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Worship Wednesday

Worship Wednesday




We can worship God through reverence, service, and acknowledgement.

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Hello and welcome everybody so glad to be on this podcast welcome my name is Tina this is KGM studio and it has been a while since I've actually come on back in the studio just being able to share about what God has been doing in the last I believe seven eight months that I've kind of took a break it was a season of break for me because of having to get my book published and everything else and praise the Lord it is now published and it is on Amazon there are some the publishing things I am taking care of to get it out there to the masses in 40,000 distribute retail stores so it is in the works still but keep me in prayer for that God is doing some mighty things for this book to come out and to go out and I'll tell you because today is actually worship Wednesday that I plan on doing every week actually once a month for a worship Wednesday and it's something that he kind of put in my heart just to do for for the masses it's a time we need to worship God but before I go into about the worship I wanted to just quickly share that you know when you are called to do a divine purpose for God oh my goodness I will tell you you definitely will know it's a divine calling when you get so much resistance so much trials and havocs and tribulation and warfare extreme spiritual warfare's hitting you from left and right even with your own family members you know trying to get this book done and I meant to share it like a couple months ago about it because it was just constantly resistance after resistance and now I'm understanding that this book the book called his kingdom understanding God's assignment for humanity here on earth is an anointed book I have to say that it's not because I wrote it it's actually the Holy Spirit wrote it all he gave me words to put in their experiences for me to share and other testimonies from my friends and family to share but the words become alive when a reader is hungry for who this God is when a reader wants to know is there really a one true living God out there who can help me who can take all this pain that I'm suffering or this brokenness or me feeling lost and confused and broke down yes there's an answer to everything with God Jesus is the answer Jesus is the way the truth and the life he made the way for us to have peace again peace Jesus is peace God is Jehovah Shalom the God of peace Jesus is the peace who reigns on this earth and I'm so thankful and grateful that he gave us the Holy Spirit because I would not know how to do this podcast any of my kingdom global ministry YouTube videos even starting up a prayer call on Sundays which I'll announce at the end so God is doing so many amazing things he actually had me start my own LLC called you belong to his kingdom LLC and that was also boy was that a resistance just trying to get that put together but that is so good so if you ever get a chance you can check out my website called you belong to his kingdom calm and I actually specifically created that website for my his kingdom store for the shop page but I ended up adding my kingdom my KGM studio podcast on there as well as my kingdom global ministry YouTube videos I'll add some more I just kind of put something together for this website but in the meantime it's it's our mission is to reach people for Jesus and to teach about his kingdom because his kingdom lives in us it's not a kingdom that is like what you see with kings and queens and UK it's a kingdom that God is saying I want to use my son or my daughter here on earth to go out and be the voice for me to go out and pray and we'll and we'll see the miracle signs and wonders when they pray and so there's more you just got to get the book the book is on Amazon and it's coming soon at Barnes & Noble and so many other stores around you so and even to the libraries as well so I'm going to go ahead and just jump on how I brought came about with worship Wednesday so when we worship to God it's not just like worshiping music or worshiping you know praise and dancing but we worship with our heart we worship and just lift up our hands or just bow down on our knees or just cry out to him with our hearts just pouring into him we worship with a prayer and there's so much but as I was looking some of these up the Bible does describe that worship as a response to God's character and saving acts and it's a part of one's relationship with with God it involves one reverence obeying God's voice keeping his commandments and turning from evil and I'll go more in depth with this but it is based on the book and scriptures of Psalms 211 Psalm 111 verse 9 Hebrews 12 28 numbers 20 verse 6 judges 13 verse 20 1st Chronicles 21 verse 16 and then it also is a worship as a response is service offering sacrifices holding festivals and serving God also humbling ourselves before God and it's based on some scriptures Philippians 2 verse 3 through 8 Colossians 3 verse 23 through 24 1st Peter 4 verse 10 through 11 Galatians 5 verse 13 to 14 and then the last one acknowledgment recognizing God's holiness and majesty and this is based on Matthew 10 verse 32 through 35 and then Proverbs 3 verse 5 through 6 and then Psalms 100 verse 3 to 5 so acknowledging God and always means recognizing that God is the one who works in our lives and acknowledging his authority in what we are doing trusting in God and not trusting our