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Over and Above

Over and Above

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Frampton Paul presents a timeless truth about our God. He is able and does beyond what we can ever imagine or think.

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The speaker welcomes everyone and expresses their hope that things are going well. They mention that they are live on a radio show and have a prayer, a word, and encouragement for those listening. The speaker focuses on a verse from the book of Ephesians that talks about God's ability to do more than we can ask or think. They emphasize that God is able to exceed our expectations and do things beyond what we can imagine. They encourage listeners to trust and rely on God, knowing that He will always come through. The speaker reminds us that God operates outside of our limitations and is able to work in ways we may not expect. They emphasize that God's power and ability are unmatched and that He is always in control of our situations. The speaker urges listeners to have faith and believe that God can do exceedingly abundantly in their lives. They conclude by encouraging listeners to embrace this truth and allow it to shape their daily lives. And a very pleasant good morning to every one of you, wherever you are connected. I am so glad to be with you on this wonderful Tuesday morning. And it is my prayer that everything is going well for you. Welcome to this segment of Spring Fourth. It's been a minute. I want you to know that we are live on trueliferadio.net. Get someone to join us, right here on Truelife Radio. I've got a prayer, I've got a word, I've got an encouragement for every one of you who is connected at this time, and it is my hope that you'll be ministered to wherever you are. Wherever you are, you'll be encouraged and you'll be blessed. I want to draw your attention very quickly to the book of Ephesians, Ephesians, the third chapter and the twentieth verse. It says, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly of all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Next few moments, I want to encourage you on the first part of this verse, and that is, able to do exceeding abundantly, able to do exceeding abundantly. Beloved friends, I have not met one person who does not have a need. I've not met one person who does not have desires. I've not met one person, I've not met one person who doesn't want to see God do some mighty things for him or her or for their children. As a matter of fact, that's one of the reasons why people pray, that's one of the reasons why people fast, that's one of the reasons why people call on God, because they hope and they pray that God would respond and would answer. And the truth is, God does. God responds and He answers. Paul's support in Ephesians, after he had been sharing with the people, that church at Ephesus, it brings him to a place to understand there is one who will supersede, there's always one who will go above and beyond, over and above what we can think of. There's things that we can think, there's things that we think about, there's things that we pray for, there's things that we pray about, there's things that we hope for, there's things that we wish, there's things that we desire, there's things that we even think of, yet God is able to do beyond that. I want you to stop for a moment and think of the things that you have thought about, from a child, from a young person, from a young adult, even where you are today, think about the things that you've prayed about, think about the things that you have requested that God would do. I know that at least many of us have been in places and situations where things appear totally impossible, where things take or took so long, yet we're encouraged in scripture that God is able to do above and beyond, God is able to move exceedingly abundantly above everything that we can petition Him for. You heard that, that we can petition Him for. There is not one request that God cannot answer, there is not one request that God cannot answer, every request, no matter how big, no matter how small, no matter how impossible that request may appear, no matter how impossible that asking may appear, God can do exceeding abundantly, God can blow our minds, God can leave us in total shock, God can leave us in total shock, and we will not be able to explain or understand it, why? Because He is God. It's very easy to limit our asking, to limit our requests, to limit our desires, to limit our goals, what we can see, what is in our reach, what is available to us, what the market says, what the news says, what people say, it is very easy, it is very easy beloved friends, for us to set our prayer, for us to set our expectation, for us to see God responding only through certain avenues and certain people. But today I want to remind you, today I want to emphasize, today I want to let you know that God is able to go beyond your circle, God is able to go beyond your family, God is able to go beyond your network, God is able to go beyond the place of influence for you, God is able, I want you to hear this, God is able to do things in a way that you have never even thought about. The problem with us is that we have been so conditioned to see God answer our prayers, through your situations, through the connections that we have, through the people we know, through our network, through the spaces that we visit. We sometimes, it is very easy to see God working just through your local church, working just through your local pastor, working only through your husband, your wife, your children, your cousins, your uncles, but I want to invite you to see