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cover of Tension in Cardboard 01
Tension in Cardboard 01

Tension in Cardboard 01


This audio piece, titled "Tension in Cardboard 01," immerses listeners within an atmosphere of suspense. The audio recording, captured directly from a field environment, fosters a sense of unease and unpredictability. As you listen, you're immediately drawn into the sound of cardboard being manipulated. The noise of bending, folding, and tearing cardboard fills the air, creating an intense sensory experience that echoes the title's promise of tension. Each sound is raw and real, contributing to the atmosphere of anticipation and suspense. The manipulation of the cardboard seems to tell a story, building tension with each twist and tear. The ambient noise in the background further enhances this immersive experience, adding a layer of complexity to the audio. The combined result is a unique field recording that effectively communicates a sense of tension and suspense through the simple, everyday material of cardboard.

Sound Effectstensioncardboardfield-recording

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