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Two friends, Russ and Ken, have started a podcast called "Teamsink and Hard." They begin by introducing themselves and their love for beer. They review different beers each week and discuss their week's activities. They also talk about a piece of news they heard about Donald Trump potentially facing jail time. They ask their listeners for news topics and play a voicemail from a listener about annoying drivers. They then introduce their favorite segment, "Carry-ons," where they discuss listener-submitted topics. The first topic is about people who take the last chip without asking. They debate whether it's acceptable or not. G'day legends, teamsinkers, blokes, non-blokes. Welcome to the first episode of Teamsink and Hard. How are you for us? How are you brother? Good, good, good. What's going on? Ah mate, pretty keen. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, it's been pretty exciting the last couple of weeks, hasn't it? Fucking hell mate, ready to dive right in here. Right in. Alrighty, tell us a bit about yourself for us. Yeah, well I'm from Tassie, well not really am I? Nah, fuck off mate. I'm South Australian. Skinhead. Remember the old skinhead? Ah, the old skinhead, that was good. Yeah, I'm a teacher assistant, studying teaching, so yeah, getting it done. So, what do you do Russ? Ah, as you know, as most people know, listening, I grew up, lived in Tassie for my whole life and recently moved up to Newey, New South Wales. Currently completing my apprenticeship, so about halfway through my third year at the moment, getting stuck right into that. And yeah, that's pretty much me mate, that sums me up. Quick shout out to Audio-Technica for delivering us with the goods to be able to do this. So, yeah, cheers guys. Absolutely, cheers legends. Ah, how about we start off with a bit of an alcohol review, a little bit of a beer review. We're going to make this a weekly tradition, just trying different beers, seeing what our taste buds can handle. Bloody A. So, you start us off Ken Foss, what have you got me? Ah, this week I've gone for the old Vodka Soda Pine Lion, the old black cans. I've heard a fair bit about those, so pretty keen to get stuck in and give them a run mate. What have you got for us? Oh, I went the Brookvale Union Lemon Squash. Yeah, beautiful. Brookvale is a pretty solid one to go for, no matter what you've got. Yeah, absolutely. I've heard they're pretty good. We obviously love their ginger beers, don't we, and their tub sodas. Bloody A. I could live off them, can't we? Oh my god, that was a proper session there. Absolutely. So, yeah, let's get into it and see where we're at. Give it a run. Oh, how does that sound? Fuckin' A. Fuckin' A. Mate, I tell you what. What do you reckon? That's proper. I was feeling a bit crooked this morning. I told you before, I told you before I was going to say we might have to record tomorrow, but that's one way to feel better, isn't it? Fuckin' A. Mate, give us a run down. What do you reckon about? Ah, good. Good. Yeah, like we, you and I both know how much we love our hard solos. Yeah, absolutely. I just want to try something different, you know what I mean? Like, they're fuckin' expensive, the old solos. Yeah, just for everyone out there as well, we are, this alcohol review segment is going to be us trying a drink, each week, that we've both never had. So, yeah, we're getting stuck right now. What's yours like, Brass? Yeah, fuckin' unbelievable. Not what I expected, eh? It's um, it's not sweet whatsoever. Like, I've only just realised now on the can, there's like no sugar. So, they're fuckin' pretty unreal. It's just the... How body's intentions are they? Oh, absolutely been to amusement park on the weekend, mate. Yeah, nah, they're bloody unreal, mate. I highly recommend. Yeah, pretty bloody happy. Yeah. Nice work. Um, tell us about your week. What did you get up to? Tell you what, it was a fair bit of, as you know, running around to get this sorted. Um, work, we had a pretty crazy week of work this week. Yeah. Building a lot of bloody boards for all the jobs we've got coming up, so yeah. Been a couple of small jobs to fill in the gaps, but yeah, a lot of just fair bit