The audio piece titled "Inhaler Use" begins with the soft clicking sound of an inhaler, probably a Ventoline, being pressed. This is followed by the faint hissing noise of the inhaler puff being released, its medicinal mist filling the air. Then we plunge into an extraordinary soundscape, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. The sound of the inhaler puff morphs, as if by some unseen magical force, into a grand puff of smoke. It's as though we've suddenly stepped into an illusionist's act, with the inhaler acting as a magic pipe. The smoke, emitted from the inhaler, seems to swirl and twist in the air, creating an immersive, smoky soundscape, similar to the effect a magician might create with a puff of smoke to make something disappear. As the smoke disperses, there is a moment of suspense, a breathless pause as if waiting for a disappearing act to occur. Then, just as suddenly