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Timothy Adelakin



By one man disobedience brought death, leading to loss of God's glory and fellowship with Him. Likewise, through obedience to the Spirit of Christ, we have the lost glory restored and consequently the fellowship we once had with God.

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In this video, the speaker discusses the topic of death and its origins. He explains that death was not part of God's original creation, but rather a result of sin. He emphasizes that death is both physical and spiritual, with spiritual death leading to physical death. The speaker also discusses the importance of holiness in order to have fellowship with God and see Him both spiritually and physically. He mentions examples from the Bible, such as Moses and Enoch, to illustrate the possibility of experiencing God's glory and walking closely with Him. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the need for restoration and reunion with God in order to overcome death and experience eternal life. 🎵Instrumental Music🎵 🎵Instrumental Music🎵 You are welcome once again to Friends of the Bright Dream Channel. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to be alive. And it's a privilege for me to have you, my audience, at the edition of today. Today I'll be speaking on the topic that is very, very important for the church and the generality of believers world over to understand today. And that's the question about death. There is this question that is craving for answers. And I wonder how many people ever bother to ask this question. Was death part of the creation? Why don't we start off by taking us through the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15. And I'm going to read from verse 21 to 26. For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all died, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. For each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits, after all those who are Christ's at his coming. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father. When he puts an end to all rule and authority and powers. For he must re-fill he has put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. You will agree with me quite a number of heges that will have been so ambiguous. To the believers of this generation, God in his infinite wisdom had revealed to Apostle Paul. Though then it was a mystery. And you will often hear him say, I show you a mystery. In the first edition of this release. You will recall I drew our attention to a number of things that God has reserved for this end time. And just like at a crossroad of dispensational shift. That was when Paul the Apostle came into ministry. He made us understand that he received mysteries, truths that were previously mysteries. And deliberately reserved by God for generations to come. For a dispensation for which he has reserved it. And when the time came, Paul the Apostle was made to see what Petrarch and even other apostles did not have the privilege to see. You remember also I said, God in his infinite wisdom and in his program. Reserved certain truths, certain revelations. Until the appointed time he has appointed for it. And so likewise there are some truths that have been kept obscured, kept closed. Just like Apostle John was told. Those truths that were revealed in Revelation were closed off. Right from the time of Daniel the prophet. Until the right time came. And John was asked to reveal it, to disclose it. Because the time has come. Here in this passage that we read today. You begin to see some truths about life and death. And the question is, did God know there was going to be the fall? Yes, he knew. Was death part of his creation? Studying the scripture quite well, you will realize that death was not part of the creation of God. Rather, death was the creation of the devil. God created man to live eternally. It was sin that brought death. And you see this death, according to the scripture, death is both spiritual and physical. That is, there is physical death and there is spiritual death. Although one leads to the other. There was first of all the spiritual death. It was the spiritual death that orchestrated the physical death. Both had a common source, a common origin. Now, let's look at spiritual death, which was the first. Before sin, man existed both as a spirit, having soul and with physical body. That was why Adam could host God in the cool of the day in the garden of Eden. Now, you notice that the pureness of his nature was what made it possible for him to operate both in the spiritual realm and the physical realm at the same time. In other words, during the time God was visiting Adam in Eden, Adam was a spirit. He could operate as a spirit and also exist physically with a physical body. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to relate with God. But you see, because of the pureness of his state then, he could operate at the two realms, at the realm of the spirit and at the realm of the physical at the same time. This was simply because the requirement of holiness to see God was holiness, purity. And God had that in mind, God bore that in mind when he met Adam and he met him in his own likeness. In other words, in the likeness, in the same attribute as God had. And if you take a deeper look at it, God met Adam with the exact nature he had, the nature of holiness, the nature of purity. And that was the nature that is required for a being to operate as a spirit. So, the requirement of holiness to see God was simply the purification of the heart in alignment with God in the realm of the spirit. So then, seeing God is not just a spiritual thing, contrary to our perception. Rather, it also states the possibility of seeing God physically. That's when the conditions are met. If you read Hebrews chapter 12 verse 14, the Bible says, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Now, if you turn that verse around, you could read, Follow