the government. The government is sending these documents. And as I stated yesterday and before, this was all a diversion to have Joe Biden basically spying for the Chinese and anybody else that had paid him and his family. Okay? That's what the raid on Amar-a-Lago was really all about. Now, there are people that say it was to recover the documents from Crossfire Hurricane that basically shows that Obama and Hillary Clinton and the head of the FBI, Comey, and the head of the CIA, Brennan, all conspired to have that coup d'etat where they tried to say that Orange Man was a Russian agent. That whole program was called Crossfire Hurricane. And that Orange Man had said he wanted all that information released to the public before he left office. And they refused to release it. All right? So, he's supposed to have copies of the stuff. And the cover story to have for Biden was that they were going there to retrieve top secret information. So, what did the FBI do? They went and got envelopes and spread them all over the information that they threw on the floor at Amar-a-Lago to try to show that Orange Man was basically neglecting top secret information. But keep in mind, the information that they – the photographs that they took were photographs that were all staged by them, the FBI. They brought those envelopes there. And if you go back and recall there, one of the things that Orange Man said early on after the raid was that he had photographed the whole thing. So, he said that they was probably going to try to put extra documents in there, documents that he didn't even have. Then we find out there that the prosecution has tampered with the evidence. The evidence that was scanned beforehand after the raid is not the same stuff that they got now. Now, Beth, again, I'm a realistic, rational person. Can you tell me how he would know that they would try to plant evidence on him way ahead of time? This is like a day after the raid. Well, you always say he's a pan-traveler. And now I'm hearing that being repeated on the Internet now more and more. That's exactly right, Beth. See, you can't keep doing this. You keep doing this over and over. And I'm talking way ahead of time. When nobody's thinking about that, everybody's trying to figure out why would the FBI be raiding this man's home. Okay? And apparently it's a holdover from the OJ Simpson trial, right? He loves that. But check this out, family. This is the little white boy. I'm breaking it down so you know just what happened. This is from the war room. Go ahead, Beth. Is her name Julie Kelly? Julie? Yes. Yes. Julie Kelly. I'm working on fixing my speech, so we'll get that hopefully momentarily. But, like I said, times of turbulence. If you saw what happened in court today and what's happening with this FBI raid, the great Julie Kelly is explaining it. You know, eventually I'm going to get somebody. I'm going to get folks in here that are not sick. Every day I get another sick guy. I have another sick person. I say, are we okay? It's my first day. Give me a thumbs up. I say, I'll come over and pat you on the head and give you something. God, I'm talking about a sick crew here. Portugal.com. Empire, don't let what's happening to the dollar here, what's happening to the pound, upend your personal finances. It doesn't have to, but you've got to talk to them. I'm sorry, friend. I can't. I told you, I can't deal with commercials. I literally can't. So I'm going to get to the Mar-a-Lago raid. Your analysis on Twitter was incredible. People went full meltdown. Part of my speech today was to go back through what happened and throw down a hope even harder, and we'll have something to say about that. Tell me about the fireworks today with Judge Cannon and the Jack Smith team. So, yes, I just got home from the federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida. There were two hearings today related to Special Counsel Jack Smith's SB&I obstruction case against Donald Trump. The former president was not there, but these were related to two motions from his co-defendant, Walti Nada, his valet at White House, who went to work for him at Mar-a-Lago, who was also charged in this case. And I'll tell you, Steve, the special counsel team, the special counsel team, come on, come on. Man, this is crazy. This is another program that just broke right into this program. I don't know if them gremlins are still out here, but I thought they were done. Well, we're dealing with technology. It's crazy. But this is crazy, man. I had this thing queued up. I listened to it three times. Okay, so I know it was queued because I only have a couple of pieces that I wanted to play. But I want the family to hear what she has to say. Okay, let's try it now. Let's see what we get. As a corporate, forcing him to testify to the grand jury and produce all of his records and communications with Donald Trump, and he did that under the crime fraud exception. The defense wants to see all of the backup material, all of the testimony, how he arrived at that decision. So by all of these materials, almost all are interested in Washington, D.C. If he got there by horse, he would disagree with them. He disagreed. You got to hear the whole thing. Because the thing about this trial with Jack Smith is that he empaneled a grand jury in D.C., and then they moved the trial to Florida. So it's almost like there's two separate cases for the same case. Okay. But you got to hear the stuff that the system did. That's what's important. And this is all in the court documents. This ain't my opinion. It ain't your opinion. Let me see if this is going to act right. Warren, we're not going to be a republic. You've let the Gestapo, you've let the FF. The FBI are the worst people in the world, and the DOJ, Lisa Monaco, you're criminals. You're going to be held accountable for your criminality. Comey's on TV last night whining, you ain't seen nothing yet, bro. You people are criminals. You're a disgrace to the United States of America. Gina Kelly, your thoughts. Oh, I totally agree. And, again, that's why I have to commend Judge Shannon for what she's doing. She is single-handedly exposing the dirtiness of this case and the corruption of these prosecutors and the broader DOJ. Shannon is the judge, the female judge down there in Florida with Jack Smith, okay? And she's basically getting ready to cut them a new one. Let's put it like that. And there's going to be a lot more to come. There's going to be a lot more to come. She's still not setting a trial date. And if she sets a hearing for the motion that was filed yesterday, the motion to suppress monological evidence, and there is a public hearing about that raid and the use of force and having to listen to the prosecution then defend that this is standard protocol like the FBI came out with last night, a rare statement defending itself about this, I suspect we're going to find out a lot more about how this raid went down. We already know that they have bundled evidence and misplaced evidence ever since. We know that they used cover sheets, that they brought those prop cover sheets and attached them to files and took a picture. We get it out to the media. But I think we're just scratching the surface of how bad this raid was and how potentially dangerous to the people who are at Mar-a-Lago on August 8th, 2022. In the classical military sense, turn the guns back on them. These people are criminals. They need to be treated as criminals. Where can people go? Julie Kelly, get more of your amazing reportage. Thank you. So I'll be posting on Twitter shortly of the hearing today. Julie Kelly, Julie Kelly 2, and True Social, Julie Kelly. And reopen your investigation. Amazing work. Amazing work, ma'am. Everybody, let's push it out. Grace Moe, let's get this out there. Thank you, ma'am. See, I couldn't go back to the point that I wanted to go back. This thing switched up on me and started all over again at the tail end of her conversation. That's not what I had cued up. What I had cued up was the very beginning of our conversation where she lays out this thing with the role that the D.C. thing is playing because them judges, they were trying to push this thing along as fast as they could. Okay? Unfortunately for them, the case got moved down to Florida. When that happened, much of their protection was stripped away from them. And this judge is not playing. Okay? Now, there's something very fishy and strange about this case that they're having, that they're adjudicating right now. With Alvin Bragg, there's something wrong with this whole thing. With all of the stuff that has come out, there's no way in hell this trial should be still going on. It's literally impossible for this trial to be still going on. The case should have been dismissed. You still with me there? Yeah, I'm still here. I'm listening. Yeah, this case should have been – it shouldn't even be – we should be talking about all the stuff that the media is talking about after the case has been dismissed. And the judge hasn't dismissed the case. I'm going to tell you why something is very strange with this whole thing. Because Cohen's lawyer, who called Cohen an unmitigated liar, I ain't here to judge Cohen one way or the other. Either you got the information and the facts or you don't. It's real simple for me. His own lawyer came out basically and was pointing out that almost everything that Cohen has testified to is a lie because he had the same conversations with him. This is his lawyer or his former lawyer. The judge would not allow him to even complete a sentence from the different perspectives that I've taken a look at. Okay. Now, his lawyer is basically a witness for the defense, for trust people. I know this is all pretty boring. But what I'm trying to show the family is the intelligence community exists all over the place and all walks of life. And they'll be in places, either them or their assets. You know, like P. Diddy is an asset. Snoop Dogg is an asset. They're not agents. They don't work for the FBI. They basically spy for the FBI. They do the FBI's bidding to keep them going to jail. Okay. So they're useful idiots. But there's a lot of people in the media, mainstream media, who are not just assets but they're agents. And, again, we have this picture of intelligence people being white males or white females and, you know, that's it. Everybody else is just informants or whatever. No. No, no. There are a number of Negro agents in the FBI. If Michael Jihad is out there tonight, I want him to make sure when he calls in to mention the FBI agent that started coming around us to our forms back in the day. We didn't even know this dude. And all of a sudden he hears us on the radio and he starts popping up at the forms. Then he runs for political office. Had the same kind of demeanor as Obama. Only he was a very shorter version. So, man, it must not be for me to deal with this Judy Kelly piece because I know I had that thing set to a key. So we're just going to have to get in some other time. So what I'm going to do is last night James Comey, the former head of the FBI, this seven-foot faggot that was basically running the Crossfire Hurricane. Well, he wasn't running it, but let's just say he was one of the operational heads of it, of the Crossfire Hurricane to set up Orange Man and to complete the coup. I understand that he came out and was running his mouth yesterday. And you don't need to guess why, Bev. Well, we hadn't heard from him in a while. That's right. But the FBI is back on the front burner because them agents were told to basically, they had the authority to use deadly force. Okay. And Judy Kelly had the exact language. That's why I wanted to play that whole thing, again, just for whatever reason. So maybe I'll be able to go and they got her isolated in a cliff or something. I'll try it while I'm doing that. I'm just saying the family can go and listen to it. Who was that? Who was the broadcast she was on? That was on the war room. But it will be confusing unless you know what you're looking for. That was the evening, the 5 p.m. session, because he has two different sessions. He comes on earlier in the day and he comes back on at, like, 4 o'clock, my time. Okay. Okay. So it was on the 4 o'clock session. But I'm going to pull it up before we leave tonight. Okay. See, this is friendly fascism. You got the comedians, most of them Jewish, and we've been saying that for years now, Bev, about these so-called talk show hosts. I can assure you, family, neither Bev nor I have any affiliation with the intelligence community. But I can't say that for too many other people, particularly the people that I listen to, because if they're not a part of it, they certainly know a lot of people who are parts of it. And I'm going way back, Bev. There used to be this girl on, what's the radio program called, PBS. What's the PBS radio show called, Bev? NPR. NPR, National Public Radio. There used to be this white girl on there, and she was tough. Her name was Sondra Gare. And Sondra Gare, I mentioned this before on the program, but it's good to repeat this kind of stuff sometimes. Because, see, I listened to NPR before it changed, and I know when it changed. It changed after Sondra Gare somehow died. And this white girl used to have all kinds of intelligence whistleblowers on her program. I would set my clock by her program. Didn't miss a day. And she had one of the baddest programs on radio, and then she ended up dying. And then the Voice of America took over, or the former head of the Voice of America took over. And you won't believe the drastic change that NPR undertook. The change was drastic. It ceased to be public radio and became government propaganda. Promoting nothing but friendly fascism. And it's kind of reminiscent of what has happened to the Democratic Party. Democratic Party, when I was a kid, used to be against the wars and the establishment. Now it's exactly the opposite. So, again, I'm saying all that to say that you almost, and this is not a bias from my perspective, you almost can't watch any of the talk shows from Saturday Night Live, okay, which is all political now, and it's friendly fascism. And I don't know many of these people there, because I haven't watched them in decades. So, this Jon Stewart character, do you know who that is? Jon Stewart. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. He was one of the so-called recognized late-night talk shows. Now, I know who Johnny Carson was. Yeah, I know who he was. But I didn't look at Jon Stewart. There was very little politics involved in Johnny Carson's show. It was mostly entertainment, right? And comedy. That's not what you got today, okay? That's not what you got today, okay? You've got comedic propaganda. And one of the people at the top of the heap, and again, damn near all of them Jewish, what a surprise, is this dude named Bill Maher that I mentioned a few months ago. Now, I ain't never watched a Bill Maher program. I couldn't imagine watching him for more than ten minutes. I can't imagine going any further than that. Because you hear people talk about people like him and Jon Stewart as two extremely bright and funny people. Okay? They're supposed to be comedians, but they're supposed to be super smart, like a Dave Chappelle. But they are not. They are comedic propagandists. Okay? And now, I want the family to consider all of the stuff that we've put out here about what's going on with Orange Man, the body politic in general, so-called wars in Ukraine, et cetera, et cetera, the Clintons. Particularly think about Hillary Clinton, okay, and the things that you've heard her say. And then listen to this guy, because the propaganda just oozes out of him, but he's like the joker in the tarot deck. That's friendly fascism. That joker ain't about clowning around. That joker in the tarot deck is the most important card in the deck, because he has the beginning and the end. He's the alpha and the omega. Okay? So, I thought that the family might get a kick out of this, but this is how serious this stuff is. I want you to listen to this family, and then we're going back to lay further groundwork in this whole piece on friendly fascism. Hey, guys, welcome to The Liberal Live Mind, a channel solely focused on exposing the opposite hypocrisy of the left. So, here we go. Bill Maher's repenting. He's done, I think, too many segments as of late that have been negative towards President Joe Biden, the greatest, most intelligent, most competent president in American history. And so, of course, as a paid media show, he can't have that. Bill Maher needs to repent. He needs to undo the damage that he's done, et cetera. So, what's Bill Maher doing? He's doing a media tour. These are rare people. It seems as though Bill Maher's handlers have sent him out on a media tour to counteract that narrative. Tell the people, listen, Biden hater, I'm just a straight shooter. I'm just telling it like it is. Even though I criticize Joe Biden, I tell you, Donald Trump remains the greatest threat to our democracy ever. Donald Trump will steal your lunch and kick you in the shin. Yep, that's pretty much exactly the way I see it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't care. This is my show, my opinion. I'm going to say whatever the frick I want to say. That's the way I'm perceiving this whole thing. Bill Maher's doing a little apologetic tour so the left-wingers can once again see him as a fighter for democracy. But there's only one problem. Bill Maher's not as smart as he thinks he is, but most of the people aren't as dumb as he perceives them to be. His ego is to Bill Maher, in my opinion at least, in his latest media adventure, completely embarrasses himself. And I think completely fails to make the point that he's trying to. Let me show you guys exactly what's going on. He's made three different pit stops here we got some clips to get into. So let's roll the tape. All right, folks. So it all started off with Bill Maher heading towards The View, making a visit with the cackling heads at The View. You're a comic, but you basically go after Trump and Biden. You know, both of them. And a lot of people are not happy with you about that. We're not equally. We're not equally, because you know Trump is more dangerous. Of course. I mean, I don't think anybody was more out front about that danger than I was. I was talking about how he was never going to give up power long ago when everybody was laughing at me and said, you smoke too much pot. I said, I smoke just the right amount of pot. You know, I was using the term slowpoke and cool before he was elected the first time. I said, this guy is never going to concede power. It's impossible to imagine him going. He just puts his foot in his nature. I'm nervous about saying anything against Biden because I feel, you know, not that I have so much power, and you have some more than I do. I don't know about that. Are you afraid that you might, you know, influence? I think you lose all credibility. I do. And my response has always been, I don't pull a punch. But my own agency is not going to like everything I say. But you know I'm saying what I really think is true. That's it. Yep, you can see it's the apology tour, right? Listen, okay, it's real time with Bill Maher. I'm just a real guy. I'm just calling it like it is. Okay, okay. Yeah, Bill Maher was so real and authentic, that ignorant shilling of Gavin Newsom with Patrick Bent David and that infamous clip that we played a million times, where he advocated for Gavin Newsom to run for president, even though he missed a single accomplishment. Yeah, Bill Maher is so real. He's living in frickin' hollow and desensitized California. Oh, shut up. There you go back again, family. Man, this is crazy. Okay, there it is. I hope I can pick it up. I have a few quips. Okay, go ahead. Quip away, Mr. Quip. Make the argument. And here, of course, is where Bill Maher proves himself as, first of all, a horrible debater and, secondly, totally dishonest and ignorant. First pit stop, great cut film show. So far, so good. I have a few quips. Okay, go ahead. Quip away, Mr. Quip. Well, I mean, I agree that we're talking. I agree that we agree on some things. We're not exactly aligned on the most important things, which is basically Trump is someone who does not concede elections. Yeah. The most important thing. Yeah. You don't seem to see it that way. That's the most important thing that's going on in this country. He didn't concede the last election. He's not going to concede this election. You don't know that. You don't seem to do that, Bill. Yeah, I did. I did. Because I was the only one who was talking about that way back when, and everybody said, oh, you smoke too much pot. It turned out I smoked just the right amount of it. But can you really picture this guy going, you know what, I lost. He did. He left. He left. Because he had to leave. Because he couldn't get out. But that's how it works. He's going to, like, board up the White House, you know, pull in a straw dog or something. But last time he thought the other Republicans would back him up. When he called that guy in Georgia and said, I need 11,000 votes, I want you to sign it. He said find. He didn't say create. He said find. Well, that's the same thing. No, it's not. He'll say on an Easter egg, I want you to create more Easter eggs. So, Dr. Drew, you're really good at diagnosing mental illness. Okay. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. That's not a problem. Don't follow everything in your life, Bill. Right. Well, that was kind of a mistake. Yeah. He sued me because I said he possibly was the son of an orangutan. Oh. Hmm. Because we showed the picture, he looks exactly like the hair color. It looks exactly like an orangutan. You know what's interesting, as far as it pertains to Orange, he has always been the stand-up politician, right? But now he's sort of heading towards Carrot Top. Some of the stuff he's doing at the podium with the kickbacks and everything, he's really becoming a comedian at the... Well, you know what? He realizes that he's winning. I think that's funny, Bill. It bothers me because, again, he's an insurrectionist who doesn't believe in democracy, so it bothers me. And, of course, he's also insane and a criminal. It's just Trump derangements. I don't have anything against the guy, although he did sue me. Give me a break. Don't pretend as if he's so intelligent, so wise, so tuned in. Donald Trump's a fascist. He's an insurrectionist who refused to leave office. He conceded the election, even though he literally conceded the election, or at least conceded that he wasn't going to stay in the office. According to Bill Maher, that makes him a fascist. Disagreeing with the outcome of something, wanting investigations and audits, yeah, that makes you a fascist who will never accept defeat. No, that makes you a skeptic who saw some pretty sketchy crap that was never truly addressed in a transparent manner. No, that makes you somebody who is willing and confident enough, courageous enough, to stand up against something that you perceive as a clear injustice, or something you perceive as undemocratic, you know, small stuff, like the CIA, the FBI colluding with the DNC in Joe Biden's campaign to censor information during the debates to provide fake news pushback against Hunter Biden last month. During the debates and across news coverage, you know, just censoring the flow of information in the public conversation on massive social media platforms. Ah, but you should watch Donald Trump's insurrection. Okay, Bill, slow the frick down. I can't keep up with the intellect. Social commentary? This guy is such a buffoon. It's not even funny. And then during that interaction, he also said another thing. When Greg Gutfeld mentioned that he didn't know that Trump sued Bill Maher, he said, and during the news business. Really? Of course. I didn't know that. Really? No. He was a besetting jerk. This coming from Bill Maher, who knows nothing about anything. I don't wonder why I don't remember this. No shit. You blocked it on him, say, old Trump. This is that white woman, the Jewish woman, who dropped bombs on the whole Jewish thing. I've heard her drop literal bombs on her own people. And she'll be one of the first to tell you she basically rides with the Orthodox. I didn't even know who this was, man. She had one show on TV, I think, and this man kicked off TV. And she's Jewish. Anyway, this is Bill Maher talking to her, and she basically tells him that you're a victim of MKUltra. Who's that? He says, who is that? MKUltra? Yeah. So who's Karl Schwab? The WES. Yeah. What's that? Google it. The original set from the WES and federal law enforcement is the Russia gang. And the reason that so many in the party, and I'm here as the translator because I'm not lying, but so many in the party accept so much of Donald Trump's behavior is because the Russia stuff, well, they lie. No, it wasn't all a lie. It was not all a lie. You guys have been lit. Are you still dossiering on me? No, no, no. That article was true. Okay, you know. He did Mueller reports for three years. Yes, and Mueller never said he was innocent. And the whole time I'm like, guys, I don't think he's a Russian plant. And everyone I'm saying instead is looking at me like I'm crazy. And at the end, we get to not much there there. No, there was quite a bit there. There was a lot there. There was collusion we never had before. It was unprecedented that a president would do that. He just did it in public because he's insane. Yeah, Bill Maher, a real well-read, well-rounded-in-his-views-knowledge guy. Bill Maher, the guy who knows nothing about January 6th or the important investigative work that's been done surrounding it. Bill Maher knows nothing about the Twitter files. He's going to say something like that to break us