of work around the shed and the yard this week, which isn't too bad, good to mix it up. Yeah. A little bit of driving as well, but um, yeah. Nah, and then, just, yeah, talking to you, good planning. Yeah. It's been a pretty hard job, mate. Spent a fair few hours on this. I reckon we racked up, oh, well over 12, 15 hours trying to sort this out, hell of an amount. Um, yeah, but that's pretty much what we've done. So, pretty good overall. Uh, we snuck in a bit of paper there, which is always good. Which is where sometimes can be good. Yeah. Oh, yeah, don't get me started. Don't get me started. Anyway, that's yours. How was it? Ah, yeah, similar. Yeah. Similar, just paper running around, wasn't it? Yeah. Um, yeah, like I said, we've been only talking to each other most nights of the week. Yeah. Um, I reckon I'm putting more work in this than I have all semester at uni, so. That's good, isn't it? Holy Communion to uni. Oh, I love it, mate. Um, but yeah, it's important to find something you're interested in. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Um, a little bit of a pony ass as well, so. Yeah, that's good. I reckon we thought, I don't know, we were talking to each other recently as well, and the reason we're doing this is like, fuck it, why not just have a crack at something different, you know? Like, if we can grow this, we'll grow it, it'll be bloody perfect, but, um, it's just something to keep us busy and something to enjoy on Fridays, and it's just, yeah, if we can build a community and get you guys involved, that would be fucking awesome. 100%. Well, we can't go to the fucking pub anymore on Friday night, can we? Nah, not when we have only 1400 people on the line. Nah. That's a maximum amount, doesn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ah, well, seven, eight weeks in a row was good enough. Yeah, there's a number on me fucking head. Good job. Uh, alright, bit of, uh, bit of worldwide news. I've, uh, got a little hot topic here this week. Yeah. That I heard over the radio on, uh, at a job, and fucking, I'm, I'm trapped, mate. Could be facing up to four years jaily. So, when he was going for election in 2016, um, Donnie was found guilty of falsifying business records. Not only that, the reason, like, it's pretty juicy, the reason he was falsifying these records is to cover up an affair with a fucking porn star. Jesus Christ. Who is that bloke down there? How old is he? Uh, he's 77, mate. Oh, man. He's pushing it. He's going her on. He's knocking on death's door to see if he's performing well. But, uh, I don't know whether I believe this or not, only, so don't, don't take my word for this, but, um, from what I heard as well, even if he's, well, even if he goes to jail, he can still serve as president from, from there, which. Yeah, that's crazy. I find that pretty hard to believe, to be honest, but I'm only going off what I've heard here, which, yeah. If, if prison's anything like movies, then he'd be fucked. Oh, mate, you've seen his nature. Like, like a big Jerome will sort him out within the first couple of hours, I reckon. Big Jerome. That's just a great name for a bloke in prison, I reckon. Uh, I don't know. Um, so he's, uh. Any other news? Not really, mate. No, have you got anything for us? They had a pretty quiet week, didn't they? Yeah, not a lot going on, really. That's all. Yeah, pretty quiet week. Yeah. If you've, oh, if you've got any other, um. Yeah, that's funny, the name of Scotch has gone down well, hasn't it? Yeah, come back up, fuck it up. Oh, um, yeah, if you, if you've got any news that you want us covered, um, send them in and we'll give it a razz. Yeah, absolutely. The, uh, the, we're going to have that little, not call line, but send in your voice messages, everyone. If you want us to cover something or you want us to introduce something into the podcast, um, let us know and we'll see what we can do. For sure, for sure. Um, moving on, nearly on. Nearly on. Uh, probably my favourite, uh, segment of the podcast. Yeah. Carry-ons. By the end. By the end. The carry-ons. Yeah. How good are these going to be? Oh, I've been so excited for these. Oh, mate, this is, yeah, this is definitely my favourite, um, favourite segment of the podcast