peace with all men, within any man can see the Lord. I know it could be funny sometimes when, as believers, we don't understand the depth of a scripture, we tend to spiritualize it, I mean, just box it into spirituality. Whereas, it could mean see God in heaven, but beyond that, if it was possible for Adam to see God physically. That means, this verse would also mean that it is possible for any man that follow peace with all men, that meets the condition of holiness, to see the Lord in this age and time. Again, if you read the account of the scripture concerning the long walk Moses had with God, the account of his ministry as a prophet. He got to a point in his walk with the Lord, in Exodus chapter 10 verse 18, the Bible says, and it says that Moses said, Please, show me your glory. It means, a walk with God, could be so intimate, gets to a point, that you have the courage to ask for the revelation of God's glory. You make a request to see God, and actually, if you read that passage downward, in chapter 33 of Exodus, God revealed himself to them. And the Bible remarks, the man that saw God physically, talking about Moses. So, we see that it was sin, when it came in, that deprived us of the holiness nature that God gives to us. And when sin came in, the holiness nature of man began to deplete, and he began to fall short of the condition to see God, which is the condition of holiness. The first thing that you notice happened in the scripture, was that the physical fellowship Adam once had with God, broke. This is because God is sparklingly holy, and any idol or altar filled, breaks fellowships within. How does that happen? God made man, in his own nature, the nature of holiness, the nature of righteousness. And that was the code, that made it possible for Adam to operate in the realm of the Spirit, to be alive in short, and relate with God. Now, what sin does, when it came in, was to destroy that holiness nature. And such, the fellowship with God broke, which resulted in death. Now, the break in fellowship began with physical separation at first, and then gradually it deepens into spiritual separation. So, when we talk about spiritual death, it is both instantaneous and gradual. How do I mean? When Adam fell, his connection with God broke. And so, he entered into a disconnection with God. So, spiritual death begins instantaneous, with physical separation, and then it deepens gradually. Conversely then, we can say, restoration of life could be instantaneous first, as he united with God in the spirit first, and then it deepens till the physical is fully restored. Now, what are we saying? I want you to get something clear from here. Adam, by creation, was in good and close relationship with God, both physically and spiritually. But the moment sin came in, sin destroyed that relationship with God. Sin broke that link that Adam had with God. And what was the consequence? The consequence was, number one, Adam died spiritually. And then, that spiritual death resulted into physical disconnection, physical separation. Likewise, if that life would be restored, then of course, it would start with instantaneous reunion with God, spiritually. And when that reunion with God, which restores the fellowship, the lost fellowship, takes place in the spirit, then it gets deepened through the continual work by the individual with God, until, as expected, it resorts into physical restoration or physical fellowship with God. I hope you are following my analogy. Now, if you understand that quite well, it explains the experience of Enoch. If you read in Genesis 5, verse 24. And Enoch worked with God, and it was not for God to kill. So, you see, the index of spirituality is holiness. And there is a degree of holiness that marks the boundary between the realm of the spirit and that of the physical. I mean, here we are talking about total or absolute unitedness or devotion to God. That is a state of heart that is totally emptied towards God. Once this boundary is crossed in the scale of holiness, you become liberated to express oppression in the spiritual realm as a spirit. In other words, what debar us from operating as a spirit that God made us, what broke short of the fellowship we ought to be having with the realm of the spirit, is sin. Sin caused the separation. And sometimes when we preach and we teach, we fail to get a good grasp of the depth of the consequence of this fall that we talk about. Now, let me give you a recap of it again. When Adam fell, it went beyond mere hitting the fruit. By simple disobedience, he first lost the physical fellowship with God. And gradually, he was spiritually lost. And if you look at the far-reaching consequence of the curse, because of the fall, man was plunged potentially into eternal death. Oh, thank God, because Christ had to come. So, in other words, sin gradually deprives us of the physical fellowship, and then the spiritual death comes in, and the ultimate is eternal death. Let's look at the way Apostle Paul puts it in Romans 8, verses 19-22. It is for the earnest expectation of the creature, waited for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who had subjected the same in hope as Adam. Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the old creation groaned and traveled in pain together till now. Sin, not only the bad man of the fellowship we are created to have with God, but it plunged the entire creation, because every other thing in creation is subject to man. Everything that was created for man, had their essence in the dominion that God gave to man. And the moment man died, the rest of creation were plunged into, as it were, a prison yard. Man lost purpose, lost fulfillment, likewise the rest of creation, because of the fall of man. And so, for the restoration of this life, there has to be a spiritual restoration first, through a reunion with God. And then, as this fellowship grows in our work with the Lord, it is expected that the fullness of life is restored to us. We gain the life in its fullness, until our spirit man is liberated and energized, as the degree of our holiness nature increases due to our work and our renewal with God. Then the spirit man can reach out to God in the realm of the spirit. That is what happened to most of us believers, especially in this generation, in this generation. You know, God creates us to live and enjoy the fullness of the spirit. But you notice that the short-term between these two realms, the realms of the spirit and the physical realm, most of the time, we flunk through it. And that is responsible for the spasmodic, the spiritual experience we have once in a while. You are high today, you are low tomorrow. And that was what Moses got tired of. And he said, I have been working with you all this while, I have not seen you, I have not seen your glory. You see, the degree of our work, the depth of our work with the Lord determines the depth of spirituality, how far we go. In reaching out to the spirit realm. Whereas, the will of God is that we remain perpetually stable in the realm of the spirit, in such a spiritual level that our spirit man could be liberated to reach out to God. When you consider the account of the Bible, Enoch was consistent, you know, in that. And that is the reason he finally exited the physical world. Well, as a model, that suggests to us that if Enoch was a man like us, that means he got to a point in his life, he discovered God. He got reunited with God and maintained a consistent work with God all of his life. That the holiness nature with which God made man originally became so manifest in the life of Enoch, he was growing in it consistently until the fullness of life that God intended for man became manifest in his life. And the consequence was that he exited this physical world. In other words, his spirit man became so liberated that he went into perpetual fellowship with God and God took him away. I want to believe that is the desire of God for us all believers. Imagine the experience of Moses, the first 40 days that he spent on the moon, and then the second, I mean imagine the consequence. By the time he was coming back, the Bible says that the children of Israel could not look on his face again. Because he had had encounter with God, he actually saw God. So, as a matter of principle, generally speaking, the fullness of life that God intends for man is not hope in the realm of the spirit. And you cannot attain the rest that God reserved for you until you have crossed this threshold. That's the rest, you know, the Bible is talking about in Hebrews chapter 4 verses 1 through to 11. And, you know, when it gets to verse 11, it says, let us labor therefore to enter into that rest which has not been attained yet. What rest are we talking about there? I want to believe strongly that it's not talking about, you know, a rest of sleep or inactivity. It's talking about laboring to enter a state in our life where we are not perturbed by anything again. You know, it gets to a point in your spiritual life that you have seen beyond the physical. And you have seen the root cause of every physical manifestation so that nothing moves you any longer. No anxiety, no worries, no pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre- You are not anxious about anything. It's not a problem for you to wait on God for any request or divine intervention because you have died with God. Let us labour therefore. In other words, let us make efforts. Let us struggle to enter into that rest. That is found to be contradictory. Having defined what rest in this case means, it is let us labour. However, it is not contradictory. What the Bible is saying is that let us make efforts. Let us deliberately make moves, fulfilling the requirements in order to enter the rest that God is talking about. That is a state of heart that you reach because of your consistent work with God. You know, you can be sure of rest as long as you live your life in the flesh, in the physical. Your thinking, your imagination, your actions, your thought line, everything is there. You know, many of us believers are so much disturbed and distracted that we live all our lives following the dictates of the flesh. And as long as we are subject to that earthly condition, the consequence is that we fall after the same example of unbelief that the patriarchs, the fathers in the wilderness experienced. And so we have in one day, it is let us labour therefore to enter into that rest. And that was that the patriarchs of Hood failed to enter that rest because they failed in the journey from the flesh to the spirit. Many believers keep merry-go-rounding in between, halfway. That was the reason why many of the fathers failed. They could not even enter the promised land, the land of Canaan. And God told them they will not see the land. They died there. Why? Because of unbelief. Unbelief is like a plague that clings on us because of the fall, the consequence of the fall. When a man lives perpetually according to the dictates of the flesh, he will for the rest of his life manifest and demonstrate unbelief. You see the Bible is warning us. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest. Enoch laboured and in the end he entered into the rest. That is not to suggest that the rest is in heaven. But it is talking about a position here on earth. That it is possible for you to enter into a state of rest in the Lord when you are not worried by anything, when you are not moved by anything physical, when you are not disturbed by whatsoever situations, challenges and all of that. You get to that point in your walk with the Lord that you can just rest in Him. And it has the symptoms of peace of mind. Just imagine Jesus, the tempest was blowing, the sea was so troublesome. What made the difference between Him and the disciples? He could sleep. That is rest. That is rest. And you see until we get to that point that we can sleep while the storm is raging, we have not entered this rest. And that is the target the Lord has for us. It is in that state of rest, in that realm whereby we enter this rest that the fulfilment of creation is not hope for us. And the Lord of God's treasure cannot be released to us till we reach that level. So you see, formerly spiritual death was the first that man encountered due to the fall. And that led to physical death. Now let us talk about the physical death. Man was created, of course we all know, according to the scripture, to live eternally. We are a never dying soul. The real Jew can never die. You know what we call death in human language is simply a transition from the physical to the spiritual realm. In other words, as creation, there was no death at all. Death is a spirit and it came into operation at the instance of sin. Before the fall there was no death. And that suggests that God did not intend death for man. Man was made originally to live perpetually with God. And everything that is required for man to be in perpetual relationship with God has been considered at creation. But you see, the thin line between death and life is obedience. It's obedience. Now if you look at the scenario of the fall quite well, Before the fall, number one, man was a spirit living in the body, carrying the nature of God, the nature of holiness. And so man was originally made to be subservient, to be obedient to God. And as long as man was obedient to God, he was carrying life in himself. The life of God was in him. Because the nature of God was in him. So you see, in actual fact, physical death is the transition between spiritual death and eternal death. In other words, there are three categories of death. Spiritual death, physical death and eternal death. Physical death is the transition between spiritual death and eternal death. At the fall, man died spiritually. But of course he could be recovered. And if not recovered, that spiritual death, which separates him from God, leads him to physical death, which all men inherit. A man could be recovered from his state of death spiritually until physical death occurs. The moment physical death occurs, there is no recovery again. There is no restoration again. Because it is appointed until man wants to die. After death, judgment. So if a sinner does not encounter Christ and is not restored, reunited back to God, till death, physical death ushers him into eternal death right away. So in other words, a man enters spiritual death by simple disobedience to the law of God. Don't eat the fruits. And for whatever reason, you collected the fruits from your wife and you hate it. The consequence is spiritual death. How? Through disobedience. He becomes separated from God. And that separation graduates as it takes him farther from God. Still, if he is not recovered through repentance, he exits into eternal death through physical death. But we pray God. Because that man can be recovered through repentance. That man can be restored back into the original fellowship with God. He can be restored as he turns to God. See, the science in it is this. Sin, which is disobedience, defies not only the spirit but the physical body. Now, look at this with me. When a man chooses to disobey God, just like, for instance, a moving vehicle, which operates based on principles of communication between the ignition and the rest parts of the vehicle, every cell in our body likewise, hears the message communicated through the disobedience of your spirit to the law of God. And when that happens, the cells respond by rejecting the life that is supplied by the rest of the nature. That's walking in contradiction to nature. Get it clear. What am I trying to say? You know, if you drive a car, to move the car, you start by putting the ignition key in the ignition. And once the ignition is on, every other part of that car receives communication. And then they respond, including tires, including brakes, and the vehicle begins to move. Meaning that there is a communication between the ignition and the rest of the vehicle in the same way. Man is wired to receive communication from a mind. Every cell, of course, scientists tell us there are billions of cells that make up human body. Every cell receives communication through our obedience or disobedience to the law of God. And instantly they respond. So, if the response is to your disobedience to the law of God, then every other thing begins to walk contrary to nature. Because God has made nature in such a way that the rest of creation, plants, even inanimate objects and the rest of them, they are wired by creation to respond to the cells in human body. And once there is a disconnect between the mind of man and God, through disobedience, there is a disconnect between man and the rest of creation. See, the reason why lion is a wild animal, why snake becomes the enemy of man, why land will not yield its strength, because they are supposed to serve their life to the fulfillment of man. When man fulfills God's purpose for him, the rest of creation cooperates by nature with him. But the moment there is a disconnect, the moment we lost fellowship with God, part of the consequences of the fall through our disobedience is that there is a disconnect between us and the rest of creation. Even right from the cells in our body. So you see, the cells respond by rejecting the life that is supplied by the rest of the nature. So, rather than all harbouring life, begin to conceive death, working in contradiction to nature. Consequently, the cells begin to reduce in volume and thus lose life. And that's the process of hedging. We hedge because nature begins to work against us because we have broken our relationship with God. Now conversely, if you call it rant, absolute obedience works out life. I mean, as creation, God programmed all of nature to work in the principle of obedience to him. When a man is committed to working in the path of obedience, he is on the path of life. Every cell in his body by default responds to the right message communicated