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cover of "Corner of the Outside Concrete Area - Audio Clip 080018"
"Corner of the Outside Concrete Area - Audio Clip 080018"

"Corner of the Outside Concrete Area - Audio Clip 080018"


This audio clip, titled "Corner of the Outside Concrete Area - Audio Clip 080018," immerses you in an outdoor atmosphere, specifically at the corner of a concrete area. The distinct echoing sound of footsteps on solid concrete is evident, giving the impression of someone walking or pacing. You can also hear the ambient noises typical of an outside environment, like distant traffic, birds chirping, and a gentle breeze rustling the nearby trees. There's a sense of solitude that comes with the lack of human voices, suggesting an abandoned or secluded locale. The audio paints a vivid image of a stark, concrete corner in a broad outdoor setting.

Sound Effectsconcretecorneroutside

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