As the audio titled "Resonance of Tuba 2" begins, the deep, rich sound of a tuba fills the air. The notes are played with a rhythm that echoes and reverberates, creating a sense of delay that adds a layered depth to the music. The tuba's powerful resonance is transformative, shifting the atmosphere and mood. It feels as though the sound is wrapping around you, taking you on a musical journey. The transformation is not just felt, but heard as well. The tuba's notes change in pitch and tone, morphing into different forms and shapes that surprise and delight the listener. It's as if the instrument itself is alive, breathing and changing under the skilled hands of the musician. The audio continues, with the tuba's resonating tones playing with the concept of delay. Notes are held longer, creating a suspenseful pause before the next note is played. The effect is mesmerising, drawing the listener deeper into the world of the tub