God bigger than this. Many times people see God based on their relationship with the car dealer, that sales person at that car dealer, or that real estate person in your community who gave you their car and you know them since you were a little girl, but the Bible tells us that God is able to go above, God is able to go over and beyond, over and above things that we know, things that we think about. The scripture is filled with so many examples where God continued to show Himself mighty, where God continued to show Himself strong, where God continued to pull His people out of difficult situations, where God continued to cause those around them to be in awe. And beloved friends, that's how you know that God is in control of your situation, control of your life, because the way that God responds, the way that God answers, the way that God will show up for you, will leave you and will leave others in total bewilderment. There will not be words to say, it's because of so and so, it's because of this person or that person, why this happened, no, it will not be. No one will be able to take the glory, no one will be able to say, it's because of my influence, it's because of what I did, it's because of what I said, it's because of who I reached out to. Because the truth of the matter is, it won't be because of any of these things, but it will be because that God stepped in, it will be because that God actually placed His hands in the entire matter and steering it, moving it, governing it, shaping it, making it, directing it in a way that you and I will never know. There is no chance with God, God is not a God who operates out of the sphere or out of the experience of chance as people claim. Everything with God is so detailed, everything with God is so structured, everything with God is a start point and an end point. When you think that you have reached the end of your road, when you think that there is no way out, when you don't know what to do, when you think that you have exhausted all your options, that's when God does exceeding abundantly. God does exceeding abundantly. I am here today to tell you that God will continue to do exceeding abundantly if we do what? If we trust Him, if we rely on Him, if we place our confidence in Him. It's like saying, I do not know what tomorrow holds, I do not know the outcome of the situation, I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but one thing that I do know, it is going to turn out wonderfully. One thing I do know, it's going to turn out in a way that only God can bring the outcome. It's going to manifest itself in a way that only God will get the glory. It's going to come out, it's going to spring forth in a way that only God can cause it to spring forth. Hear me friends, hear me beloved, this verse of scripture, perhaps you may know it, perhaps you've read it, perhaps you've studied it, you've heard it all your life, and many times, as you may have heard me in times past, it is used as a benediction, doxology, as the end of a worship experience, and the people who are being dismissed and going home and they would raise this, and I want the hymn that is able to do exceedingly abundantly, I have played this, because there's a musical part to this verse, people have actually added it to music, and it sounds wonderful at the end of a worship experience, but there is so much more to this verse, there is so much more to this group of words, it tells us about the power of the God that we serve, it tells us about the strength of the one that we worship, it tells us of his ability, his character, his nature, God will not leave you alone, God will not abandon you, God will not turn his back, God will not say one thing and walk away, God will not make a promise and not fulfill it, and the apostle Paul and the early church and many of us have understood, we have experienced this, we have experienced that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly. If you think God has exceeded your expectation, or your prayer, or your request, just continue to live, continue to trust him, continue to look for him, continue to obey him, continue to honor him, and every time, I said every time, he will do more than you have asked, he will go beyond your frame of reference, he will go beyond the explanation of others, he will go beyond the reasoning and the standards, or even the logic that may be so obvious, he does exceeding abundantly, for one moment this may be your reality, the next moment God steps in, one moment there is no way out, the next moment you are literally walking through or driving through or moving through a highway, one moment your back is against a wall, the next moment there is no wall, one moment you are literally counting the cylinders or the rafters in a hospital room, the next moment the healing power of God touches your body, God does exceeding abundantly, he does more than you can imagine, he does more than I can imagine, even as I am sharing it with you, God is doing more than I can say, even as you are listening, God is doing more than you are hearing, I am going to say this again, even as I am sharing, God is doing more than I can say, even as you are listening, God is doing more than you are hearing, I want you to ponder this, I want you to think about it, I want you to receive it, I want you to ingest it, I want it to become part of your day to day, I want you to hear these words and I want you to receive it with everything that you have, and know there is nothing, there is nothing that God cannot do, there is nothing that God is not able to pull you out of, there is nothing, time does not restrain him, activities cannot restrain him, nature cannot overpower