As the audio titled "Flaxseed Part 2" begins, a rhythmic shaking sound takes center stage, reminiscent of the rustling of flaxseeds in a shaker. The tempo is steady, resonating with the pattern of 16th notes, creating an evocative loop that repeats throughout the audio. The sound of flaxseeds dancing inside the shaker adds a unique texture to the composition, merging the natural with the musical. The audio then takes a percussive turn, transforming the gentle shaking into a more pronounced beat. The flaxseeds' delicate rustle becomes a compelling drum-like rhythm, evoking images of traditional percussion instruments. Despite the change in intensity, the loop maintains its original tempo, creating a sense of continuity and balance. As the audio progresses, the interplay of the shaker and percussive elements creates an intriguing soundscape, weaving a rhythmic tapestry that captivates the listener's attention. The flaxse