we're going to have. So, guys, this is going to be a weekly thing as well. So, this is one, as you've seen on our Instagram page, uh, recent posts that, uh, we'd love to get you guys around it. So, um, in a, in a few minutes after we have a crack, there's going to be a few, we've got a few carry-ons from you guys to, uh, to play and, yeah, we'll have a yarn about it. So, uh, what have you got for us, Al? Well, first one, overtaking lanes, mate. Oh, don't get me started. I've got something for you. Oh, yeah. So, I was driving to work during the week and, um, yeah, obviously I was overtaking some bloke. Um, the lock we sent you in the week, uh, it was 110. Yeah. 110 on the highway. Yeah. And this bloke's chugging along at, I'm going to say 90, 95. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and I went past him and as soon as he saw me in his bloody side mirror, guess what he did? You know exactly. He absolutely sped up. Absolutely. Absolutely grub. That's a grub act. Oh, mate, that is an absolute grub act. Fucking scum of the earth. Oh, you are a shit-stain. That's what you are. If they're doing that, fucking grow up. Have a look at yourself in the mirror. Grow up. Seriously. Yeah. Um, but yeah, just, just drivers in general, I reckon. Yeah. Like, how hard is it? Mate, yeah, that's, one thing to fucking grow onto more gears is you just can't, you can't drive properly. Overtaking lanes, pretty simple. If you're going slow, don't speed up when it hits the dual lane. Let it go past you and then if you want to speed up there, keep it on and then do the speed limit. Don't be a grub and speed up when someone drives to get past you. That leads to like, fucking hell. Everyone with caravans as well, or someone driving a truck, feel like every time you go to overtake him, they speed up. It fucking shoots me. Absolutely shoots me. It pisses me off. Yeah. Yeah. It does a fucking, yeah. It does a number on you, doesn't it? It does a number on me. Yeah, funny, eh? It does a number on me. Anyway, so, into our, uh, first carry-on sent in from Ublix. Let's, uh, let's have a listen. Let's give it a listen. Yeah, look, that's a fucking good one. Yeah, um, I can go both ways with this, to be honest. Um, really depends, for me, depends on how good the chips are. Yeah, yeah. I don't know, if you're getting some pretty average chips and they're under the palm of your, you're just going to go sell them. Yeah, and that's no good for anyone. That's a disgrace. So, yeah, I don't know, I don't know. I wouldn't say I'm on the fence there. Like, I'd definitely prefer me palmy and me chips separate out. But, um, yeah, no, um, yeah, let's fucking carry on that. I think that's an absolute disgrace. Yeah. To be honest. If I, if I order a palmy, I expect it to be two feet long, at least. Yeah. Probably, probably, if it's that big, it should, it deserves to be on the third plate. Yeah. Another carry on there, I reckon. Fucking salad with your palmy, mate. Salad, no one likes a salad. No one likes it. When are pubs going to realise? Oh, yeah. Anyway. No one eats a salad. No. Unless you get a good salad. If it's got a bit of dressing on it, I'll tell you what. But, I mean, a good salad's like two pieces of cucumber, a piece of lettuce and a bit of salad dressing I don't think I've ever come across a salad like that. No one wants half a fucking plate of salad. No, no, God no. Anyhow, go on into the next one. What have we got for the next one? I've just, my voice, um, well, something that really grinds my fucking gears. I'm not going to name any names, but, Morning, I'm pretty 100% sure you're going to know who I'm talking about. My problem is, people who fucking stink. But worse, when you have the fucking capabilities and facilities to wash your fucking self. If you can pay for fucking hot water to have a shower, and you still fucking stink, oh my fucking God. Just fucking clean yourself for fuck's sake. It's not that hard. Wash yourself. Morning, um, you should know who I'm talking about, but no names, got to be names. Um, everyone on the podcast, big boys, um, have we won shaggers? What do you reckon? Look, I think we both know who he's talking about here. I could think of a couple of people, to be honest. Um, I