In the immersive audio titled "Street under Wind and Rain", the bustling life of a city is vividly portrayed. The scene is set in an urban landscape, where the familiar hum of a city resonates. Amidst the city's noise, the field-recording quality of the audio picks up on the natural elements present in this setting. The audio starts with the gentle rustling of wind, a soft whisper that gradually grows in intensity, encapsulating the unpredictability of nature. The wind, however, is not alone. It is accompanied by the rhythmic patter of rain, falling steadily onto the concrete of the busy city streets. As the rain falls, the splashing sounds of water hitting the hard surface create a soothing, rhythmic pattern that intertwines with the whistling wind. The two elements of nature, wind and rain, combine to create a unique symphony, adding a new layer of complexity to the urban soundscape. Intermingled with the sounds of wind