In a serene, quaint town is where our audio journey begins, titled "Avian Species". The sounds of nature are vibrant and alive, echoing with a rich tapestry of bird songs. The field recording captures the authenticity of the environment, immersing the listener into a world inhabited by a plethora of bird species. The star players of this audio symphony are the Golondrina, the Mirlo, and the Sparrow, each contributing their unique melodies to the overall soundscape. The Golondrina, known for its swift and agile flight, sings its delicate song in the background. In contrast, the Mirlo's enchanting and rhythmic notes add depth to the audio, giving it a robust, earthy tone. The Sparrow, or Gorrion, is the high-frequency vocalist among the trio. Its chirps and trills punctuate the soundscape, creating a sense of harmony and balance. It's as if each bird is playing its part in a well