through obedience by spirit to the law of God. Which also is in line with the principle by which the rest of creation operates. In other words, the cells continue to exist and replenish. And that is anti-aging. Simply because of obedience. That was Enoch's experience. I mean, just imagine how could a man, by discovering a work with God, and it was consistent in his, and he was having a perpetual fellowship with God, the Bible says, and God took him. And he went away. That means he didn't die physically. I mean, just come to think of it, we are talking about a man like you and me. We don't have to spiritualize this. That means it is possible for man in this age and time to experience the same thing that Enoch had. That is the point I am trying to drive home. That means it is possible for man in this dispensation to have a similar experience and work with God till God takes him. In other words, for a man to live in this dispensation and transcend from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. In other words, in this dispensation, it is possible, as a consequence of our work with God, that we begin to experience, not just supernatural, but to live in the supernatural. That we begin to experience the realm of the spirit towards the fulfillment of divine purpose for our lives. Now, if you understand quite well what Paul the Apostle by revelation will say in Romans chapter 8 verse 28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. This is one of the most wonderful passages of the scriptures I have ever read. And sometimes we interpret it of some realities that God intended for. We know that all things work together for good to them that love God. All things work together. In other words, God has put everything in nature in place to work for our good. Nature is built to serve humanity. Nature is built to assist in the fulfillment of divine purpose for us. Just come to think about it today. Virtually every other thing in nature is working against us. Now, if you understand God's divine purpose for creation, you will realize that, just come to think about it. How was Adam communicating, you know, calling each of the animals by name then and they were listening to him? That means, by creation, every animal was supposed to hear Adam quite well. The plants were to hear Adam when he spoke. The non-living things were to hear Adam and respond to him. But what do we have today? The opposite. What was lion as wild as it is today, then? All the wild animals, were they that wild? The enmity and the hostility in creation, in nature, was due to the fall. So, the original state in which human body was created and meant to be, before corruption, was to enjoy this cooperation. The submission of the rest of nature. And beside that, you see, at creation, the original state of human body shared in the glory of God. Now, that was the reason for obedience. I mean, to share in the nature of God, being created in the nature of God, means we share in the glory of God. But you see, that glory was lost to corruption by sin. And that's the glory that gets restored to our spirits when we come to Christ. Praise the Lord. However, the flesh remains in its corrupted form until transfiguration. Either at rapture or at resurrection. And that's why, you see, when somebody gives his life to Christ, we spiritualize so much of, you know, the mysteries of the kingdom. We feel where is your spirit that is born again, the body, the flesh is not born again. The body is not meant to partake of God's glory and all of that. That was a step. You see, in the process of restoration, you are expected to continue in your work with God. And as your spirit, Suma, that is now regenerated, gets stronger in fellowship with God, you know, through the life of holiness. You know, it is that life of holiness and righteousness that emits as light, releasing the glory of God that, you know, forms like a kind of cloud around you. You know, which is visible in the spirit realm. So that when you grow and mature and you get transfigured physically, you know, you put on the glory of God. That was the experience Christ demonstrated during the transfiguration on earth as a man. And that was the experience of Moses on the mountain. Now, coming back, people could not look on his face. And that is the experience we are all going to have at resurrection. In other words, this physical body will change. Because of the realm in which the spirit man is now living. So, what Saint does in corruption is to alter the DNA of God in man. What made the physical body in its original nature to uphold the glory of God became, you know, distorted. That is the DNA of man got distorted, got corrupted, was altered due to sin. And the effect of that lack in the physical body, that is the reason why flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. In 1 Corinthians 15, verses 35 to 46, but some man may say, How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die. And that which thou sowest not, that body shall be. But they agree, excuse me, let me go right again. But some man may say, How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die. And that which thou sowest not, that body shall be. But they agree, it may chance of wheat or some other grain. But God giveth it a body as it pleased him, and to every seed his own body. That's talking about transfiguration there, that's talking about the change that this physical body is going to experience. You know, because already the corruption that we experienced in our physical body, deprived us of the glory that this body was by creation supposed to bear. The reason why we cannot see God. So if there is a way for the restoration of this lost DNA to the physical body, it means this physical body can see God. It was the distortion or change in the DNA that makes our natural body susceptible to allurement to sin. That's why you find believers, you know, who have experienced God live up and down kind of life. It's because his spirit has