him, nothing is able to stand in God's way when he is doing, God is the one doing exceeding, not you, not me, God is the one who is working the exceeding and the abundantly, God is the one that is not only filling your cup, but he is filling your cup till it overflows, and no matter how many times you may bring another cup, you may get another cup, God will continue to overflow that cup, that is why it means exceeding abundantly, so as many containers that you may have, God will fill all of them, as many spaces that you may have, God will fill all of them, I am speaking to you today because there are so many people who are at the place where it seems like this is the end of the road for them, it seems like their situation won't change, it seems like what they are dealing with is just what it is going to be, let me say this to you beloved friends, God is doing, God is doing exceeding abundantly, there is an over and above that he is doing, there is an over and above that God is doing, I am going to say it again, there is an over and above that God is doing, you have not seen the hand of God yet, I have not seen the hand of God yet, you may say preacher, what do you mean by this, this is what I mean by that, when I say we have not seen the hand of God, because you may think that you have seen it, you may think that you have seen the power of God, you may think that you have seen the move of God, you may think that you have watched God, you may think that you have watched God, you may think that you have watched God work on your behalf, let me say this to you, you bow to see God work in ways that you have never seen him work, you bow to see God work in ways where you have never seen him work, the room may be empty now, but God will fill that room, your home may be empty now, but God will fill that home, your heart may be empty now, but God will fill your heart, your pocket may be empty now, but God will fill your pocket, yes, whatever you have set out to do, remember this, whatever you have set out to do, God is the one that goes above and beyond, God is the one that will do over and above what you have prayed for, what you have thought about, what you are hoping for, what you are wishing for, there are so many times we find ourselves in situations and we are wishing, we are hoping, we are praying, we are begging, we are beseeching, we say Lord if only, if only, if only, if only, if only you do this, if only you come through, if only, let me say this to you, my dear friends, God is not taken by surprise, by what may have surprised you, or what may have surprised us, if you are down today, if there is no way out today, trust God, watch God turn things around, watch God prove himself to be mighty, watch him prove himself to be strong, watch him prove himself, watch him, just see God show up, things that you desired to accomplish, and for a moment it seems like it will have never been accomplished, now you are about to see the exceeding abundance of God, I said now you are about to see the exceeding abundance of the Father, now you are about to experience the exceeding abundance of the Father, I want to pray with you, I want to speak into your spirit, because I am convinced that the God that I serve is still doing over and above the asking, over and above our thinking, over and above our reasoning, God will cause the obvious to pale in comparison to what he is about to do, God will cause the obvious, hear me, to pale in comparison to what he is about to do, I want to say one last time, God will cause the obvious to pale in comparison to what he is about to do, let me pray with you at this time, my Father, the one who rules wind and waters, the one who still answers by thunder and rain, the one who goes ahead and prepares the way, the one who continues to make darkness light, the one who brings every high place down, you God and the aristotle I come to you, I trust you for your word, you have given me that word, it has held on and I have held on to it, like Jesus said to his disciples, if you abide in me and my will abide in you, you ask what you will, so this word today abides in me, that you will do, that you are doing, that you have done exceeding abundantly above all my asking or my thinking, there is nothing that I can think, there is nothing that your people can think, there is nothing that your children can think, there is nothing that we can even request that you are not able to fulfill, so today I pray for those who are in between places, not understanding how, not understanding when, not knowing how, not knowing when, but you are able to do, you are able to do beyond, you are able to do over and above asking or thinking, there is nothing that the power to restrain you, so now I thank you that you are revealing yourself as a God of the exceeding, as a God of the abundance, as a God who does way beyond our imagination, you will cause our imaginations to be surprised, because that is who you are, I thank you for doing it today, I thank you for doing it tomorrow, and I thank you for doing it in the lives of your people, in the strong, the mighty, the powerful name, Jesus the Christ, the son of the living God, Amen and Amen, well family that is where I am going to stop today, thank you for connecting with me via Facebook, LINE and TRULIFERADIO.NET let me encourage you to continue to connect to TRULIFERADIO.NET, everyday there is something that is sure to bless you, inspire you and to encourage you, until our next encounter this is Franklin Paul wishing you God speed and God's blessing, have a beautiful rest of your day, Shalom Shalom, that is my prayer for every one of you.

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