just think it's, yeah, it's just common sense, isn't it? Yeah, that's a, yeah, that's another, that's a grub act, I reckon. It is, it's literally a grub act. You are a fucking grub if you stink. Yeah. My old man and I have had this conversation. I've told him, I said, if I ever stink, or if I ever have fucking body odour or something, like, just please tell me. Yeah. Cause I won't take, I won't take offence to it. It comes from someone like, or like a family member, you know what I mean? Nah, I'd rather fucking someone tell me I stink. Absolutely. If you stink, I'd fucking tell you. Yeah, but then again, you shouldn't be able to fucking smell yourself though. It's not that hard. Just wash your clothes. Fucking wash yourself, wash your clothes, bit of spray here and there and you'll be fine. Nah, that was a good one, actually. Yeah, pretty happy with that one. That was, uh, rah, Riley Whitehall for those, as well. So that was an absolute, absolute pearl, mate. You've done well there. Share that rah, good boy. Share that rah. But, uh, that sums up this segment for the week, Legends. So, uh, what have we got next, huh? What have we got next? Uh, well, yeah, send your carry-ons in. That's what we want. Yeah, we'd love to, we'd love to create that segment and, you know. More, if we can get more from you guys, rather than just us coming up with it. Yeah, that's it. Like, I think you'd get pretty bored of it. Yeah, by the way, the more the better. We want to get you guys involved, like we said before, so. Exactly right. We don't want to just be any other podcast, but we want to have your input as well and we want to just make it fun. We don't care if we get fucking ten listeners or one. Like, if we're the only ones listening back to it, we don't really care, to be honest. If you don't like us, that's fine. If we offend you. Piss off. If we offend you, apologies. But, yeah, this isn't going to be for everyone and, uh, we're not going to hold back. But, if you like what we're doing, guys, there's uh, the Spotify link is in our Instagram bio, which you'll find it. Ten sinking shenanigans, all one word. Um, go give us a five-star rating. Oh, yeah. That's it. If you like what we're doing, do it. If you don't, then you can jam it up your ass and get fucked. Pretty much. Pretty much. Um, moving on. Uh, let's look into, what was that about? I don't know. Fucking Instagramming us. Um, yeah, we're going to go into a bit of a sports segment. A bit of a sports recap, uh, and looking ahead to the week. Yeah. Obviously, this week, we didn't really have a segment last week because this is our first fucking episode. Yeah. Um, so we're just going to have a, uh, little look into this week. Uh, we're going to cover NRL, AFL, uh, and a bit of the tear cell for locals down in Tassie. Oh, yeah. Uh, we've got a couple of mates that play, don't we? So, hopefully, we'll get them, we'll get them on soon. Yeah. And if anyone out there, if anyone wants to be a guest, fucking send us a message. We'll be more than happy to get you on. We'd love it, wouldn't we? Yeah. Bloody earth. Well, starting off, man, AFL, I don't know, most people out there listening probably know, we are one-eyed Hawks supporters. Gale of Hawks. And I'll tell you what, don't really care about last year, not many people. You've got to be out here. But I'll tell you what, I feel like we've found some form recently. Mate, I don't know what, I don't know what Sammy Mitchell's doing down at Box Hill, but... He's... Fuck! We're looking good. Mate, we are looking fucking unbelievable, I reckon. And like you said, like, we're, we're going to be obviously pretty biased, but... Yeah, as everyone is. We're sitting 12th. Yeah. I think that's, that's exceeded my expectations for us this year. Yeah. Mate, the last few weeks have been so bloody exciting. Like, if... We've been good. Yeah. Yeah, we've been bloody unreal. It started, really, when, like, you look back to round eight, and we've knocked off the dogs. And we've been... Yeah, shit. Thinking, hello, like... We couldn't, we couldn't be able to save them from you. No, no, no, no. And then following up, not as big of a win this round, but knocking over the Saints by five points. Nah, they, they