The audio titled "Accessing Butane" begins with a distinct sound of a cylinder being opened, releasing a rush of gas. This creates an unusual percussive effect, almost like a rhythm being played out. The gas release from the cylinder is carefully controlled, creating a series of harmonics that resonate through the air. Following the initial rush, a drumstick is introduced, adding a unique layer to the audio texture. The drumstick rhythmically taps against the side of the cylinder, creating a metallic timbre that joins the harmonics and resonances already in play. Moving towards the end of the audio, there is a noticeable deceleration. The gas release slows, the harmonics begin to fade, and the drumstick taps become less frequent. The audio concludes with the final percussive tap of the drumstick against the cylinder, leaving a lingering resonance in its wake. The overall experience paints an auditory picture of the process of accessing butane in a unique and musical way