all because he wasn't aware of an obscure lawsuit. That was supposedly big news. I remember that time so clearly. It was big news. On the Daily Show and on Real Time with Bill Maher on the comedy news shows. Again, get it right. But, anyways, let's continue to cover this guy's horrible moments. Again, speaking on that same point where he acted so arrogant and condescending towards Greg Gutfeld, you're in the news business. Don't go, please. I find that statement funny considering his third media appearance on Megyn Kelly's podcast, This Happened. Hillary Clinton, of course, is the original election denier. I'm sure you voted for her in 16. Well, she's not an election denier. She absolutely was the OG election denier. First of all, she came out before the sun had risen to concede the election to Trump. That is a bogus lie. She came out in the middle of the night and said that the votes are still being tallied and that she was going to go upstairs and get some rest. What she did was she went upstairs and drank everything that looked like liquor and two bottles of that beer because she blamed Clinton and all of the women that were brought to debate by Steve Bannon, who was the earlier chief of staff for Trump. Okay? Steve Bannon in the war room, the piece that I played earlier. He called all the women Bill Clinton had raped to the debates. Okay? So he was fighting fire with fire because they were accusing Trump of raping about 18 different women, as many as they could find that were willing to say that he raped them, and they would get paid. And that's exactly what came out after the election was over. Stormy was just one of them. Okay? Unfortunately for them, several of them women came out and said that Trump basically treated them like goddesses. I don't know if this family remembers this stuff. I remember. So look at how dumb this dude is playing, and he's at the top of the game for late-night TV. Now we get to Hillary Clinton, and he wants to say that Hillary Clinton came out, acknowledged that she lost the race. No. It took her damn near two days after the election was over when she finally came out. Bev, you and I talked about it. Her and Bill were out in purple. Yeah. The purple revolution. That is correct. Let's keep going. Because, see, they scattered this dude because he's Jewish. So even Megyn Kelly, who knows better, she tries to battle him, but she has to concede some of his points because she knows he's a heavyweight in the comedic propaganda. Let's keep going. And spent the next four years saying he was illegitimate. He was an illegitimate president. Let me think about it. First of all, she didn't say he was an illegitimate president. Yes, she did. This happened. Hillary Clinton, of course, is the original election denier. I'm sure you voted for her in 16. Well, she's not an election denier. She absolutely was the OG election denier. First of all, she came out before the sun had risen to concede the election to Trump. And then spent the next four years saying he was illegitimate. He was an illegitimate president. Okay. Well, first of all, she didn't say he was an illegitimate president. She did. Tell me exactly what she said. She said those exact words repeatedly. I believe he knows he's an illegitimate president. Okay. I mean, she conceded the election. Whether you're interpreting her disappointment at losing it as the same thing as Trump not conceding it, I don't know. That's where you're getting it from. But, again, it's a tremendous false equivalency. You could ask Hillary Clinton right now, who won that election? She will tell you. Donald Trump won the election. Now she knows she has to because of what Trump has done. She came out that night in her dark purple suit and conceded the election. Correct. That's where you're trying to convince her it was not legitimate. You can run the best campaign. You can even become the nominee. And you can have the election stolen from you. Yeah, Bill Maher, who really knows everything about everything, makes the argument that Hillary Clinton didn't reject the results of her lost election in 2016. You know, the election that she still refuses to concede, the election that she still says was added to Donald Trump by Russian interference. She immediately conceded the election. Well, did she? I mean, I guess on the surface she did. But anybody who really knows what actually happened, no, she conceded on the surface. But behind the scenes, she was essentially engaged in a coup to unseat the sitting president at the time, President Donald J. Trump. She used Fusion GPS as a proxy to work with a former British spy and multiple Russian sources and agents to launch a phony narrative in an attempt to paint Donald Trump as a Manchurian candidate, as a man who colluded with the Russians so he could be impeached and removed from office. I wouldn't call that conceding an election. I'd call that a vengeful coup. But of course, as we know, Donald Trump's the insurrectionist and threat to democracy because he's the guy who saw all of this stuff happening and attempted to protest it and call for investigations into all of it, from the, let's call it, 2017 coup and beyond, all the way to the 2020 election. This guy knows nothing. He has his little pre-rehearsed lines and his, you know, fancy little jokes that his writer staff writes for him. He talks as if he's so smart and he's like, Well, I was calling that Donald Trump wouldn't concede and would never leave the office before anyone else. And everyone said I was being too much of a reefer. Well, actually, I was both and just looked right up. Wow, so funny. You're so smart. You are so curved. Give me a break. Bill Maher was pushing the same Trump Arrangement Syndrome talking point that every anchor at every leftist network was pushing for years. I mean, they were talking about Donald Trump refusing to leave office back in like 2018, well before he was running as an incumbent. But Bill Maher pretends that he's the smart genius guy who's calling it ahead of everyone. What a pathetic display of lazy commentary portrayed as intellectual analysis. Bill Maher isn't what he thinks he is. His little media tour here certainly wasn't what he thought it was. Another embarrassing display. Bill Maher simply sucks. Anyway, that's what I got for you guys. Thanks for watching. And I'll see you on the next one. Here's the deal, Bill, you see? Mm-hmm. It is on YouTube, all right? So he's only going to say certain things. Right. Bill Maher is part of the comedic propaganda complex. That's what he's a part of. And it's systemic with all of the so-called late-night talk shows, every single one of them. I don't know what our listenership is on this program because it's been so inconsistent over the past couple of years with my health concerns, and as everybody knows, a variety of other little things. But I can guarantee you, Bill, if we end up on a – you know where I'm going. Yeah. Tell the family where I'm going. If we end up on a station similar to, like, Rumble and them. Bingo. You're already there before I get there. If we were on Rumble, the numbers would be over the top. Mm-hmm. And maybe the family will understand what I'm saying if that happens, because you'll be able to see the numbers for yourself. Okay? Yeah. They won't be hitting like they've been hitting. And you won't get no rest because everybody will be trying to contact you to get me on the program, and you know what I'm going to tell them. Mm-hmm. I am a product of truth to power, and I will do nobody's program that truth to power don't give me the authority to do. Period. Plus, it keeps my ego in check, see, and nobody can regulate your ego but you. And if it rules you, you're responsible for that. You don't point the finger at nobody else. So if you get caught up, you've got to consider the things that you did, not nobody else. So I ain't here to point those fingers at anybody connected with anything that I've been involved with that perhaps didn't go the way I wanted it to. No. That's a coward's move. I ain't playing that game. But, yeah, the family will get to see. And then they'll smile. They will smile. It'll be just like early on when we started doing this program and you started getting over to some people. And I know people can't figure out why this brother don't want to go on nobody else's program, because I'm not an egomaniac. That's why. In too many people, it becomes a paper chase. You're caught chasing. I ain't chasing no damn cloud. I'm just not into that. All right? I enjoy sitting here with Bev giving me the latitude to run my mouth dry for almost four hours, at least three hours, and let me get this information out, because as the family can attest over the years, the information is far more compelling than anything I could say. All right? And that's why we have to understand the nature of friendly fascism. The two pieces that I just got through playing for you were the one that, again, I'm going to find it at some point tonight, hopefully. It was that good with Julie Kelly, because the family needs to be able to recognize the friendly fascist. All right? That's what Bill Maher is, so-called comedian, so-called highly intelligent dude, but he's really a clown and nothing more. And so is that other dude that I mentioned, John Stewart. He's worse than Bill Maher. Okay? And I just can't help it, family. I'm sorry. I mean, I know they go, I recognize they'll call people like me an anti-Semite. See, I recognize that a long time ago. But that stuff kind of bounces off of me for these people to call me that today, because I've gone down too many avenues, and it seems like every avenue I go down I run into some Jewish people who are Zionists, right, who are very evil people. Now, what do you want me to do, don't go down these avenues? Because I'm just talking about everyday stuff. Case in point, Bill Maher and John Stewart. Now, if I want to go through the political arena, I can't help but notice these people, because they're the ones that seem to be leading the packs. Can't help it. That dude who is the inheritor, he's a congressman, he's the inheritor of the fortune from the Gene Company. Was it Levi's there? Yeah, I think it was Levi's, yeah. Yeah, see, I can't remember all their names. But that dude was directly sending money to the judge's daughter that's handling the case now. Did you hear me? Adam Schiff has sent that judge's daughter millions of dollars to do work for him, okay? Now, what are the odds of that? And I ain't looking to it, Bill, but I'm looking at his name and how he wants to change the pronunciation of his name. And when I see that red flag go up, somebody tell me, my spirit is telling me this is one of them people that's trying to hide what they really are. What's his name? Judge Meyer? Mayor? That's all right, Bill. I know you don't. But anyway, these are just little things that I picked up along the way. Because I know so many of these people left Eastern Europe, and when they got to Israel, they changed their name. When they got to America, they changed their name. Now, in my opinion, Rahm Emanuel is a classic example. That ain't his family name. And there's so many of them that have done that, and that's to give you a false indication of what they really are, religiously, because that's not an ethnicity. Religiously, it's a religion. That's why it's extremely important now with what the FBI just got caught. If that judge don't go into that information in that trial, she would never know that the FBI was giving orders. Now, just imagine you a judge on this case. Y'all got to listen to the whole thing because I can't give it to you verbatim. But just imagine you the judge in that case and the Attorney General of the United States gives an order, gives an order, family, to use deadly force in the confiscation of records when you can go through our own man's entire history, there's absolutely not one shred of violence, not one. And one thing that Judy Kelly said, and she's not the only one that said this, had Trump been there, they probably would have killed him. I got to pause on that because we ain't been down this road before. Okay? When they tried to kill Reagan, and that one was obvious because that boy was close, John Hinckley, his whole family was close to the Bush family. Okay? So we know that had intelligence CIA written all over it with Bush being the Vice President. All right? When they introduced Reagan to heavy metal, Nancy Reagan called every seance operator in Mississippi. She couldn't even hide it. It was all over the media. These are her words. She refused to leave Reagan's bedside. Those are her words. Yeah. Okay. Because she knows what they do in the hospital. You're damn right. So, yeah, we're a little comedic, but this is real talk, family. This is real. They were perfectly willing, if they had to, to kill Secret Service agents and private bodyguards to get through Trump. Well, he's saying he's