suck. Yeah. But, it's a win's a win. If you're a Saints supporter, apologies. Like, I feel bad for you, but... Also, Mike, I'm... Get fucked. Yeah. Yeah. And then... Shout out Tommy Ratcliffe. Sorry, mate. Round 10, this is, this is a hard one to take. We are, we were both fucking down in the dumps after this one. We were leading the whole game, seven seconds to go. Some fucking Port Adelaide grub. Screams through the pack, and suckers run us through to win by a point. Oh, I don't think we... I don't think I can talk about that, to be honest. We have to. I have to do it off my chest. Fucking, we, we know what we lost. We literally haven't talked about this, have we? No, we haven't. We haven't, haven't, yeah, we haven't got back to this at all. But, I reckon, tell me if I'm wrong here, but I reckon the reason we lost that is, we fucked, we, mate, we went defensive. We were winning the whole game by playing... We could have put off the gas a bit. Yeah. Playing that attack we saw before we run the ball, and then... It didn't look good. Yeah. They fucking ran over us, right in the arse end, and, yeah, that one fucking had to hurt, really. That hurt. That was, that pulled, if we won that, that was within two games of the fifth spot. So, yeah, that one. That's crazy. That one stunk. A lot. That is, er, that's pretty crazy to think of. Yeah. And then... We're sitting 12th, though, we're pretty, we're pretty healthy. Yeah. Continuing the good run, knocking over the Brisbane Lions by 25. Yeah, they're looking shit. Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed by Brisbane this year, honestly. Well, actually, I don't mind, hey. They've lost me a couple of multies. Yeah. Yeah, mate, oh, speaking of, Hugh McCoggins, man, he can get fucked, he's... He can, ain't he? Oh, he's done me multiple times. Um, and then... Continuing the good run. Continuing the good run. Last week, 27 points over Adelaide. Again, we looked bloody unbelievable. Um, Will Day, having him back, he's been bloody impressive. How, how could Teddy be? He brings... We missed him, we missed him. He brings back our structure. Yeah. Agreed. Yeah, and then, I don't know, I don't want to get too excited this week, but, home game, Dan and Lottie, can we... Dan and Lottie, what a place. Ah, shit hole. What an absolute hole of a place. I don't want to get too excited, but, I reckon we could, I don't know, I reckon we can nearly tell. We could knock them off, couldn't we? What do you reckon? We're pretty good in Lottie, to be fair. Yeah, yeah, we got lost. We haven't lost... We lost Adelaide last year there. Yeah. Which was heartbreaking, I fucking hate the Crows. Grubz got them back last week. Huh? Grubz got them back last week. Yeah, we did, didn't we? Absolute Grubz, they are, aren't they? Um, Guinea, Jack Inverman's been my absolute favourite player. How fucking good is he? And I, I can, I can promise you that other Hawkers supporters wouldn't get the same. Shout out to, ah, shout out to Tommy Studley, who also had a bit of gripe during the week. Talked about Essendon supporters. In particular. In particular, Essendon's still a big bopper. Big bopper. We're going to get Sean back and talk about this, because this is, this is a disgrace. Yeah, yeah, Essendon supporters are a disgrace, that's a great one. Yeah, shout out Tommy Studley. Um, yeah, we're happy with the Hawke stuff. Yeah. Are we happy with that? Yeah, we don't want to ramble on too much about them and all you guys, but, ah, we're pretty happy with the boys at the moment, and I reckon the next few years are pretty bloody exciting. Exciting, eh? Yeah. Um, well, speaking of heartbreaks, speaking of heartbreaks, the fucking Origin wins that lot. Yeah, look, obviously, moving up here to Nuit, I've got no option now but to, you know, follow it. You're a New South Welshman now. Oh, we won't go that far. No, you are. You won't go that far. But, ah, yeah, that was, mate, my first Origin game watched as a New South Welshman. That was, yeah, it was pretty hard. Pretty hard to bloody watch. The boys went great. Like, obviously, Queensland domination's been bloody strong the last decade. Every time, every time we think we have a chance, Queensland just keep fucking producing