This audio track, titled "Unzipping and Zipping Files", delves into the process of managing files with a particular emphasis on the actions of unzipping and zipping files. Drawing parallels from everyday actions, the content likens the process of opening and securing files to the act of unzipping and zipping a coat or jacket. The audio begins by creating a mental picture of a case, presumably a computer folder, filled with files. These files are in a zipped or compressed format, similar to how a jacket is zipped up to protect and contain whatever is within. The track then goes on to explain the action of unzipping, painting a vivid picture of a zipper being slid open, much like when a computer file is unzipped. This action unveils the contents hidden within the zipped file, just as unzipping a coat would expose the clothes worn underneath. Towards the end, the process of zipping is explored. This is likened