own wisdom and I just kind of want to go back to the reverence I forgot to share this to that in the Bible the reverence is a feeling of deep respect and in awe that is inspired by encountering or meditating on the nature of God it is a response that is automatic for those who encounter the grandeur of God so I will share some testimonies as well but I'll go more in deep of these three things because I feel like I need to break down that these for the for worship Wednesday so another time we'll have a worship Wednesday going more debt into reverence and then the next one service and then the next one acknowledgement but worshiping God is like for me my worship with God is intimacy like just me myself and I and God Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my prayer room or prayer closet whatever you want whatever you want to call it and just being allowed when God's presence just take over as I play my guitar and sing a song to him there's times when I'll blast my my music I go on YouTube and just hear some Christian music that I love playing and and start dancing for the Lord I I used to be a choreographer so I used to teach choreographed Christian hip-hop at my old previous church and I still enjoy dancing the moves choreographing and freestyling is a whole different thing but I'm more of a freestyler and what that means is like I like to move without counting like sometimes when you're doing choreographing you're always counting like counting one through eight like counting the steps I mean but when you're freestyling it's kind of like I don't know if you guys ever seen some people who can do break dancing I don't break dance some people said I do but I don't do that but I love to move fast I love to dance when it's hip-hop music I just want to dance and one day I just happened to play my music cuz I was like I'm just gonna dance for the Lord and before I started dancing he gave me this vision of this light just shining over me like I was covered with this light and it reminded me of how Moses came down from the mountains with a tooth came down because he was meeting God for so many days and the people down the mountain was like where is he why isn't he come down they were like wondering but no one went back up there to go find him until he came down they also saw this radiant light just covering him and so I felt I just saw that vision of this radiant light over me and I didn't even have to step into a worship of dancing God already like prepared the way for me to know there's something that he's doing in me through me or whatever it is and sometimes it you don't need to encounter that in a church sometimes you do a lot of times I encounter that when I do see revive go to revivals or I go to these conferences and they let the Holy Spirit lead that's the key word here Holy Spirit lead so sometimes I say Holy Spirit come come Holy Spirit what I'm doing is I'm allowing the Holy Spirit to take over because it's not by my might it's through God it's through Jesus it's through the Holy Spirit so when I allow the Holy Spirit lead do you know things can shift in the atmosphere things begin to shake up things begin to move and they begin to see miracles signs and wonders the reason why I say that is because a lot of times these churches that I've stepped into and I'm not downing churches but I feel like they are so busy with their agenda their schedule that they forget to welcome the Holy Spirit in and see the power of God move when the power of God moves that's when the people who are not even believers become like radical believers because they're like whoa did God really do this yes God can do that but it takes a leader inside these church buildings to allow the Holy Spirit to move and when they move in the spirit oh man look out now because you've just allowed the gates of heaven to open and come down in your church building inside that room and you begin to see healings taking place you begin to see people getting delivered from so many things that they've been held captive of strongholds you know you can be held captive of strongholds with I was just listening to this guy pornography and how he had he was born he had two mothers so his mothers were lesbian so his mom had to go to the doctors and be pregnant that kind of way but at the same time he gave his life up to God because he saw the miraculous thing happening in the move of God when he entered into a it was a high school service and then he kept going but the Holy Spirit was tugging him to go because when the Holy Spirit is tugging you to go that means he's gonna use you for his glory he's gonna use you like sometimes he can't use these pastors in churches because they're so tuned into their schedule in their agenda that they forget to see the move of God move in their place and to allow God to take over and I just know that God wants the Holy Spirit to to be welcome in these churches so that these churches can grow so that these churches the men and women the body of believers can can like encounter the gifts of the Spirit a lot of times they're they're so I just feel in the presence that God is saying we need to wake up church we can't just be butt warmers in these seats and listening to the leaders you need to take up the cross and you need to go and share the gospel you need to go and have the boldness to pray for somebody you need to go and just serve and like bless somebody with their groceries or with a meal it behind you can be the person behind them say or in front of them saying I want to pay for