the only one that's stopped in their way, so, you know, they're going to do whatever it takes to move him out the way. If they can. If they can. Now, what about the scenario that if Trump was part of the MK Ultra or he was placed in his family and just like they got that on the negative side, you also got the other side that's using the same techniques, and they placed him there to combat all of this that's going on. Okay. I think I follow you. I don't know how MK Ultra get in there. Well, I'm just saying that, but it could be that. Now, this is not my thinking. I heard this scenario, and I was like, hmm. Yeah, I've heard it. Okay, so with his background, you know, so what do you think about that? They're all dealing with time travel. So, again, it's kind of like that Terminator. You got one working on one side and the other working on the other side. Okay. They're battling each other. I got you. And the Terminator will sit here so the other couldn't destroy the world or whatever he came here to do. And so it was that battle, and it kind of seemed like that's what's going on now. Between two Terminators. Well, we'll say time travelers. If you want to call them Terminators, yeah. I get it. I'm just making sure I'm where you're at with that. So who would be the other? Joe Biden? Well, I mean, you're dealing with whatever that source. They infiltrate it. It's like it seems like that's what they do and everything. It's like Black Lives Matter. At first it was hands up, don't shoot, or however. And they took over that. And this energy entity or whatever it is, system, criminals, they took over the system. So we see that plain and clear that it's in the medical, it's in the legal, it's all over the place. See, again, I operate a little differently there. No, that's why I'm asking you that. Yeah. When I talk about the medical establishment, I can go back to the Rockefellers and show people when they basically hijacked the medical establishment. Some of that, okay? It seemed to be the same people. What we call that 1% of the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the banking and all of that. And so just say that they are the other side of the Terminator. Yeah, I get you. Okay. So they basically sent the Terminator to do their bidding. Well, they could have been, or however, you know, but it's the two sides battling here. We see the battle. Okay. Again, I tend to see these things a little bit differently, and it's just based on the research. I know the Rockefeller history. I know the Rothschild history. This is way before the Internet. Have to know it. Because if you're going to deal with centers of power, how do you miss them? This is way before the Internet. Well, there's only one way you're going to find out about it. You've got to go do the real research. Okay? You've got to read the books. That's what we did. You can follow the money. Huh? You can follow the money. Well, you ain't got no choice because they are the money. They're the Federal Reserve. They're the Central Banking Center. Right. And all of that is being tore down or changed. That's where the battle is at. We're all there. That's right. And we told everybody, if they go to the cash of society, you can forget about it. It's over with. We also said forget about trying to do things with cryptocurrency that's not sanctioned by the government. I don't care what cryptocurrency you have. I don't care what cryptocurrency it is. It's like the Federal Reserve. Okay? Try to come up with another currency and it gets some modicum of success, and watch what the Federal Reserve do to you. And that's a private institution. Yeah. They'll come down you like a ton of bricks. You never know what hits you. Now, I do know because I experimented with this with some people back in the day about using different brands of what we would call currency to get away from the dollar. We did lectures on the Federal Reserve and the death of the dollar 30 years ago. I don't talk about a lot of the money flow because I've been focused on putting faces on the people, right? I want people to pay attention to the people. And once you pay attention to them, you can't miss their institutions. Even if you tried, you couldn't miss them. But for so long, it's like when people say the Illuminati, right? Well, what is that? Give me some faces of the people at the top of the Illuminati. Give me some names. It seems like it always goes back to the same people, same families. It does. It most certainly does. Okay? So we know those people are still in charge. Them people have been in charge no matter they had went to war, the whole world went to war twice. Well, not exactly the whole world but a large portion of it. They had two world wars and these same families still in the same position that they're in today that they were in back then. So how is that? How is it that these people never lose their wealth? Go back hundreds of years with these folks. They created it, the dollar and stuff, the system. They put the system together. Yeah, but you would figure their families die out, don't they? Not these families. These families are beyond what we know as a family. I forget the word that this word kept coming up in all of the books that I read on the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. I bet you I read at least four books on the Rothschilds, at least four, and not just them. Okay? All these old German Jewish families. I can't even name most of them today. Somebody would have to jog my memory. The Schiffs, the Warburgs, all them people. We have to read books on them people. And the intermarriages between these people because they didn't allow their offspring to marry outside of their clan. Yeah, I heard that. I heard that even the guys turned into females so they could keep that bloodline going. Okay, now, did they have children? Well, probably surrogate children. Well, now, if they had children, that's going to put them out of business. I mean, I'm sorry. If they turned from men to women. Oh, yes. They're not. They're DNA. They don't have that blood. Now, what they have, and I can document this, is they intermarried in the family. Cousins and stuff like that. Yeah, big time. That's why a lot of this craziness is going on. A lot of them got mental problems. They have a corrupt gene pool is what you're saying. Yes, no question about it. And the only time that they stopped that was in the early 1900s. That's when it stopped. Prior to that, they were still marrying their cousins and, you know, that kind of thing. There was something else. Here's the other part. Now, they've always engaged in illicit sexual activities. They've always engaged in this. So when you talk about them turning into women, I wouldn't say that. I would say that there's a heavy dose of bisexualism and lesbianism and kinky stuff. Because the kinky stuff was existing with the pro people down at the pro level. The kinky stuff, like the Marquis de Sade, right, these were very wealthy people that engaged in this stuff. BDSM and all this kind of stuff. This wasn't poor people. I'm not saying all poor people didn't engage in it, but I'm saying rich people have always engaged in that. So that ain't new either. And we know that Charles, who they're pulling cash out of his butt like every other week now, we know him and his daddy and his uncles, we know that they were engaging in homosexual affairs with people. We know they were having sex with children. We know his brother was hanging out with Epstein. Right? All that's fact. Yeah. So we're not immune. We're not oblivious to any of the sexual mores of the people at the top. As we kept saying, what they're trying to do now is to justify their behavior by basically opening everybody else up to it. So they don't have to have it no more. That's why you got these billionaires that's financing all of this stuff, and they're Jewish billionaires. Sorry. Go ahead, Beth. No, I was just saying it's kind of like when they went there looking for paperwork and Biden had paperwork in his garage. Yeah, you're talking about the same scenario. Yeah, yeah. With the sexual demons. That's right. And remember, Beth, the thing that kind of made everybody straighten up a little bit was remember Peter Stroke and his girlfriend? Now, they're both married, right? But that's his chick on the side, and they're discussing this stuff. And how many times we have seen, as a matter of fact, the dude that ran the fake right-wing terrorist Whitmer kidnapping, him and his wife, okay? We're talking about the FBI agent that cooperated with the D.C., and he set up the whole January the 6th thing, okay? Him and his wife were into swapping. And somebody was wearing his wife's ass out, and he got so mad at one of the swap parties that he whooped the ass, and he got arrested. Okay? So we know about the cardboard rings in the White House with the bushes and all that stuff. The point is, this stuff emanates at the top, and they've just given the okay for it to be sprinkled all over the entire population. If any country that don't want to accept it, you better believe you're on the list. You're on the list. Okay? And all that murder that was going on over there in Ukraine, how the hell is it that the new president of Ukraine, who's a little Jewish guy named Zelensky, how is it that he's dressing in leather tights and playing the penis with his piano with four or five other obviously deviant white boys, right? And then he becomes the president. How does that happen? Just like the people that's in the Biden administration dressing up in women's clothes and doing all kinds of stuff. Same thing. They all together. Exactly. We saw that at the very top. Obama was in the closet. He wouldn't go that far, even though his ass is in the closet itself. He opened it up and let everybody else out, then he ran in the closet, hoping nobody would figure him out. It's mind-blowing, Bev. But that's why, as we stated yesterday, the intelligence agencies, and particularly the FBI and the CIA, but not those two exclusively, because there are others that very rarely get mentioned. It's very important that we finish up this article from yesterday before we get to some of this other stuff, because then you'll understand why I played the piece on Bill Maher, and the family will understand why I played that piece with the little white girl from Steve Bannon as well. At least I tried to play it. So let's go back to this article that I was finishing up with yesterday. It's called the FBI and CIA are enemies of the American people. And this is at misses.org. Okay. We stopped at the point there and explained the role that the CIA is. They went all the way back to Harry Truman, talking about he regrets not reigning the CIA in. Okay. So now we get to the FBI. And here's what they say. The CIA isn't alone in this war on American freedom and decency, however. The FBI is almost equally dangerous, which is why Cotevilla, Cotevilla was a journalist who is now deceased. Okay. But he wrote about this stuff before he died and how dangerous they were, which is why Cotevilla also calls for the FBI to be, quote, restricted to law enforcement, unquote. They say unknown to many Americans, the FBI doesn't even consider itself to be a law enforcement agency anymore. The FBI is now a national security agency. And you might recall, Bill, we had this conversation a few years back about the FBI. And I was telling you that the FBI and NSA are like bitter enemies because the FBI was set up primarily as a domestic policing organization. And they had no authority outside of this country until Bill Clinton. Then when Bill Clinton came in office, all of a sudden you start seeing wherever there was a major brouhaha, you start seeing FBI agents sent over here and over there and over there, all these different countries. That is against their charter. They have no authority outside of this country. Okay. At least they're not supposed to, just like the CIA is not supposed to do domestically. But in too many cases, we've got agents now that are both FBI and CIA, like Peter Stokes. Right? They go on to say, this, of course, is why the Department of Justice can now be used blatantly, can be used for blatantly political purposes, such as when the FBI spied on candidate Donald Trump in 2016. Here at Mrs. dot org, we've already reported on the mixture of abuse and incompetence that characterized the FBI. The FBI spends countless hours tracking down harmless enemies of the regime, such as little old ladies prosecuted for the January 6th riots, while ignoring real criminals like Larry Nassar. Nor, surprisingly, local police will tell you it's the state and local police who do the real work of tracking down real criminals, and then the FBI swoops in to take the credit. They go on to say, moreover, the history of the FBI lends substantial plausibility to Tucker Carlson's claim that intelligence agencies are in the business of blackmailing members