five once-in-a-generation flights. Yeah. Like, it's absolutely, after Ken Smith and JT and Cooper Cronk, fuck, Billy Slater. Yeah. You could just name the whole team. Yeah. After that, we're done. We're like, oh, fuck, yeah, how good's this one? Yeah. We've got to finally have a bit of a run and fucking... Fucking stick it out there. That went well, didn't it? Yeah. Speaking of that, the Origin, fucking hell, best part of the game. Oh, really well. Show some swally. Ha, ha, ha. How good was that? Oh, now, there's been a few people here saying the sent-off was dessert. But, um... You can jam that right up your arse. Yeah. Well, everyone's obviously attacking Roosevelt. He's a dangerous player. One of the best in the world. And a grub. One of the best, if not their best, on the Queensland team. That little Mascara-wearing prick deserved what he got, I reckon. Slid into it, daftly slipped, dropped the knees, whatever, copped it on the chin, out cold. Unlucky brusk. If he didn't slip, dropped the knees, would have copped it, square on the chest, play on. And probably would have still been knocked out. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha. Yeah, no, that was a whole lot for me, but I end up, man, half time, went to bed, chucked on for a little bit, and then about ten minutes into the second half, I caught a quits. It was just... Didn't want to watch any more of it, so... It was pretty devastating, wasn't it? Bring on game two at the G, eh? At the G. Er, tickets were $150, the other night. Oh, were they? I had a little dabble. Who's that? Er, yeah, I was thinking about it. That's right. I was still thinking about it, to be fair, but, er, makes it hard now that we lost game once. Yeah. Er, but anyway, moving on... What have you got for us, rather than a TSL? Fill us in a bit. Yeah, TSL, um, we're just going to talk about Clarence and Lord of the Nile games, to be fair, cos I don't know about you, but I don't give a fuck about the other teams. Could not give a flying fuck about anyone else, no. Couldn't agree more. Nah. Yeah. Um, like we said before, we've got a few mates, well, we're actually, we're actually ex-Clarence players, aren't we? Somehow. Somehow. Two games, or whatever. Yeah, what, three games of Twins? Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Um, Starflowers. Nah, we've got a couple of mates. Starflowers. Big, er, big locky ball boom. Oh, ball boom. Um, yeah, the boys, the Roo boys are playing Kingborough this week, er, at Bloody. Big game, that. Um, big game. Huge game. Big game. Oh, I hate Kingborough. No, I can't stand it. Clarence... Cricket and footy. Clarence knocking off Lord Davies at the start of the season, that was a huge shot. Nah. I haven't been following it too closely, to be honest. Yeah. But, obviously, Kingborough aren't a team to attack lightly. They've been fucking strong the last few years. They've been good, haven't they? Winning it last year, didn't they? Yeah, they did, yeah. Yeah, took it out last year, so, yeah. They're obviously contenders again. Hopefully the Roo boys get over the top on that one. Nah, oh. Hopefully it's a draw, to be honest. I'd rush it over. I'll go for the, I'll go for the umpires, I reckon. Um, in a better game, Lord Davies v Lonnie. Yeah, yeah. Shout out big Maxi Skelly, last week, his first senior goal. Shout out Maxi, well done mate. If you haven't seen it, go on YouTube and, he did the old, er, CJ and, er, Guinea celebration. Guinea celebrations, love that. Uber Uber, which is awesome. Um, yeah, the boys should absolutely, I reckon, smack the boys from Lonnie. Yeah, Lonnie have dropped off, haven't they? Massively, mate. Going from, absolutely dominating the league for years to, fuck, I was like. They smashed the piss out of everyone, didn't they? Yeah, I was, like I said, I haven't been following their pace, but they're down at the bottom end of the ladder at the moment, aren't they? Mm. Yeah. Yeah. No, well, big change up. Good to have some domination down in the south. Yeah, yeah, it's good. Um, for those that don't know, I played a season at Lauderdale. Well, not really a season, you know, I fucking played three games again, but, um, yeah, it was, yeah, real good, I don't know, love footy, if