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cover of Thunk Sound of a Falling Object
Thunk Sound of a Falling Object

Thunk Sound of a Falling Object


The audio begins with a suspenseful silence, which is abruptly interrupted by the resounding impact of a sizeable object falling. It resonates with an unmistakable 'thunk' sound - a deep, blunt noise echoing through the surrounding area. The sudden drop of the object is evident, creating a strong, resonant thud that vibrates subtly, giving the impression of a heavy mass landing on a solid surface. The resonating thump, heavy and profound, leaves an echo that lingers for a moment before gradually fading into the background, leaving a sense of impactful fall behind. The sound is very clear, almost tangible, encapsulating the physics of a falling object perfectly. The audio ends, leaving the listener with an aural image of a hefty object's impact after a significant drop.

Sound Effectsimpactthunkdropthudthump

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