of Congress. This is a known tactic employed by J. Edgar Hoover during his 48-year reign at the FBI. Hoover, of course, was lauded for decades as a hero. But in reality, he was, in the words of historian Beverly Gage, a one-dimensional tyrant and backroom schemer who strong-armed the rest of the country into submission, the most influential federal appointee of the 20th century, unquote. Hoover and his army of compliant FBI agents spied on anyone and everyone, especially elected officials and other public figures who might be useful as a target for blackmail. So what to do with these agencies? There's nothing that these agencies do that could justify their continued existence. Both agencies, neither of which in their present forms are authorized among the enumerated powers of the U.S. Constitution, were sold to the taxpayers as agencies to be used only against hardened criminals and foreign dictators. Today, these organizations spend their time exploiting the taxpayers for even larger budgets, for ever more power to spy on Americans, and new ways to trick those same Americans into supporting the regime's latest wars. They are, simply put, the regime's secret police devoted to building the regime's power. One answer is to eviscerate their budgets, repeal their enabling legislation, and encourage aggressive lawfare against the regime in retribution for these agencies' many crimes. That's probably a best-case scenario. Other scenarios likely require the bankruptcy of the regime, or perhaps its dissolution. That's likely to come with substantial negative economic effects in the short term, and unfortunately, many Americans are still enthralled to these organizations, thanks to relentless state propaganda that tells us this American version of the KGB exists for our own good. Abolition will clearly take time. Now is a good time to start. But now, if Orange Man gets in there, that's why you don't hear him saying anything about the intelligence community, and he knows that they asked him because he's been battling them all the time. Okay? Now, he still has to keep that stuff on the down low until he gets in office. Okay? Then once he gets in office, then he can go to work. All right? But if he tips his hand, and I ain't got to tell him, I can listen to the things that he says, and I know that he knows. He knows. Okay? And he knows who will take him out. And he's been knowing it. He just didn't have the details early on. Because remember, Van, do you know who recommended that he get him some auxiliary security? Do you remember who gave him the advice to get him some security? I'm not sure. Wasn't that a lawyer? Or was it the general? Nope. I'm not sure who was it. Nope. Vladimir Putin. Ah, okay. He should know. Bingo. And do you know who one of the security firms recommended to him? They're like mercenaries. Yeah, I remember we talked about that. That firm was the firm of the general that was kicking the Ukrainian's ass before his airplane got shot out of the sky. I forget the name of that organization. That was the security that he was supposedly he was recommended to hire. Ain't that interesting? Okay. Because remember now, they didn't want him talking to Putin at all. If he shook Putin's hand, because part of the agenda is to remove Christendom. That's part of the agenda. And he'd been in their sights since before really Obama. Go back, family, to Afghanistan. All right? When the Russians in the late 1970s, early 1980s, the CIA creates Osama bin Laden, okay, finances him, arms him, and creates a group called the Mujahideen. Now, the little white girl that's on Morning Joe, that was her daddy that did that. He was Jimmy Carter. Oh, yeah, we talked. No, go ahead. Mika Brzezinski. Right, okay. She's sitting up there on MSNBC lying through her nose every day. Okay? But her daddy, Biggie Ratt, that's what I call him, Zig Big New Brzezinski, was the one who financed and created the Mujahideen, led by Osama bin Laden. I forget his CIA name. Oh, I can't remember that name. Henry something. Okay? That was under Jimmy Carter. All right? But they were fighting the Russians because even back then in the 70s, they considered the Russians their bitter enemies because that was still allegedly doing Cold War. Now, I keep telling people the only thing cold about the so-called Cold War was that black people and brown people and Asian people were the ones that they got cold on because they were killing us. They weren't killing each other. White world was good. They were down in Latin America killing people and in the so-called Middle East killing people. And in the Far East killing people. But it was just nonwhite people. And that was cool. So ain't it interesting that they financed and created the Mujahideen and Osama bin Laden so by the 90s, the Russians decided they did not Afghanistan. Now they're buddies with Afghanistan. Okay? So it's just really interesting how these circles always seem to come back to the starting point, to the point that sometimes people forget where the circle even starts because it's enclosed. Hard to figure out where it started. Okay? And now, because of the selective amnesia, and I got to say it, of white people, because the ignorance of white people have nurtured what you see going on today. Because they were in total denial. They love the FBI, they love the CIA, and they love the police. While black people were being abused by all three all over the world. And now all three are in a position to reap all kind of hell on white people. And they'll tell these white people like they used to tell us as they're kicking our ass, I'm just doing my job. Where if your job is to kick my ass on a consistent basis, my job is to make sure that you do as little ass kicking as possible by putting you in a wheelchair so you can't kick no more. And now that's becoming the attitude of a lot of white people because they're beginning to see it for what it is, as opposed to what they want it to be. This is friendly fascism. And the hallmark of fascism, wherever you see it, it comes under different names sometimes. You can call it communism, you can call it socialism, you can call it fascism. But all of the tenets are pretty much the same. The Nazi party was a socialist movement. Their allies in Italy under Il Duce were the fascists. He took it to another level. Hitler didn't get the opportunity to take it to that level because the Germans were extremely compliant. They loved him. Don't get it twisted. They loved that dude. Okay? And that's because of what was being done to the German people by the Central Bank and the so-called powers that be, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc., etc. What did Vladimir Putin kill the Rothschilds? Man, it's been, wow, this 2024, 2014, 2008, 16, 17 years ago, what did he tell them? Get the hell out of Russia. Take your friends with you. Here's the last of the debt that we owe you. We don't want no more money from you. Get out. And they've been on him ever since, man. Yeah, you want to know the real underlying reasons why they hate Putin? Because they can't control him through their Central Bank. That's why. Isn't that why they were killing leaders, other leaders like Gaddafi and them, because they wanted to change the money and not deal with them? They were moving away like the Brits, away from the U.S. dollar as the standard bearer for currency exchange. And as we stated yesterday, that's why you see the Brits being formed with their currency being backed by gold. But I'm showing you the very first tenet, the very first thing that has to go under friendly fascism, the very first thing. And, again, it's ironic that the people that wrote the Constitution would make just the very first amendment. And that would be what, Bear? Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. Now, when you don't have freedom of speech, what do we call that? What are they doing to everybody today? Trying to take that freedom away. It's called censorship. Right? That's the very first thing that has to go. When it's under violent pretenses, the first thing that the opposition moves on is the media. That's the speech apparatus. Look at what they've been doing, these friendly fascists in this country. And more importantly, look at who's been doing it. Okay? And that's the very first thing that they went after. We saw it in 2015 and 2016 during that last election. What happened? They removed tens of thousands of people off their platforms and didn't tell them nothing, just wiped them out. Nobody said anything. Because it wasn't them. That's why you can't play ball with YouTube. You can't play ball with that. This is going beyond a game stage. You've got to come up with and go on other platforms. If you're popular enough, people will tune in. So it's not the platform. It's people got price tags on them. But I'm going to tell you something. I remember that dude, I couldn't stand, man. He hated black women. He used to come on here and he used to tie his butt up all the time. All of a sudden he disappeared. You know who I'm talking about? It wasn't he was before the guy Kevin that died a year or so ago. Oh, help me out, man. Oh, he used to talk about black women like they had a tail or something. Okay? But people would tune in to his show. Now this dude became a millionaire off of a YouTube. Yeah, he was all over YouTube. He didn't care no more. He started talking about politics. He kicked his ass off. Very well-known dude. It wasn't Solomere, was it? Who? Solomere or something. I don't know. Oh, was it Tommy? That's what I was trying to say. Solomere. That's what I was trying to say. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now you notice he even disappeared, right? You see? Man, you talk about I had a royal dislike for that dude because I'm not here to tell anybody, you can criticize anybody you want to, me and anybody else. You got that right to do that. Okay? What I'm saying is there was no context around his hatred for black women. It was disproportionate. Totally disproportionate. Okay? I'm not going to sit here and say he was a dumb dude. I'm saying he was liking them paychecks that he was getting. Because guess what? People was tuning in, listening to that crap. Real talk. Now all of a sudden he drank a cup of Disappear Me, y'all, and they disappeared him. It's called censorship. Check this out. This is from brownstone.org. The proof of censorship is censored. So when you find out that there's a major effort afoot to silence a large part of the population, they censor that. You just saw it with the fake virus. I don't care. You got Nobel Peace Prize winners who came out and said that this whole thing was fake and phony. Right? And those that didn't die mysteriously because a few of them end up dead, doctors, professors. Right? They came out here and said it was phony, that there was really no threat. Next thing you know, they gone. Those that they didn't kill, they censored the hell out of them. And they still censor them. Some of them, they're even trying to take their medical license away from them. You see? So for people that stand up to tell the truth, for every one of those, you got thousands that's going to shut their mouth to stay on YouTube and get that check. Let's get into this article. You'll understand what I'm talking about. They say it's not been a good week for the censorship industrial complex. The machine has been built and put into action over nearly a decade, but largely in secret. Its way of doing business has been via surreptitious contacts with media and tech companies, intelligence carve-outs in fact-checking organizations, payoffs, and various other clever strategies, all directed toward boosting some sources of information and suppressing others. The goal has always been to advance regime narratives and curate the public mind. And yet it had every intention of remaining secret. A systematic effort by government to bully private sector companies into a particular narrative while suppressing dissent contradicts American law and tradition. It also violates human rights as understood since the Enlightenment. It was a consensus until very recently that free speech was essential to the functioning of the good society. Let me get me a drink of water here. They say four years ago, many of us suspected censorship was going on and banning was not a mistake or the result of zealous employees stepping out of line. Three years ago, the proof started to arrive. Two years ago, it became a floodlight. With the Twitter files a year ago, we had all the proof we needed that the censorship was systematic, directed, and highly effective. But even then, we only knew a fraction of it. Thanks to discovery from court cases, Freedom of Information Act requests, whistleblowers, congressional inquiries, thanks to the very narrow Republican control, and some industrial upheavals such as what happened at Twitter, we are overwhelmed with tens of thousands