"Welcome to 'Electronic Minute Episode 54', an intriguing exploration into the depths of electronic music and sound manipulation. As the episode unfolds, the spotlight shines on the Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress, a renowned flange and chorus pedal that has left its mark on the music industry. The episode goes into depth about the distinctive 'FX' or effects features of this device, elaborating on its unique capabilities to add texture and depth to music. A key highlight of the episode is the discussion on 'flange', a term referring to an audio effect produced by mixing two identical signals with one slightly delayed. This creates a sweeping comb filter effect, a unique characteristic that the Electric Mistress is celebrated for. The episode provides a detailed demonstration of this, allowing listeners to experience the mesmerizing shifts in sound pitch and intensity. The episode also delves into the concept of 'self-oscillation', a distinctive feature of the Electric Mistress. T