The audio begins with the familiar, upbeat tune from the world-renowned video game, Mario Kart, creating a nostalgic atmosphere for the listeners. The sound of a game starting follows, the iconic "3, 2, 1, Go!" in the background signifying the start of the race. Following this, the distinctive, somewhat comical voice of Luigi, the beloved character from the Super Mario series, rings out. Luigi's voice is filled with enthusiasm, accompanied by the revving of a kart engine. Sounds of a gaming console button being mashed and a kart speeding off serve as a vivid reminder of the high-speed, thrilling races that Mario Kart offers. This is followed by Luigi's triumphant, slightly mischievous laughter as he takes the lead in the race, embodying his competitive nature. The audio is peppered with the familiar beeps and bloops of item boxes being hit and power-ups being used, adding to the authentic Nintendo gaming experience. As the audio progresses, Luigi