that person's meal today because they want to know is there really a true God here like you may not know that person's circumstances because of their finances but what if the Holy Spirit told you pay for that person's meal what if the Holy Spirit said go and put some gas in that person's car or you know give some money here to put some gas in that person's car that is when they will really see wow there is a true God there is actually a God that's real and that's when you can tell them about Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit and then and begin to pray for them and guide them give them like lead them to like a discipleship group whatever it is that so that they can grow have one-on-ones with them about the Bible a Bible teaching wherever you can lead them they need to just grow in God's Word they need to have the intimacy with God you know I was always searching like who is this guy I want to know more about him like I want those kinds of gifts that these people have these prophetic words and it has come to pass and you know it took it's now 20 years since I've been saved and it was a rollercoaster ride up and down like I sometimes I didn't know what I was doing but I still plugged in and that's the key word plugging in with a local church or a body of believers a small group whatever who can come together and worship God in spirit and in truth read the Bible together because God is using somebody God is wanting to say who is it that I can use you have to just be in that presence of God and say here I am Lord use me and you know what when you say that he will definitely use you because I had no clue he wanted to use me to write this book called his kingdom and there are times where I have told God God do you know that my first language is not English but I had to step back and I had to tell him okay God yeah I'll let you lead you have to lead me into this because I have no idea what I'm doing so this day sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing I am still in the presence of God he gives me grace after grace after grace mercies are new every morning and it's just amazing to see that when we can worship him in spirit and in truth God will give us the power to move forward the power to encounter people the power to speak the words that he wants us to speak and life and death is in the power of the tongue and I'll tell you what there's just been so many times where I would speak something and it automatically it just happens and I'm like how in the world did that just happen but because we're we tapped into a higher realm which is in the spirit realm and we've come together in our prayer room our prayer closet and just give it to God he begins to download and give us revelations he just like how he is reminding me right now we have the DNA and it's in the supernatural our DNA is in the supernatural we're not like the people here on earth when you become born again believing Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you begin to walk this journey praying to God reading his word having the intimacy of just worshiping him allowing him to use you for his glory do you know that when you speak it comes to life he spoke the words in the beginning in Genesis let there be light and it came to life now he's saying I want that too with my children here on earth so that more and more people will know that I am the God I am a God of the Creator and that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord Lord of Lords and the Holy Spirit is our friend our counselor our guidance the Holy Spirit is our still small voice he's the one roaming around here on earth whoever is wanting to get help because I always ask the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit help me I don't know what I'm doing and and that's the humility part we just need to humble ourselves before God because I'll tell you when you have too much of this confidence this arrogance or this pride how can God use you when you carry those sinful traits no God is looking for someone who can obey his word God is looking for someone who can humble himself before God God is looking for those broken people the lost people God is looking for those people where they can say God use me here I am I want to be used by you because I know this this city the state this nation is crying out for you there's so much sinful things so much darkness so much calamity that is going on that I we don't understand God is looking for you to be the voice the voice for our Heavenly Father the voice for our Lord Jesus Christ the voice for the Holy Spirit and it's just amazing and what he's doing so I wanted to just share that with you guys and just a little bit of announcements really quick I'm going to be doing Sunday evening prayer lines on my zoom call so you can check out my website at you belong to his kingdom calm go to the about page and you can check out that the zoom link on there and then for every Wednesday of the month second Wednesday of the month I will be doing the worship Wednesday sharing about worship with God and also on the Friday faith Friday once a month that's third week of every month I will be sharing just God's faith my faith in him at growing up or just starting this journey in these 20 years I've been living in this Christian journey and just to be able to share that with you guys so I thank you guys for tuning in and I greatly appreciate you guys for listening in as well I love you and God bless you have a blessed day

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