In the audio titled "Horned African Beast," one can sense a thrilling and adventurous atmosphere typically associated with PC games. The audio begins with an intriguing notification sound that grabs the listener's attention instantly. This is followed by the distinct sound of a clicking mouse, suggesting an action taken on a menu, possibly within a game interface. The primary focus of the audio, however, is the sound effect representing the 'Horned African Beast'. It is a deep resonating roar that echoes through the audio, creating an image of a powerful and majestic creature native to the African wilderness. This roar is possibly an in-game sound effect, likely indicating an encounter with the beast or a significant event related to it. Finally, the audio concludes with the click of a button, suggesting the end of a menu interaction or signifying a transition into another phase of the game. The audio effectively combines elements of PC gaming with the theme of African wildlife, crea