you can't tell. Um, but no, unreal group of boys down there. Um, big Craig Blaschke three last week, I reckon. Was he in the seniors debut? No, no, he played earlier this year. Oh, true. Um. Shout out Blasch from Canberra. Shout out Blasch, Blasch the boss. Blasch the boss. Um, nah, they've got a couple of good players, don't they? Yeah. A couple of ex-NFL players, um, and a big bopper, big Ethan Steele. He's, uh, I'm hanging out for his seniors debut. Yeah, a fair bit of talent that bloke, I reckon. Oh, mate. That seniors debut's got to be coming soon, I reckon. Um, I'm keen to get him on. He's going to be a future guest, hopefully. Absolutely. If he reaches out. Absolutely. Um, and, lastly on sports, uh, bit of NRL flair. Yeah. Um, Wes Tong is playing tonight, eight o'clock, probably going to get yabby-pumped. Um, they suck, mate. Yeah, yabby-pumped. They're my team. Yeah, mate. Yeah. They stink. They suck, don't they? Yeah. Um, anyway. Oh, second one already? Second one, mate. First one went down pretty hard. Oh, true. Probably professional names. They're not, they're a joint that you can definitely sit on all day. Just easy. Yeah, super-easy, super-light. Um, what's it called? Vodkaran? Yeah, Vodkaran soda, quite long. Get her in it. Yeah, don't be afraid to sponsor us either. No. $50. $50. Alrighty. Moving into another exciting segment, which we're going to try and get you guys around here. Um, multi the week. So, this is another one we'd love you to send in your multis to our Instagram page and we'll chat you out. Let everyone know what you've got. And, uh, yeah, if you, uh, get any wins from this week, send them in to us as well. We'll have a yarn about them next week. But, uh, what have you got going this week, huh? Uh, I'll win the West Tigers, uh, St. George game tonight. Mm-hmm. Uh, what have you got? I'll win Jereme Buller from the Tigs, uh, end-time scorer, and big Zachy Lomax, who dominated the Origin the other night, um, as an end-time tri-scorer. And, I'll win the Unders, uh, which is 45 and a half. Yeah. Um, I don't think Tigers will score a point, to be fair. Unfortunately. I'm going to be barracking hard for him, but I'm not expecting much. That's about a 14.25. Oh, yeah. So I have a couple of bucks on that. Yeah. Um, I probably won't get up, knowing me, but, uh, give it a crack, mate. You have another best run in your mountains recently, haven't you? Oh, mate, I'm fucking hopeless. You're a fucking piss-poor. I am hopeless. I couldn't sip water out of a bucket. That's how bad I am. Seriously. So, uh, what have you got for us, Kim Fox? I've gone to the Bulldogs, uh, Lions game tonight in the AFL. Yeah. Um. Give us a... Yeah. So, recently I've been going pretty safe with my multies, but just stacking the legs up and the... And fucking getting up too. It's coming off alright. You grub. So, we've got Bailey Dale, Mark Sponson-Pelli, Tom Libertore, Josh Dunkley for 20 touches each. They should all be locks. Locking. Lock it in, bro. Lock it in, Eddie. Fuck it, Eddie. Adam Treloar for 30. This bloke is the biggest ball magnet in the AFL right now. He's been getting mid-30s, high-30s consistently every week, so. He's so underrated too. Oh, mate. He, yeah, he's, yeah. We're having a bloke like Bont and Libert around him. Makes it hard to shine, but, yeah. And then a few goal kickers. We've got Jamari Gahagan, Mark Sponson-Pelli, Rory Lobb from the Bulldogs. Um. Yeah. Sam Dalsky, Mr. Nowt. I reckon they should all snap one each this week. I was questioning... Thoughts on, uh, thoughts on Rory Lobb. Just interrupt. Thoughts on him? Thoughts. Have you seen his, uh, have you seen his TikTok and shit? Oh, no, I haven't. No. It's just embarrassing. Is it? Like, grow up, mate. He's talking about all this shit that he's been doing, playing BFL and stuff, and playing golf and stuff. Like, grow up. All I've got to say about that bloke is, uh, questionable haircut, man. Cut off. Just fucking stop dying your hair, bro. Yeah, we'll leave it there. And then, uh, big Joey Downerhead for a snack, Charlie Cameron for a snack, and Carl Lyman for a snack as well. I'm pretty bloody impressed with Carl Lyman right now. He's been, he's been a lit shit. He's, I reckon he's nearly a chance of the rising star now that old Harley's copped out two weeker. Oh, I think that was fair. You do? Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was, I was thinking that they were gonna get him off just because he's Harley, right? Yeah. But I was real happy that they didn't. Yeah. No, he's a fucking star, though. How good do you say he's gonna be? Yeah, yeah, mate. He's, he's browner material. 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Yeah. If you could have one dish or item of food for the rest of your life and only that item of food, what would it be? A single one? Yeah. God, I'll have sushi. Yeah. Yeah. But like the real Australian sushi, so no fish, just all chicken and crispy chicken with mayo. I love rice. Yeah. I really love rice. Yeah, rice. So I'm going to have to go, Dad cooks this unbelievable thing called Barlowe's rice. Yeah. Couldn't tell you what's in it. He just cooks it up and I eat it and it fucking tastes good. True. It tastes real good. Okay, I'll be hitting Geoffro up for that one. Yeah. Just buy him some rice and he'll be like, yeah, I'm cooking you that. Yeah, we're fucking on it, Russ. What's your go-to? Now, I actually had this conversation last night with one of my housemates. I'll lock, he'll be a guest coming up soon as well. We've locked him in. Don't have a date for you yet, but in the next... Locked him in? Locked him lock in. In the next month or so. It's actually, I don't know. You don't get sick of bread, do you? No. True. Seriously though. And then plain and simple, fucking bit of garlic bread, sprinkle a bit of cheese on top, chuck in the air fryer, mate. 160 for about 8, 10 minutes, that is prime. So I don't know. I feel like I get sick of big dishes every now and then, like I've been smacking spag dough, fucking this week I've had about 4 of them, meal prepping, and yeah, that's kind of led me towards the old garlic bread. But yeah, that's me. You can't beat garlic bread. Yeah. Now for our last question. Oh, this is... You fuckers. If there's a grub out there that answers any differently, unfollow us. I don't want to hear from you. I'd rather you not follow us. We actually don't give a fuck if you unfollow us. You are a fucking grub. And we know the answer to this, mate. Is it a parmy or a parma? Oh, fuck me. It's a parmy. Is it? No. We could talk about this for fucking hours. Shout out Ty, the old beanpole. The old beanpole. That was his carry on. He said parmy, not parma, so he's on the right wavelength here, so what up, mate. But yeah, that's an absolute fucking joke. If you think it's a parmy or you Victorians who reckon it's a parma, jam it up your arse. Where's the thumbnail, Sean? Put it nicely. Where's the thumbnail, Sean? Nah, good luck. Yeah. Happy with that. Last little segment to finish off with. Have you got a joke of the day for us? I do. Have you? Yeah. This is going to be a weekly sort of occurrence and we're going to ask guests and that stuff about them, so again, if you have any jokes, please send them in, because we'd love to shout you out or we'd love to tell it for you. Absolutely. So have you got one for us? Yeah, bros. Why do hospitals have air conditioners? What was that? To keep the veggies fresh for us. Oh, no. Jesus Christ. Please don't get us cancelled. It'd be a life loss. Well, if it's as good as that, but yeah, I found this the other day. When I say that when you shag, you burn off as many calories as you run in eight kilometres. But I thought like, who the fuck runs eight kilometres in 30 seconds? What does that mean? I'm only around a 4K there, bro. Jesus Christ. Oh, fuck it, eh? I reckon that polishes off the episode for you. Yeah, if you've made it this far, appreciate it. Well done. Well done. This has made it this far. Thanks for supporting. Remember, hit that Spotify link if you enjoyed it. Yeah, if you want to. If it's not your cup of tea, no worries. If it's not your cup of tea, you can piss off. Yeah, get fucked. Alright, anyway, until next time, Tim Thinkers, stay lit, stay out of trouble. That's it. Bye-bye. See you later. Bash. What's that? Fifty minutes? We're a little bit shaky at the start. You alright? That's fucking late.

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