The audio sequence titled "Starship Rat's Dream" from April 11, 2020, begins with a soft, surreal hum, indicative of the dream state. This is quickly followed by a series of gently cascading electronic notes, creating an ethereal atmosphere. The audio then transitions into a series of sound effects, reminiscent of a starship's interstellar journey. These include the pulsating thrum of a spacecraft's engine, the soft ping of radar, and the occasional chirp of automated systems. There's a subtle shift in the background, like the echoing whisper of distant stars. Midway through, the dream-like quality of the audio becomes more pronounced. The starship sounds are overlaid with softer, mystic notes, creating a sense of wonder and exploration. It's as if the starship - or perhaps the rat aboard - is traversing not just physical space, but also the boundless expanse of a dream. The sequence concludes with a slow fade-out