experienced God but his body is susceptible to sin because of the distortion in his DNA. That's the reason for the struggle between the spirit and the flesh when it comes to the subject of obedience to God. So you see, at fault, the lost glory of God consisted in part of his wealth of wisdom, in part of knowledge of the divine and his authority. These are the things that made us to be small gods as God intended us to be at creation. That lost glory comprises of the wisdom of God, the wealth of wisdom of God which is shared with us, the knowledge of the divine and his authority. And those are the things that God intends to share with humans in the original creation, in order for him to represent God in the control of the planet Earth. That's what is summed up in the dominion that he gave to us. That dominion is demonstrated in the wealth of wisdom that he already shared with us by creation, in the knowledge of the divine and the authority that he shared with us, for us to be his representatives, to have dominion here. And when we committed sin, we lost it. But when Christ came, his intention is to restore back to us. Whereas when man fell, he lost all of them. Now for us to regain it in Christ, it means we will have to gain it back through regaining God's glory. And this is what it means when Moses asked God in Exodus chapter 3 verse 18, he says, Please show me your glory. The glory of God impacts the wealth of God's wisdom, the knowledge of the divine and the authority of God. Through his glory we are able to share in all of this with God and mark my words, we cannot reach the peak of our spiritual maturity until we have attained this. Until this is restored back to us. And that's the purpose of God for us. And of course there is so much that is reserved for this generation, especially the last generation, we upon whom the hands of the world have come, that we cannot maximize, that we cannot tap into, that we cannot get fulfilled in until we have the glory of God restored upon us. And this restoration is what Christ has done for us through his Spirit, which he puts in us. When we allow his Spirit to feed our souls, the flesh is bypassed as we yield to the Spirit. It does not give us life. That's why Apostle Paul says in Galatians chapter 5 verse 16, This I say then, walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. When we walk perpetually in the Spirit, and consistently, we are on our way to restoration of the wealth of wisdom that God originally created us to share within. We are on our way to tap into the knowledge of the Divine, which is the characteristic of the Spirit's way, and his authority, which is the attribute of God, the nature of God. I say these three items are necessary for the end time harvesters. When we are able to possess all these, which is God's glory shared with us, then we are ready, we are fit to enter into the realm of the supernatural. We are ready to begin to unravel the mysteries of God that he has reserved for this end time in our church. We are ready to peep into the realm of the Spirit. Then we are ready to begin to have physical interaction with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are ready to begin to have physical interaction with angels of God as the pictures experience it in their time. Then we are ready to begin to experience angelic visitation, and interaction with the saints of old that have gone. We are ready to have restored back to us the nature of the Spirit, to operate in the realm of the Spirit those still physically present, that we can see Christ physically. We can see God physically. We can see angels of God sent on errands to us. We can have interaction with clouds of witnesses, which comprises of the patriarchs that have gone, the apostles that have gone, who are willing and are getting set to assist the saints of this generation, the church that is fighting this last battle. And the Lord is looking for people who will be ready to key into this at this time, because the time is short. God is looking for young ministers of this generation. God is looking for believers who are ready to pay the price, to transcend from the realm of the physical to the spiritual, by perpetuating their obedience to God in the life of holiness, and righteousness, and purity of heart. We will strategically position you into the restoration of the glory of God. Will you be ready for that? And should the Lord be looking for such people today, will you say, Here I am, send me. Will you be ready to pay whatever the price that will be required? The Lord is looking out there. He is willing. He wants to restore back to all His glory. Moses reached out to God. He said, Show me your glory. And when the Lord looked on him, he was qualified and the Lord showed him His glory. He didn't remain the same. God is looking out for men today. He can entrust the mysteries He has locked hope, He has reserved for this end time into their hands. God is looking out for young believers, people He can entrust the weight of His wisdom required for this final harvest into their hands. People He can entrust the knowledge of the divine. People He can entrust the mysteries of the kingdom for this end time harvest into their hands. People He can safely entrust His authority required to fight this final battle into their hands. But such people must be ready to position themselves like Enoch of Hood. Because Enoch walked with God and He was known. Such people must be ready to walk away from the realm of death to the realm of acquiring life through their perpetual obedience to God. A consistent holy walk with God. Can the Lord count on you? May the Lord find you faithful in doing that in Jesus name. I wish you could just pray. And ask Him for grace to walk with Him. To walk with Him in obedience, in righteousness, in purity of heart. Then He can count you among the faithful few that He has reserved the mysteries of this end time for. Bless you.

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