of pages all pointing to the same reality. The censors developed a belief at the highest levels of control in government that it was their job to govern what information the American people would and would not see regardless of the truth. The actions became tribal, banning gatherings, closing schools. Says the Hunter Biden laptop is a fake. It favors masking, mass vaccination, and mail-in voting, and denies the import of voter fraud and vaccine injury, whereas their side takes the opposite approach. It was a war over information undertaken in total disregard for the First Amendment, as if it didn't even exist. The operation was not only political. It clearly involved intelligence agencies already hip-deep in the, quote, all of society, unquote, pandemic response. All of society means all, including the information received and are allowed to distribute. They say, a vast swath of unelected bureaucrats took it upon themselves to manage all knowledge flows in the age of the Internet, with the ambition to turn the main source of news and sharing into a giant American version of Pravda. For those of you who don't know, Pravda is the state-run Soviet media, okay? All this occurred right under our noses and is still going on today. Censorship is a full-on industry now, with hundreds and thousands of cutouts, universities, media companies, government agencies, and even young people in school studying to be disinformation specialists and bragging about it on social media. We're just one step away from the New York Times article that had the headline, The Good Society Needs Censors, unquote. The censorship is so pervasive now that it's not even reported. Not receiving nearly enough attention is the new report from the Committee on the Judiciary and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Running nearly 1,000 pages, we have overwhelming evidence of a systematic, aggressive, and deeply entrenched effort on the part of the federal government, including the Biden White House and many agencies, including the World Health Organization, to tear out the guts of the Internet and social media culture and replace them with propaganda. Well, it's well-documented that the White House directly intervened in Amazon's marketing methods to deprecate books that raised doubts about the COVID vaccine and all vaccines. Amazon did what it could to satisfy the census. Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, all became acquiescent to the Biden priorities to the point of running algorithmic changes by the White House before implementation. See, here's why I disagree with this article. And I know they know better, but I understand why they have to take the position that they take. There's no way in hell that all these social media giants didn't know that they were breaking the law. It's utterly impossible for them not to have known. Why? Because you had FBI and CIA all over these agencies working for these social media companies. And these same organizations were, in fact, this is not my opinion, helping to finance the so-called color revolutions. Now, they say when YouTube announced that it would take down any content that contradicted the World Health Organization, it was because the White House instructed them to do so. These are just a few of thousands of pieces of evidence of routine interference from government against social media companies, either directly or through various government-funded cutouts, all designed to enforce a certain way of thinking on the American public. See, he's dressing it up. He said all designed to impress on the American people a certain way of thinking. We call it programming because that's what it is. And I have to go back to mainstream major media articles who pointed out that social media was so dangerous that they would not allow their children to go near it, and they admitted that they could basically program people to do any damn thing they wanted to. Remember that? Yeah. They say what's amazing is that this industry was allowed to metastasize over four to eight years or so with no legal oversight and very little knowledge on the part of the public. It's as if there was no such thing as a First Amendment. Even now, the Supreme Court seems confused. One gets the sense that the companies were more than a bit rattled by the pressure. No. The companies are complicit. Look at the ownership and look at where they come from and look at what they were doing. The damn things were given birth to by DARPA. Of course, Sister Baird, before these very smart Jewish guys would end up going to their garages and creating all this stuff on their own. Even though their mamas and daddies were directly connected to the intelligence community or population-controlled eugenicists or, in the case of Amazon, DARPA. We just got through dealing with that a couple of weeks ago. What a coincidence. Okay? Now, they say, keep in mind that we only know what we know, and that's severely truncated by the force of the machinery. We can safely assume that the truth actually is far worse than we know. Further consider that this censorship is keeping us from knowing the full story about the suppression of dissidents, whether medical, scientific, political, or otherwise. Think of the vaccine injured or those who have lost loved ones who were forced to get the shot. No headlines, no investigations. There's almost no public attention at all. Venues we once thought would police such outrages have been compromised. To top it off, the censors are still not backing down, and that's because the public hasn't made any demands, nor has the general public made any moves to move away from them. How do you punish an SOB that has no respect for you, but you're basically shopping at their establishment? How do you punish them? Very easy answer. You stop shopping at their establishment. You put their ass out of business. But what do the general public do? You think they're going to run off Facebook and YouTube? No, absolutely not, because they're on a paper chase. It's all about chasing that almighty dollar until it's too late. Let me tell you something, family. That dollar got a string attached to it, and every time you basically make a move, that dollar moves before you move, and you have to move chasing it. And when you look up, that string that that dollar is on, when you recognize that that dollar is on the string, your ass is in the mouth of the monster and you can't get out. We used to trap pigeons like that as a kid, with a string, a drag something, a piece of bread. And whenever the pigeons tried to get it, you'd pull it away from them until they get up under that crate. And when they get up under that crate, you pull the stick out from under it. Boom. Pretty much works for all animals. Some people dig holes, okay? Now, let me go on here. They say, blah, blah, blah, blah. They say the best means of defeating this plan, wait, let me go back. They say to top it off, the sensors are not backing down. If you sense a lessening of the grip, believe it's only temporary. The industry wants the entire Internet, as we once conceived of it, completely shut down. That's the goal. The best means of defeating this plan is widespread public outrage, made more difficult because the censorship itself is being censored. That's why this report from the U.S. House needs to be widely shared. It could be that such reports in the future will themselves be censored. It could also be the last such report you will ever see before the curtain falls on freedom completely. This is what I've been warning about since the very unveiling of the Internet. Not just now. We have consistently said it would become the most dangerous piece of technology, this is back in the 90s, known to man. And, again, I know people don't see what I see because I've been, again, at this for so long, okay? But it's not going to end well. You keep chasing that dollar with that string on it. See where you end up, okay? Because what's really happening, family, is the moves are being made behind the scenes by the friendly fascist. You've had a lot of people like yesterday with Klaus Schwab saying that he's stepping down. Well, he ain't really stepping down, he's stepping back. Melinda Gates got her $24 billion away from Bill Gates, but neither one of them have changed what they're financing. They're just doing it individually, okay? George Soros stepped down either last year or the year before and put the Soros Foundation, the Open Society, up under his son who's as dumb as they come. Believe me, family, his name is Alex Soros, dumb as a box of rocks. But he got money, so he has influence. And, again, Soros is the granddaddy of all of the color revolutions going all the way back to one of the very first ones back around 2004. He's the daddy of it, okay? So here's what they're doing, and they're coming out of Europe with it, even though the European people are revolting big time, okay? Because I'm not here to massage you. I've been saying it, and I'm going to say it again because it's the truth. White people are on the menu. And if you're Christian and you're white, you're on the main course. I can tell you how it's going to go. They'll get the white people first to just thoroughly emasculate them, and when they got them out of the way, then they're coming for Reverend Chicken Wing and the black Christians, okay? Unless they practice a Satanism. And in the case of the black church, just like the white church, you have a number of them who are really Satanists in disguise. But what they're doing with the censorship, and it's already started in several European countries, and that's why the times that we're in and the elections that are coming up globally are so important because they're saying from what I'm reading and the things that I'm checking out, populism is on the rise like it's never been before. The answer to shut it down is this, and this is from a substat called Welcome to Absurdistan. Welcome to Absurdistan. It's that substat. Here's where they're heading, family, a global censorship prison built by the women of the CIA. Now, I know we told you how dangerous this fake feminist stuff was, probably before anybody else. I can't say anything because I don't know everybody, but certainly before a whole lot of people. Go ahead. What do you spell? What did you say? Absurdistan. Absurd. Like the word absurd? Absurd. Okay. A-B-S-U-R-D-I-S-T-A-N. Absurdistan. Welcome to Absurdistan. It's a substat. It's by Elizabeth Nixon. So if you just pull up Elizabeth Nixon, N-I-C-K-S-O-N, pull up her substat, you should find this article. A global censorship prison built by the women of the CIA. And I know a few months ago, Bev, I was imploring on the family to get that fictitious picture of James Bond and that kind of thing. Get that out of your head. That ain't real. Okay? And that there's a whole lot of women. That's what got Julian Assange. All right? He had a threesome, and he didn't realize that the two women that he was messing around with was intelligence assets. One worked for Israel, the other worked for the CIA. Okay? That's what got him, women. All right? So I'm saying that for you to put some context around the behavior of some of these black women, because you don't know them. You really don't. The only thing we can really judge them on is their behavior, be it by way of legislation, whatever their job is, or their social behaviors. We don't know anything else. All right? Dynamite articles, here's what they say. The polite world was fascinated last month when longtime NPR, that's right, National Public Radio that I was talking about earlier, when longtime NPR editor Uri Berliner confessed to the Stalinist suicide pact the public broadcaster, like all public broadcasters, seemed to be on. Formerly it was a place of differing views, he claimed, but now it has sold as truth some genuine falsehoods like, for instance, the Russia host. Some of you may remember NPR would not cover the Russian host. They refused it. That's National Public Radio that the public finances. Okay? They refused to even deal with it. And then after that one was over, they say this, after which it covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story. That's National Public Radio. And let's not forget our censor-like behavior regarding COVID and the vaccine. NPR believed that they were still diverse in political opinion, but researchers found that 87 reporters at NPR were Democrats. Berliner was immediately put on leave and a few days later resigned, no doubt under pressure. Even more interesting was the reveal of the genesis of NPR's new CEO, Catherine Mayer, a 41-year-old with a distinctly odd CV. You know what that CV stands for there? Let me go on. What it stands for. I forgot. We'll come back to it. Marv had put in stints at a CIA cutout. Now, she's the new CEO of National Public Radio, but before her it was being run by the dude that used to run Voice of