This audio track, titled "Distortion_078377," begins with a low, muffled rumble, creating an immediate sense of tension. The sound gradually escalates, distorting and warping as it grows louder. This transformation is the audio equivalent of a visual blur, creating an eerie, unsettling atmosphere. Suddenly, the track introduces a series of sound effects, commonly known as SFX in the audio industry. These effects include a series of rapid, metallic clangs, like the sound of a hammer striking an anvil. Their echo resonates against the distorted background, providing contrast and enhancing the track's overall disquieting mood. Then, there's the implementation of Foley, the reproduction of everyday sound effects. These include the creaking of an old wooden door, the shattering of glass, and the crunching of gravel underfoot. These familiar sounds, twisted and manipulated, add an additional layer of realism and complexity to the track. Overall, "Distortion