In this immersive audio experience titled "Door Knob", we are introduced to the familiar yet often overlooked object - a door handle. The audio begins with the distinct sound of a hand reaching out, making contact with a cold metal surface. It's a door handle, unmistakably crafted from metal. The sound is crisp, and it resonates in a binaural pattern, almost as if you are there, touching the handle yourself. As the audio progresses, you hear the creak of the handle being turned, a sound we've all heard countless times in our own homes. The metallic echo reverberates around the room, creating a sense of space and dimension. The sound of the door handle being released follows, it's a softer sound compared to the turn, a gentle thud as the metal returns to its resting position. The balance between silence and noise, the rhythm of interaction with the door handle - all these elements come together to create an audio portrait of an everyday experience, making