America, which is straight-up propaganda run by the CIA. Okay? So now she's running NPR. And damn near everybody that worked there, there's only one Republican, and that was this dude that's telling the story. And, of course, he had to resign. So check out where she comes from. Marv had put in stints at a CIA cutout, the National Democratic Institute, and trotted onto the World Bank, UNICEF, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Center for Technology and Democracy, the Digital Public Library of America, and finally the famous disinfo site Wikipedia. That same week Tunisia accused her of working for the CIA during the so-called Arab Spring. Of course, she is a world economic forum young global leader. But she's giving you what you're supposed to get from National Public Radio. How dangerous this is. Now you understand Bill Maher. Okay? They say she was marched out for a talk at the Carnegie Endowment, where she was prayerfully interviewed and spouted mediatized language so anodyne, so meaningless, yet so filled with nods to her base, the awfuls, the awfuls, which is A-W-F-U-L-S, stands for affluent white female urban liberals, or as we used to call her back in the day, Miss Becky. Becky was a good name. Yes. She's giving this speech at the Carnegie Endowment, okay, and she's just using all kind of propaganda. But she's getting away with it because she's talking to her base, these affluent white urban females, okay, liberals. One was amazed that she was able to even get away with it. There was no acknowledgment that the criticism by this award-winning reporter-slash-editor-slash-producer who had spent his life at NPR had any merit whatsoever, and, in fact, that he was wrong on every count, that this was a flagrant lie, didn't even ruffle her awfully disarranged short blonde hair. Christopher Ruffo did an extensive investigation of her career in the City Journal. It's an instructive read and illustrative of a lot of peculiar, yet stellar careers of American women. Working for Big Daddy is apparently something these ghastly creatures value. I strongly suggest reading Ruffo's piece, okay. It's a riot of spooky confluences. When he says spooky, he means as in FBI spooks, intelligence agents. Intelligence has been embedded in media for forever and a day. During my time at Time Magazine in London, the bureau chief, deputy bureau chief, and no doubt the war and diplomacy correspondent all filed to Langley, and each of them cruised social London ceaselessly for information. Tucker Carlson asserted on his interview with Aaron Rodgers this past week that intelligence operatives were laced throughout D.C. media, and in fact, Mr. Watergate, Mr. Watergate, Bob Woodwork himself, had been a naval intelligence, had been at naval intelligence a scant year before he cropped up at the Washington Post. And I told you yesterday what the root of the Washington Post was through Catherine Graham and her husband, Phil Graham. They were like the, she was like the grand dame, grand dom, however you pronounce it, of the elite in Washington. But she was heavily into the occult, and as I said yesterday, she admitted in her book, in her biography, written a few years ago, that she personally used witchcraft to kill several people. It's not my opinion. Now, so here we got Bob Woodwork, okay? And they, man, they faked out everybody with Nixon. But the irony of the whole thing is while Nixon was the overseer of the King Alfred plan, he didn't write it that came from people that were basically subverting his administration, okay? He didn't write it. I was never a fan of Richard Nixon, but I am a fan of the truth, and the truth is, check it out. Don't take my word for it. He did more for black people than Johnson and Kennedy. That's why I got rid of him. I wanted to get rid of him. I'm going to quote Isaac Newton, because that's all I can do at this point. You damn right. Okay? So now, Bob Woodwork ends up as one of the people that bust the whole Watergate thing wide open, but he works for Naval Intelligence. Okay? So they go on there to say he cropped up at the Washington Post as an intrepid fighter for the truth and freedom no matter where it led. Watergate, of course, was yet another operation to bring down another inconvenient president. Unless you were being puppeted by the CIA, you don't get to stay in power. Refuse and bang, bang, or end up in court on insultingly stupid charges. You all know who he's alluding to here. That's what happens. All right? And you look at it. Everybody that's been the president since Reagan's been shot has been directly connected to the intelligence community. Can you make that up? Okay? Now, he goes on to say, as Carlson pointed out, all congressmen and senators are terrified by the security staff, even and especially the ones on the intelligence committee who are supposed to be controlling them. They can install child porn on your laptop and you don't even know it's there until you rate it, said Carlson. Now it's global and feminine. They say, at the same time, Freddie Sayers, the editor-in-chief of UnHerd, testified in parliament on the Global Disinformation Index, which had choked UnHerd's ability to grow. UnHerd had hired three advertising firms who were, one after the other, unable to place ads. The third sourced the problem to the index, which had deemed his interviews with journalist Catherine Stock about the problems faced by young people transitioning their sex had made him persona non grata for all advertising agencies across the world. Across the world. Eerily, that same week, Catherine Stock was awarded a high honorable mention in the National Press Awards for her work. Okay? Now, another name for this process, do you know what it's called, Bev, under the World Economic Forum? We've got to remember some of this. It's otherwise known as ESG, Environmental Social Governance, that works inclusion with DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion. ESG says you'll follow the dictates of the World Economic Forum or we're going to put your ass out of business. And that's why you see all the major corporations before the people stood up and pushed back. Right? They were canceling so many people out here because they didn't agree with no tranny half naked dancing and gyrating in front of young children. Okay? They would cancel your ass immediately. Go ahead, Bev. So why is all of these corporations closing, like Red Lobster and Walmart? It's a bunch of them. Why are they all closing or are they going online? I told everybody 30-plus years ago, you'll know that the economy is on the verge of collapse when you start seeing McDonald's close. Because McDonald's is like the dollar store. And the dollar store is closing. It's a bunch of them on file chapter 11. Go ahead. When people don't have money to shop at the dollar store, you see, McDonald's is considered the dollar store of restaurants because they have one of the cheapest menus. Right? Now they're closing. I say it. When you start seeing McDonald's close, you better stock up on you some canned goods. Red Lobster was the biggest seafood we had, and they closed. They ain't alone. Auto industry. Yes, a bunch of them. They made the auto industry has made humongous mistakes by moving towards all electric vehicles. And now the course is trying to run away from it because Orange Man has basically pointed out to people that most of the damn things are going to be manufactured in China, along with the associated parts that come with it. And you will not be able to afford it or the battery. And now all the major auto manufacturers are scrambling trying to move away from it. And Biden is trying to run away from it, too. So what you're witnessing right now is the collapse of the economy in slow motion. That's why you see all of these major corporations closing. Okay? Now, Ben, that's what happened under fascism. We ain't going to get there today. I see that now. I just got looking at the clock. But you're going to explain that so you understand what happened under fascism to the so-called middle class, the small businesses. The answer is they basically went out of business. Only the super-fat corporations remained. That's what you see taking place right now as we speak. Okay? Only the big bulk. Look what happened when they shut down the whole world, Ben. Who is they allowed to stay open? The big stores, the big like Walmart, Meijer's, whatever stores in your city. That's right. And what did they tell the middle class store owners, beauty shop owners, health care workers? They couldn't open. You see? Because that's friendly fascism. And the restaurants got it really hard, too. A lot of restaurants went out of business. Mom, in the middle class, restaurants went out of business. You're not going to be able to eat meat anyway. We said this some years ago. If you forget about barbecue, that's gold. If you like to use some barbecue, some meat, forget about it unless it's digital. Everything messed up. We ain't even got no real watermelons no more. That is correct. Because everything is being altered. Nothing is real anymore. See, it would be different if. I know we are limited in our reach here on Truth to Power. But if we were on a main platform, Bill, we'd still be limited. Okay. Sometimes the ass-kicking is in order before people wake up and realize what the hell is going on. That's what's going on now. Bingo. We're in early ass-kicking stage right now. But you can't impress this on people. The collapse has to take place. I expect that the banking collapse, a large portion of the banking is to collapse almost a year ago. We said that here on the program. It didn't happen. But it's happening now in slow motion. I don't know if people have been paying attention, but a lot of medium-sized banks are going under. See, all of the shutdowns, all of that was being done by the fascists because the government wants to control your access to food, housing. You see what they're doing to the illegals? That's America. That's most people without the $9,000 a month. You're going to get you some guaranteed government income, okay, and you're going to stay there at that level and you're going to be compliant. You're going to do everything they tell you to do. Otherwise, you ain't going to eat because everything has now been digitized. All your money has been digitized. You ain't got no money in your pocket no more because everything is cashless, okay? And that's where they're trying to go in the shutting down of all of these businesses, many of which never reopened. They couldn't recover. Look, didn't Klaus Schwab tell us and didn't BlackRock become one of the major property owners in the country? Is that not correct? That's correct. Go ahead, Beth. Now, I just want to say we got eight minutes, and you can hear the rest of the show on the telephone, and the number is 323-642-1586. Push number one if you have a question or a comment, and please send a donation to Dr. Robert X. GoFundMe, and it's on Truth to Power page for the help with his research. And Lua can do this. The change may be more valuable in the future than we had at one point. Yes, it looks that way. Because people ain't never experienced no banking collapse, but in a way you are experiencing what it might look like with this thing that they call inflation. Inflation is singularly, singularly responsible, okay? That's a devaluation of the currency, singularly responsible for what's going on, and it's being done by Joe Biden. And if you listen to these gangsters tell you anything, that's why I said yesterday, pay little or no attention to them so-called poles, because if you listen to them today, trying to get you to buy into it, it's damn near even Steven now. When everything Biden has touched has turned to doo-doo, there's no positive coming out the White House about anything. All of a sudden, they want you to believe now, six months out from the election, that the courts is showing signs of life when he can't take four steps without boo-booing on himself. And everybody knows it. We're going to stop right here, because I wouldn't do this any justice, Bear, if I went into, now it's global, and more importantly, and feminine. What they really are trying to tell you is that it's fake feminine, nothing feminine about it, because the two pillars, okay, the two pillars of any culture is male and female. And these people have made it quite clear that they are in the process of removing slash nullifying both male and female. That's the nature of this modern-day version of friendly fascism. And I ran my mouth a little bit too much today. We'll pick this back up again next week, but I guarantee you, you will understand as we go along, because certain parts of the foundation have already been built. The turning upside down of so-called the law, the censorship, the attempt to disarm you, all this stuff was done in all of the fascist countries, every single one of them. Now, you can play around with social media and think that, you know, you got an upper hand on this if you want. Be my guest. I suggest you make some very valuable assessments of where you are with this whole social media thing if you're depending on it, okay? I'm just making, getting you to make a mental note, all right, because you're going to begin to see, and that's what they're trying, you see them doing it to Elon Musk. They're trying to sue him in European countries for nothing, for nothing, but basically allowing people to post factual information. But in a friendly fascist environment, facts are the enemy. It's all propaganda all the time. With that, Mr. Baird, we can bring in the family and I can shut up. Okay, I'm getting ready to open the lines up here. Let's see where we're at. Okay, let's go to 406, area code 406, 55, 55, 565. 406. 406. Okay, I'm moving on. They're going to let me go and eat my dinner early again tonight? I don't know. Okay, let's go to, okay, Mike. COTEP, y'all, how y'all doing? COTEP, this is Mike. I'm going to be real quick here and responding to your, huh? Did you hear me earlier? Yes, I heard you earlier. Did I ask you? No, no. Okay, don't worry. Okay, okay. Speaking about the polls, I mean, it should be obvious to anyone that you don't even have to be able to see, just be able to hear. Joe Biden came to the telephone booth. Anywhere he goes, I mean, they have to stand around. Trump shows up, there's 40. Go ahead, go ahead. I'm sorry. I'm just saying, Trump shows up, there's, you know, 30, 40, 50, 60,000 people that just show up. Now, how does that, how do you take those numbers and tell me that they're, you know, it's going to be a close race? If those crowds represent anything, it's going to be a landslide. As I see it, I think those crowds represent voters, or people that are interested in you at least, or thinking about voting for you at least, that they would show up. Nobody's even showing up to see this boy Biden. That don't extrapolate it to know it's a close race. You've got to be retarded to even believe that nonsense. And I'll let it go with that. Hotel, y'all have a good evening. Hotel, brother Mike. Of course, I know you know about all the retarded people because you're telling me about them all the time. Okay. There are the retarded people out here, brother, okay, whose jobs depend on the Democratic Party. That's part of the fascism. When the government becomes the chief employer, and that's what you see going on, with all of the money being doled out to NGOs and that kind of thing, they are becoming major employers. It's an entire industry of political hacks. An entire industry. That's why, brother Mike, family, sister Bea, all of the billionaires got foundations so they can funnel their money into these fake 501c3s and NGOs, these non-governmental organizations, and then file all that money on their taxes so that they never lose their money. That's why you got all of them to put down all the cash in foundations. It's not because they're philanthropic. Okay. That's why Hillary and them created the Clinton Foundation. It's not because they're benevolent. They're bastards. Sons of bitches. Okay. But now you begin to again put all those little pieces together, and you can see the fascist network, because we went through some of that last week. And outlining the various NGOs, you can even look at the so-called immigration situation. And the only way these people are able to come halfway around the world is because there's an entire underground network that only engages in the movement of illegals. Fascism. Go ahead, Bea, I'm sorry. Okay. 708-837-708. Okay. That's another one. Let's see. Okay. He's Charles Scooberton. Good, good. Hope that's better love, brother. Hope that's better love. How are you today, man? How's everything in Detroit? How's everything in Chicago? Good. Same old, same old. I'm waiting on Dr. X to tell us about Michigan. Oh, okay. Just to get to it, Bea, go ahead. Oh, man. I ain't have too much to say. You know, I see how they're saying that the polls are saying it's close. And then I watch these news programs with them saying, and it's in all the major, major news publications, that Biden has the lowest support of black voters since the 60s. In particular, black males, he's almost given up 26% less of the black vote than he had last time. So the Democrats can't win without the black vote, and he's losing it compared to any other Democrat, the Americans of civil rights. And it's no way this is close. It's impossible. You know what I'm saying? But how are you going to put out one article, one segment on your show where you bring on some black people to talk about what's going on in the black community? How come you're not supporting Biden? And then the next part of the show, you're going to say the polls are close. It's impossible. You know what I'm saying? So they're working their magic. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, I'm just saying they're working their magic, man. I think their plan is to send out a bunch of ballots again, have people send them back. They're able to do their little thing with those and try to keep it as close as they can. But I think there's too many eyes on it this time, man. They're going to have a hard time. They're going to have a lot of the polls being watched very heavily. And people are going to be reporting everything they see. It's going to be highly, it's going to be very hard for them to do anything like they did last time. The only thing they can do, and this still hasn't, even though the trial said that it was all a lie, the only thing they can do is rig the machines. I think they still have the ability to do that. Now they can rig the machines in certain districts and you vote one way and it goes the other way. You know what I'm saying? They have a chance. But it's going to be, even doing that, man, those machines are going to be audited. They're not going to just let anything slide this time. Hold on right there. You're right on it. Let me tell you what they're doing. You're aware of that too. They're all consenting to the hearing about the inside of it. We can't hear you. We can't hear you. What's all that noise? Can you hear me now? There's no noise. That's not all I hear. Okay, go ahead. I'm going to let you back in when you get finished. Go ahead. What they're doing is they're already putting out the same mantra to other politicians if you accept the results of the next election. And it's something very interesting happening. Not a single solidary person that they've asked has said yes. People are always qualified. If it's fair, okay, if the election is fair, et cetera, we will accept the results. Otherwise, no. They've got another problem, though. The numbers of Democrats outside of black men and Hispanics, union workers, across the board, don't pick a union outside of the teachers' union. Okay? You will find union people running away from Biden. You know why? Because them was the very people that he threatened to take their jobs away from them. And he did if they didn't get that venom. And now it's all the union workers blowing up in their faces. And people are mad as hell because now the information is starting to come out through the religious, through the body politic that the vaccine was a fraud and the people that pushed it was a fraud, as was the virus itself. All that stuff is coming out and is going to continue to come out for the next few months. There's nothing that Joe Biden can do. That's why everywhere I went today they was talking about the assassination. After we talked about these people getting ready to try to kill, it's due yesterday. That's all they got left. That ain't going to work. Okay, let me let Tucknose, your line open. Yes, they don't have a support base anymore is what I'm saying. And this is not me saying this. This is James Carville and all of the smart white boys. This is what they do for a living. They're the ones that came out. James Carville came out here hollering and screaming saying ain't a damn thing that we can do to stop him. There's nothing we can do to stop him. And he was pissed. Okay. And then there, what's the former Speaker of the House, McCarthy? His boyfriend came out. He's one of the posters. His name is Frank Luntz. That's McCarthy's boyfriend on Capitol Hill. Okay. He came out on one of these CNN or MSNBC panels and he told them all point blank, y'all out of your damn mind. It's over. So they got one thing left that they could possibly use to their advantage. And that is why, and I didn't speak on this earlier, but I will next week. Probably be in the media by next week. They told Nikki Haley to go out there and disrupt the Republican National Convention. She's being paid real well to do that. With fake electors. She has no real electors. Half of the people, if not more, that voted for her were Democrats who crossed over so that Trump couldn't win 90 plus percent of the vote. Now, she sent feelers out there with the former head, the former Speaker of the House, not McCarthy, but the one before him that works at Fox now. All right. They then told Nikki Haley to create as much confusion at the Republican National Convention to attempt to use her delegates to hold up the nomination process unless Orange Man puts her on the ticket. Now, they're not saying that, but that's what they want. They want her as the vice presidential candidate. Orange Man ain't going for that. Of course not. But they're going to disrupt the convention. Chuck will say unmute him. Go ahead, Chuck. Oh, okay. Wait a minute, Chuck. Hold on. Okay. Okay, Chuck, you're unmuted. I was trying to say, oh, man, it seems to be killing prejudice season. So you better be careful, man. You know, they're getting rid of some guys right now. You're absolutely right, man. They can't beat him. He's too popular. And they'll have to take him out or you know, all their plans is over because he's going to totally renege on their plan. That's why they're trying to make so much stuff permanently. Permanently. You know, right now, so it's like etched in stone so he can't do anything with the president to stop some of this stuff from happening. But he could always executive order that. Bingo. There's nothing he can do about that. You just hit the nail on the head. Huh? You just hit the nail on the head. They cannot stop executive orders. Yeah. You know, the way he gets around the Nikki Haley thing is you got to play the race card and then you got to put a black person in because she ain't going to be able to do that. It'll look so racist. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? They can't do that, especially with them gay people. They can't do that, especially with them getting so many of the black vote right now. Republicans never had this. You know what? He getting ready to hold a rally in? These people ain't confident, man. Yes. Yes. Yeah. It's sold out. Now, because he's having it in the Bronx, that don't mean that it's going to be black people there. Because the Bronx and Yankee Stadium. Yeah. No, you don't mean that either. Yankee Stadium. Yankee Stadium has almost 100 games every year. Ain't no black people or Hispanic people in that crowd at all. We can't afford to get in there. You know what I mean? So, I'm just saying. Oh, yeah, it's all white people. So, don't be surprised. I doubt you'll ever see this many white people other than the World Series or something. You know what I'm saying? So, this is going to be really interesting. I don't think you're going to see no Antifa. That would be smart for them to go out there. Oh, yeah. You know, because these dumb brothers over there. Man, they're going to look at them as fools. You know what I'm saying? They wild everything they can. Let me tell you what I've seen as a result of that. This is going to be the first rally since he was running in 2015 to be disrupted. Now, here's what's going to happen. Because I've seen too many black folks that said they would basically crawl over a glass to go see Orange Man if he gives a rally in the Bronx. You're going to see black folks because this is specifically for us. That's what this is for. Okay? And they and I was looking at Hispanics. Go ahead. Yeah. But he's getting ready. This is his outreach to us in particular. So, the communist that's one of the communist headquarters in New York. They're going to march to their forces but an interesting thing is going to happen. Black people are going to stop them in their tracks. I can't wait to see what happens. I can't wait to see what happens. I can't wait to see them in their tracks. I can see it as clear as day because what happened there when people came up there and tried to dictate to y'all what happened to them? They stopped them right in their tracks. Wasn't no tearing up no downtown and breaking glasses and all that. I went down there to see for myself. 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